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Drop In Center Reflection

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• My Experience at the Drop-in Center thought me that only classroom knowledge does not prepare me for the emotional highs and lows of working with people within this system. I have seen people go from barely surviving to thriving, and from crippling self-deprecation to self-confidence. I have seen some people lost within the system, falling through the cracks because either they don’t have the resources to obtain the treatment they need or they have no knowledge of those resources. As a social worker, I have learned that communication skills are the ability to facilitate cooperation among individuals, groups, and agencies. Additionally, time management is very important not only in cases of being time-sensitive and a client may miss advantages, …show more content…
In that way, I build the trust between my client and myself. Additionally, I would like to see my client have hope and have the motivation to live and love. During the last two weeks, I expanded my communication skills by working face to face with the client, communicating with other agencies regarding my clients’ need quickly, and seeking guidance from my manager regarding my client’s ID request. I met the client at the Drop-in Center on Tuesday, April 3rd while I was assisting front desk. I told him “May I help you? Do you need something?” He told me that he already talked to one of the personnel, but he was going to make sure he gets assistance to apply for replacing his Social Security ID card. I ensured him that I will follow up with his request ASAP. Immediately, I set the goals to process the task. I reviewed his file and talked to the team to clarify some question I had, then I attained my supervisor’s permission to follow up his request. And I researched online, obtained adequate information, and prepared the file for him. Knowing how to find resources and communicate with the right agency is highly

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