...Generalized Anxiety Disorder What is the difference between fear and anxiety? Fear is when someone seems to face a serious threat to his or her well-being, the person may react in immediate state of alarm. With fear, the cause of the state of alarm is usually known or thought to be known. However, anxiety is “vague sense of being in danger” that cannot always be pin pointed to a definite cause (Comer, 2014). Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorder in the United States. Between 15 - 19% of the population suffers from this disorder, which impairs the quality of life and functioning (NIMH, 2016). Sigma Counseling Services describes on their website that anxiety as “an adaptive emotion that helps us plan and prepare for a possible theat,” and also that, “worrying about many different aspects of life becomes chronic, excessive, and unreasonable.” This is also known as generalized anxiety disorder or GAD (Sigma Counseling, 2015). DSM 5 specifies that GAD is a worry that occurs more days then not for at least 6 months, and that it must be experienced as difficult to control (APA, 2013). 25% of those that suffer from this disease are treated, leaving a large group in the population with anxiety without treatment. Although there is a high correlation of those with anxiety that use health facilities to treat the additional symptoms that anxiety causes (NIMH, 2016). The subjective worrying, that is the foundation for anxiety, must also be accompanied by three...
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...Depression and Anxiety: Two Prevalent Disorders Steve Davis PSY/203 06/15/2015 Belky Schwartz Depression and Anxiety: Two Prevalent Disorders Of the major categories of mental illness, mood disorders and anxiety disorders seem to be the most prevalent. Mental illnesses, like physical illnesses come in a wide range of severity. Millions of Americans suffer from mental disorders in any given year, however, very few actually seek treatment. The statistic most often quoted states that one in four adults will experience a mental disorder at some point in their lives. Stigma associated with mental disorders is still the leading reason people do not seek or retain treatment. Mental disorders are quite common, they are real and they are treatable. Out of the five major categories of mental illnesses, mood disorders and anxiety disorders are the most common. Of these two categories, I will cover Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), also called Clinical Depression, which is a mood disorder. And from the Anxiety Disorder category, I will cover Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER (MDD) Depression is a normal human condition to an extent, but when do normal feelings of sadness, grief, or feeling “down in the dumps” become an illness? According to the Encyclopedia of Counseling, (Leong, 2008), there are two primary diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD). These two diagnostic criteria are depressed mood and a loss of interest...
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...Psychiatric Disorders, Diseases and Drugs PSY 240 Psychiatric Disorders, Diseases and Drugs There are a multitude of different psychiatric disorders and diseases that affect millions of people every year. These disorders and diseases interfere with the person sufferings everyday lives, emotions, productivity, physical well being and personal relationships. We will discuss theories associated with disorders and diseases such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorder, mania, and tourettes syndrome. We will also discuss the drugs that can remedy these disorders and diseases or lessen the symptoms of them so people can live their daily lives as well as looking at the negative sides of these drugs. Schizophrenia is a very damaging mental disorder. Anyone that has this disorder can lose all sense of reality and can cause delusions, hallucinations and possible chances of extreme paranoia. The ages of those with the first signs of schizophrenia does range. According to (NIMH Schizophrenia, n.d.) males in their late teens, early twenties and women in their twenties to early thirties are the average age range of sufferers. A person suffering from schizophrenia normally makes some recovery, but will likely deal with some of the symptoms of this disorder for the rest of their lives. Many people with schizophrenia become quite suspicious of others and summon a story in their minds of paranoia, like others are out to get them. This type of behavior of paranoid schizophrenia can...
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...personality. 5. The worrying is now affecting his health in negative ways. B. I have a positive outlook for Donald’s treatment. Even though the anxiety has been affecting him for years, he has been dealing with it on his own. Without medication or counseling, so treatment should not be outrageous, or debilitating. II. Diagnostic Impressions A. Donald’s disorder would be categorized under anxiety disorders. I believe he has generalized anxiety disorder. I give this diagnosis because, the anxiety has been lasting over 6 months, he does not have control over the anxiety, and he is anxious or worried all of, or most of the time. These are all classic symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. For the diagnosis, I considered depressive disorder. Even though the symptoms are similar, they are not the same. He does have recurrent thoughts of death, but they are for other people not him, he does not think about dying, he worries about things happening to his loved ones. Also he may be unable to perform his duties at work as assigned, but he does manage to get up and go to work, and has been able to keep his job year, after year. His depression is due to the fact, he worries all of the time. B. At this time, from the information I was provided, I think that the only diagnosis in this case is the generalized anxiety disorder. No duel diagnosis is necessary. III. Treatment Recommendations 1. Cognitive behavioral therapy with a psychotherapist to discuss options, and...
