...In this task I’m going to describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations. The two organisations that I have chosen are Tesco and Cafod. I’m going to define what marketing is and describe the marketing aims and objectives. I will describe growth strategies, cost limitation, brand awareness, perception of customers or users and Ansoff’s Matrix. I am also going to describe the relationship of corporate and marketing objectives, relationship marketing, brand positioning and extensions. Definition of Marketing Marketing is when business aim to satisfy customer needs by providing products or services. Marketing differs from selling because selling concerns itself with the principles and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for the product. Marketing views the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs. In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for the product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's needs. Tesco is private sector. Tesco’s aims are to earn profit and grow by selling products and services to the customers. Tesco have SMART objectives which mean SPECIFIC – this means that their objectives needs to be precise, specifying, exactly who or what their want to involved, how many or how often and what they want to do. MESURABLE – this means that they need to include something...
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...Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations In this assignment I will be talking about how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations such as HTC and Apple. HTC and Apple build their brands through; Customer loyalty, Ability to charge higher prices, Logo, Recognisable, Trusted, Brand extension. Customer loyalty for HTC is not as high as Apple, due to HTC not being a much known brand and products are very limited. However customer loyalty for Apple is extremely high as it is a well-known brand, also customers who buy i-products, become hooked on Apple’s products because of their ease of use and they also sell a variety of products compared to what HTC sell. HTC cannot really charge higher prices for their products as customers don’t really know the products well enough as it is not well known and customers would not know how the product works because not many people use HTC products so they can’t really get a good review about it. However Apple can freely change the price of their products because of their uniqueness and being differentiated, as they have millions of customers due to their brand loyalty. HTC’s logo is very simple. However the logo itself is just letters so it would be quite difficult to describe to people who don’t know the product and don’t understand English because they might be thinking what does it mean etc. On the other hand Apple’s logo is very bold and is recognisable globally. The...
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...P1- Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations. Marketing is the process in a business that it’s publicising the value of a product or a service to the customers with the aspiration of selling the product or the service; it is a demanding business function in order to attract customers. Tesco and McDonalds are the two chosen businesses where I will be looking at their objectives and marketing objectives; as well as at the marketing techniques used in order to succeed. Tesco is the biggest private sector employer in the UK; the company has more than 360,000 employees worldwide. Tesco operates in 12 countries outside the UK, including China, Japan and Turkey. The company has recently opened stores in the United States. This international expansion is part of Tesco’s strategy to diversify and grow the business. Whether McDonald’s is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 35,000 local restaurants serving nearly 70 million people in more than 100 countries each day. Tesco’s objectives are: * To meet the needs of customers by constantly seeking, and acting on, their opinions regarding innovation, product quality, choice, store facilities and service; * To work closely with suppliers to build long term business relationships based on strict quality and price criteria; * To provide shareholders with progressive returns on their investment improving profitability through investment in efficient stores and distribution...
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...P1 – Describe the promotional mix used in two selected organisations for a selected product/service. (Xbox and Apple iPhone) What is promotional mix: Promotional mix Using several different types of communication to support marketing goals which include Advertising, Personal selling, Publicity, and Sales promotions. Marketers to help choose these different types of marketing a firm reach its goals. Furthermore the promotional mix is a combination of methods that are used for a product or service in order to sell that specific product or service. Moreover the methods in the promotional mix are: * Advertising * Personal selling * Sales promotion * Public relations * Sponsorship * Direct mail Advertising: advertising is a way of displaying a product or service in a attractive way to a customer in a non-personal presentation. * Xbox use advertising on a regular basis on television, they show both genders and different age groups playing and using the Xbox as the want the console to appeal to as many people as possible. * Apple also use advertising on a regular basis on television. They recently have Justin Timberlake advertising there new IPhone 6 which will persuade viewers to buy the iPhone as if the phone is good enough for a well paid celebrity then it is good enough of them Personal selling: personal selling is where businesses use people to sell the product after meeting face-to-face with the customer. The sellers promote the product...
