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Definition Of Success Essay

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In this modern world, everyone wants to be successful. From the poor to the rich, everyone seeks success in the name of improving their lives and those of the ones they love. Despite the constant chasing everyone does for success, it is quite hard for people to clearly define and measure “success”. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary alone states three different definitions for the word, the first is “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect and fame”, the second is “the correct or desired result of an attempt”, and the third definition being “someone or something that is successful: a person or thing that succeeds”. From this, we can garner the information that success is indeed difficult to precisely measure and put into simple terms. However, I personally think that success can generally be measured by your financial wealth. …show more content…
To most people, it is an achievement to possess expensive items, especially in this mundane materialistic world of ours where the people in power are rarely the ones who should be, but instead the one with the biggest bank accounts. There are some who may argue that money cannot buy skill or strength, but this is not the actual case. People who have money can pay for lessons to increase their proficiency in a subject, and physical strength and good physique can be achieved easier by people who possess enough money to hire top personal trainers and buy dietary supplements. Simply put, while money may seem like simple pieces of paper and metal, the power with which they hold sway over our lives is so powerful, a man with enough money and willpower can achieve any worldly desires they want. As such, it is clear that this power could be called a “success” in its own

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