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...individual and not just the absence of disease (NIMH, 2004). From the definition that has been given, it is clear that, there is more to health than the physical attributes. Mental health is important just like physical health because no individual is considered healthy if their mental health is deranged even if they are normal physically. The mental aspect of an individual coordinates other body systems, and for this reason, every human being needs to be mentally fit. Mental illnesses have been around for centuries, and they continue affecting every citizen in Canada, just like in various parts of the world. There is growing interest by researchers on issues of mental health and how these have impacted on society. As it is an important health topic, researchers have done extensive research and now, there is diverse knowledge on health illnesses in Canada. This paper analyzes mental illnesses in the Canada by dwelling on the history of mental illnesses, statistics of mental illnesses and impact of mental illnesses on Canadian population and government as a whole in terms of managing the condition. Statistics Mental disorders are common conditions internationally, and this is the same in Canada. Estimates reveal that 26.2 million Canadians over 18 years suffer from Schizophrenia mental illnesses. In any particular year, 1 in 4 adults are diagnosed with a Schizophrenia mental condition. The problem is so major that currently, mental disorders are a top disability cause in Canada for...
Words: 1964 - Pages: 8
...but mental health issues can happen to anyone at anytime. In this paper, I explain that being mentally health is being in a state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Small changes to this balance such as life experiences or biological factors can affect a person’s mental health. The major categories for mental health disorders and how they are categorized are as follows: * Anxiety- too much inner turmoil * Mood- major fluctuations in emotion * Psychotic- major disruptions in brain functions * Dementia- major disturbance to consciousness * Eating- unusual eating behaviors The best way to deal with these mental health issues is to talk to others about it. That is why it is so important for everyone to know about mental health so that they can be comfortable talking about it. Table of Contents Executive Summary Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.1 Purpose 2.2 Scope 2.0 Overview of What is Mental Health 3.3 What is Mental Health? 3.4 Causes 2.2.1 Life Experiences 2.2.2 Biological Factors 3.5 Warning Signs 3.0 The Major Types of Mental Disorders 4.6 Anxiety 4.7 Mood 4.8 Psychotic 4.9 Dementia 4.10 Eating 4.0 Dealing With Mental Health Issues 5.11 Helping Yourself 5.12 Helping Others 5.0 Conclusion List of...
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...Binge-Eating Disorder Eating disorders have been around for years. A person with an eating disorder is so preoccupied with weight and food that he or she can barely focus on anything else. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2007), the two most common disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Each is a mental disorder and has its own category. A person with anorexia nervosa is obsessed with being thin and food, at times to the point of self-starvation. A person with bulimia nervosa usually consumes large amounts of food in a short amount of time and then tries to get rid of the extra calories by throwing up or excessive exercise (Mayo Clinic, 2010). But, over the past several years a new front-runner has emerged: binge-eating disorder. Binge-eating disorder is similar to bulimia nervosa in that it is a mental disorder; however, the signs, symptoms, and treatment are more complex. Binge-eating disorder is when a person consumes abnormally large amounts of food at least two or more times a week. A person with the disorder often feels a loss of control over his or her eating. It differs from bulimia because there is no purging or excessive exercise afterward. Of all eating disorders, binge-eating disorder is the most prevalent. It is commonly seen in people over the age of 35 and is seen in men almost as often as women (Videbeck, 2011). In addition to binge-eating disorder, it is not uncommon for people to suffer higher rates of other...
