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Definition Of Success

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Success. It's something everyone seems to want and many strive for. It causes many people to revolve their lives around it, striving and scrambling to get there. But what is it really? Many may wonder “Is it a point in life? A destination? A mindset? How do you get there?”. Truthfully, success looks different for different people but typically, success is about achieving something you want to achieve. To me, success is setting a goal, following it, and having positive growth occur. Success is about setting goals and following them, and having the right mindset to get to there through the journey; which is what really matters. We all have goals. Whether we know it or not, we have all wanted something that we wanted to achieve, whether it was …show more content…
It may sound cheesy but I'm going to say it anyways. You gotta believe in yourself! Cheesy, but very true. For example, If someone wanted to be a dancer but didn't believe they could actually dance, it would be extremely hard to become a good dancer if they truly believed they couldn't. However if they did believe that they could be a good dancer, then they would be more confident, focused and not hold back as much and could become an great dancer. Same goes for pretty much anything else. Sometimes though, beliefs can be pretty hard to change, so sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it as they say. If you tell yourself you can and act like it, then overtime you will eventually believe it. There is a quote by Norman Vincent Peale that says “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”( My mom chose to hang this quote up in our hallway where we could see it everyday and for a good reason; because it is so true. If you are always thinking how horrible everything is, then your world will probably be pretty horrible. If you change it around though, obviously your world could have the potential to be pretty …show more content…
Success won't really be success if it didn't mean anything to you. You won't really be happy, which is a big part of success. One of the end points of success is when you have achieved something or grown in something that you wanted to achieve and feel happy and satisfied about it. Nobody else but you can really decide what your success is. It's perfectly ok to get help or take others advice especially when you don't really know what you want, but when you do find what you do want and go after it, that is real success. Another huge thing about actually wanting it is that if you don't really want it, then your motivation won't be very high which makes it a lot less likely that you will even succeed in this. But if it's something you really do want, then your motivation will be a lot higher which gives you a huge benefit in accomplishing your goal. A quote from Amos Bronson Alcott concludes that “Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats.” ( This shows that how success can pay off and how much “sweeter” it can be when you work hard for something you want. Les Brown also gives some brilliant words of advice suggesting to “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars”( So if you go for your best dreams, even if you don't end up quite where you planned, you are very likely to still end up somewhere

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