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Composition 2 Class Assignment

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College is a place where you're bound to meet new people. Everywhere around you, there will be new faces and maybe some familiar ones. In Composition 2 class, our teacher assigned us groups and we are supposed to write about them, their hobbies, accomplishments, and future goals. The three members in the group are Shandi Trent, Joliene Rousu, and Jennifer Conrad.
Firstly, the first person in this essay that was interviewed is Shandi Trent, which is a very interesting person. Shandi is a young woman with a passion in everything that she does. Her hobbies are pretty simple. Not many people like to read but loves to read. Her favorite genre of reading is Fiction Fantasy, but anything interesting is readable to her. She also loves dealing with her kids, obviously in a …show more content…
She has two boys; James, he is 6 years old, and Paul, he is 5 years old. Throughout her life she has had many ambitions and accomplishments . One of her recent accomplishments that she has done, is attend college. She has had a hard life, for personal reasons I did not ask why, but she ended up changing her life around and now she is enrolled in college. College is an important step towards being successful. Transportation is a key part in life nowadays. You need a way to go to and from work, home, and school. She has recently bought herself and Toyota Rav4 at age 25 and is very happy about it. Like everyone in life she has goals that she wants to meet in the future. One of her short term goals, like everyone in this class I'm sure, is to graduate college. The thing about it is though she is currently trying to be a Paralegal, but she's not going

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