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...September 11, 2015 Question no. 1 1. Visual/Spatial - Involves visual perception of the environment, the ability to create and manipulate mental images, and the orientation of the body in space. 2. Verbal/Linguistic - Involves reading, writing, speaking, and conversing in one's own or foreign languages. 3. Logical/Mathematical - Involves number and computing skills, recognizing patterns and relationships, timeliness and order, and the ability to solve different kinds of problems through logic. 4. Bodily/Kinesthetic - Involves physical coordination and dexterity, using fine and gross motor skills, and expressing oneself or learning through physical activities. 5. Musical - Involves understanding and expressing oneself through music and rhythmic movements or dance, or composing, playing, or conducting music. 6. Interpersonal - Involves understanding how to communicate with and understand other people and how to work collaboratively. 7. Intrapersonal - Involves understanding one's inner world of emotions and thoughts, and growing in the ability to control them and work with them consciously. 8. Naturalist - Involves understanding the natural world of plants and animals, noticing their characteristics, and categorizing them; it generally involves keen observation and the ability to classify other things as well. http://www.cse.emory.edu/sciencenet/mismeasure/genius/research02.html Question no.2 Self-Assessment: This can be defined as having the...
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...1-281 General Psychiatry Learning Objectives: 1. Describe pharmacotherapeutic options for managing the following psychiatric problems: depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, insomnia, and alcohol withdrawal. Describe the drugs used to treat the above disorders in terms of unique pharmacological properties, therapeutic uses, adverse effects, and cognitive and behavioral effects. Formulate a pharmacotherapeutic treatment plan when presented with a patient having depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, an anxiety disorder, or insomnia. Discuss the treatment of substance abuse using alcohol abuse as a model. 4. 2. C. Theophylline. D. Pseudoephedrine. Which one of the following antidepressants would be least likely to cause drug-disease or drug-drug interactions for T.N.? A. Venlafaxine. B. Fluvoxamine. C. Phenelzine. D. Fluoxetine. Which one of the following periods represents the continuation therapy phase for T.N.’s depression? A. 6–12 weeks. B. 12–16 weeks. C. 6–12 months. D. 2−3 years. T.N. will be seen initially at monthly intervals to assess antidepressant therapy. Which one of the following instruments is a patient-completed measure of depressive symptoms that could be used to assess his response? A. Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. B. Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale. C. Beck Depression Inventory. D. Clinical Global Improvement Scale. Which one of the following conditions would lead to an increase in the lithium serum concentration...
Words: 21139 - Pages: 85
...Stress (biology) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about biological stress. For stress in physics and mechanics, see Stress (mechanics). |[pic] |This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. See the talk page for details. | | |The following WikiProjects or Portals may be able to help recruit one: | | |• WikiProject Biology· Biology Portal • WikiProject Medicine· Medicine Portal •WikiProject | | |Neuroscience· Neuroscience Portal | | |If another appropriate WikiProject or portal exists, please adjust this template accordingly. | Stress is defined as an organism's total response to an environmental condition or stimulus, also known as a stressor. Stress typically describes a negative condition that can have an impact on an organism's mental and physical well-being. |Contents | | [hide] | |1 Ambiguity of the word | |1.1 Biological background | |2 Neuroanatomy | |2.1 Brain ...
Words: 8864 - Pages: 36
...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper analyzes the cost/benefit of long-term care of Soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and the constraints the Department of Veterans Affairs faces in trying to meet the needs of these Soldiers. This paper uses data collected from government sources like the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Veterans Benefit Administration. The conclusions of the analysis are that: (a) The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is already overwhelmed by the number of patients it currently sees and the addition of these new Veteran’s seeking care will put a severe strain on the resources that are currently available; (b) The Veterans Benefit Association (VBA) is in need of restructuring to be able to handle the influx on claims it is currently experiencing. As it stands now the current wait time is up to 90 days before a Veteran will receive their disability rating and that time can increase with these additional claims; and (c) Providing medical care and disability compensation benefits to the Soldiers returning from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan can cost anywhere from $400 - $900 billion depending on the type of care required, how quickly they file their claims, and the growth rate of those benefits. The recommendations that need to be considered include: increasing the staff as well as the budget for Veterans Medical Centers especially those that specialize in mental health treatment; restructure the claims process and increase...
