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Describe And Explain How The Environment Has Shaped You As A Person

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What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.

The median income in the town that I grew up in is over one hundred thousand dollars per capita. Living in a very affluent community was an easy life for most of the kids that I grew up with, but that has not been the case for me. While my best friend was handed the keys to a 2016 Range Rover, I had to pay for my first car. Some may say that I received the short end of the stick in life, but I disagree. I have grown up with a motto that my father set in place for my siblings and me. His motto is: “Nothing in life will ever be handed to you, but if you work hard, you’re honest, and you believe …show more content…
Most people know that I am not the most talented person on the basketball court, but there was one thing that set me apart from everyone else: my work ethic. I go into every single practice and work harder than anyone else on the court. My coach took notice of this very early in the season. She knows that she can put me into any game and I will hustle after every rebound, loose ball, and fast break. At the end of the season, I was given the Fighting Heart Award. This award is given to one person who shows exemplary work throughout the season. I was so very honored to be given this award especially since this was the first time a junior had ever received this prestigious award.
Sports were not the only thing in my life where I applied my father’s motto. Learning is something that never came naturally to me. Early in my childhood, I was diagnosed with the highest form of dyslexia. Going into high school was quite a struggle for me, but I wanted to be in the top of my class. I know that this task would not come easy for me; however, I have always believed that I could accomplish it. After many all-night study sessions, working with two private tutors, and thousands of hours of dedication, I received the eighth highest GPA in my graduating

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