Words: 5865 - Pages: 24
...716 Index major depressive disorder, brain imaging studies, 70–71 malignant catatonia, 333 malingering, 530–531 ‘manic depressive insanity’, 45 manic states, 250, 253 abnormal beliefs and perceptions, 254 amphetamines and, 266 course and outcome, 274 delusional, 16 in HIV patients, 345 in ICD-10, 42 in old age aetiology, 369 clinical features, 370 treatment, 370 in old age, 369–370 mixed state with depression, 255 sensations in, 6 stroke and, 344 stupor in, 31 manic states, 15–17 Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome, 206, 338 Marijuana Anonymous, 239 marital status, and suicide, 454 masculinity drunkenness and, 428 sense of, 395 Massachusetts Male Aging Study, 402 Massachusetts Women’s Health Study (MWHS), 442 masturbation, 396 McNaughton Rules, 558 McNaughton, Daniel, 558 m-CPP 435 , MDMA (3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; ‘ecstasy’), 328 medial temporal lobe volume in Alzheimer’s disease, 359 MRI for detecting, 75 medical conditions anxiety disorders in, 170 depression treatment, 521 detection of psychiatric illness, 483 feigned illness, 530–531 mental disorders due to, 327 anxiety disorders, 333 cannabis and psychosis, 330 catatonia, 332 cognitive disorders, 334 delusions, 329 depression and Parkinson’s disease, 332 general principles, 327 hallucinations, 328 mood disorders, 330 personality disorder, 333 psychotic disorder, 328 stimulant psychosis, 329 mental disorders due to, 326–335 relationship to affective change...
Words: 7400 - Pages: 30
...SCaring for Kids After Trauma, Disaster and Death: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND PROFESSIONALS SECOND EDITION The New York University Child Study Center is dedicated to the understanding, prevention and treatment of child and adolescent mental health problems. The Center offers expert psychiatric services for and intervention. The Center’s mission is to bridge training supported by the resources of the worldclass New York University School of Medicine. children and families with emphasis on early diagnosis the gap between science and practice, integrating the finest research with patient care and state-of-the-art For more information, visit www.AboutOurKids.org. Changing the Face of Child Mental Health Caring for Kids After Trauma, Disaster and Death: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND PROFESSIONALS SECOND EDITION DEVELOPED BY: The faculty and staff of the New York University Child Study Center Harold S. Koplewicz, M.D., Director & Founder Marylene Cloitre, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Trauma and Stress REVISED SEPTEMBER 2006 under the direction of Joel McClough, Ph.D., Director of the Families Forward Program, Institute for Trauma and Stress by Anita Gurian, Ph.D. Dimitra Kamboukos, Ph.D. Eva Levine, Ph.D. Michelle Pearlman, Ph.D. Ronny Wasser, B.A. Permission is granted for reproduction of this document by parents and professionals © 2006 1 C A R I N G F O R K I D S A F T E R T R A U M A , D I S A S T E R A N D D E A T H ...
Words: 33045 - Pages: 133
...POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION: LITERATURE REVIEW OF RISK FACTORS AND INTERVENTIONS Donna E. Stewart, MD, FRCPC E. Robertson, M.Phil, PhD Cindy-Lee Dennis, RN, PhD Sherry L. Grace, MA, PhD Tamara Wallington, MA, MD, FRCPC ©University Health Network Women’s Health Program 2003 Prepared for: Toronto Public Health October 2003 Women’s Health Program Financial assistance by Health Canada Toronto Public Health Advisory Committee: Jan Fordham, Manager, Planning & Policy – Family Health Juanita Hogg-Devine, Family Health Manager Tobie Mathew, Health Promotion Consultant – Early Child Development Project Karen Wade, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Planning & Policy – Family Health Mary Lou Walker, Family Health Manager Karen Whitworth, Mental Health Manager Copyright: Copyright of this document is owned by University Health Network Women’s Health Program. The document has been reproduced for purposes of disseminating information to health and social service providers, as well as for teaching purposes. Citation: The following citation should be used when referring to the entire document. Specific chapter citations are noted at the beginning of each chapter. Stewart, D.E., Robertson, E., Dennis, C-L., Grace, S.L., & Wallington, T. (2003). Postpartum depression: Literature review of risk factors and interventions. POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION: LITERATURE REVIEW OF RISK FACTORS AND INTERVENTIONS Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 OVERALL METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 5 CHAPTER 1: RISK FACTORS FOR...
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