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...P1) Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations. Marketing is the process of meeting the necessities and wants of customers. Most businesses today are having rivalry towards generating the most profits as there are a lot of competitors in the business world. Marketing techniques are one of the ways that a business would do to increase its productivity and sales. Starbucks and Nintendo are two different businesses and I will be evaluating about the marketing techniques that they do to attract more customers to increase their sales. Starbucks Starbucks is one of the largest coffeehouse in the world with more than 20,000 stores globally. Starbucks opened its first store in America by three business partners and they were inspired by another coffee businessperson that sells high-quality coffee beans and equipment. Starbucks sells cold and hot drinks, sandwiches, pastries and snacks. Starbucks mainly target customers are men and women that is from aged 25-40 because they almost account for half of their business. Starbucks’s Marketing Techniques Branding-Branding is the process that is included in making a unique name and image for the products in the customers’ minds. Starbucks use branding to meet its target customers. For example, customers can easily recognise what a Starbucks coffeehouse looks like because the logo of Starbucks can be seen so branding is a useful asset to meet its marketing objectives such as market penetration...
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... P 1- Describe how marketingtechniques are used tomarket products in twoorganisations | Typed word process document | | | P2 - Describe the limitations and constraints of marketing | Typed word process document | | | M1-Compare marketingtechniques used in marketingproducts in two organisations | Typed word process document | | | D1 - Evaluate the effectivenessof the use of techniques inmarketing products in oneorganisation | Typed word process document | | | | | | | Additional feedback | Unit 3 - Assignment Brief 1 of 4 | Unit number and title | 3 – Introduction to Marketing | Qualification | BTEC Extended Diploma in Business Level 3 – Year 1 | Start date | Week commencing Monday 10th September 2012 | Deadline | Friday 28th September 2012 | Assessor | Claire Colligan | | Assignment title | A’ Listed Marketers - Part 1Assignment 1 of 4 | The purpose of the assignment is it will allow you to experience the importance of Marketing and choosing the correct strategy and describe the limitations and constraints of marketing | Scenario: You work for a professional organisation for marketers. One of the activities that the organisation undertakes is to evaluate the marketing activities of different companies and produce a list of ‘A’ Listed Marketers’. You are asked to carry out research into two possible contenders for inclusion on the list. | Task 1 (P1- Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations)Describe...
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...Unit 3 Introduction to Marketing Marketing Techniques Task 1 For this task you are required to research the business objectives, strategies and marketing techniques of two businesses. To do this, use information you gathered from your visit to Thorpe Park (private organisation) and the links to World Vision (voluntary organisation) on Moodle. Using your findings: * Describe the corporate objective and marketing objective of both including the marketing techniques they use to market their products. * Explain in detail the similarities and differences between the marketing techniques used by the two organisations to market their products. * For Thorpe Park only, you now need to evaluate the techniques it uses to market it product. What to do Introduction – what you have been asked to do Part A A. Introduce the two businesses– Thorpe Park and World Vision. Include their * Cooperate objective * Marketing objective B. Describe how the two organisations use the growth strategy and Survival strategy to market their products or service. 1. Thorpe Park – * Growth strategy –What strategies is the business adopting using Ansoff Growth matrix * Survival strategy – Branding - What is the business doing to enhance its product through * advertising campaigns * promotions such as supporting causes * or event sponsorship Relationship marketing- What is the business doing to * Identifying valuable customers * Initiating relationships ...
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...in Business 2014/2015 Student Name: | Unit: 3 – Introduction To Marketing | Year Group: 12 | Tutor: Miss Chotai | Date Issued: | Submission Deadline: 27th March 2015 | Deadline Met: Yes/No | Task | Criteria to be met | Issue date(w/c) | Submission date(w/c) | Task 1 | P1, P2, M1 and D1 | 12th January 2015 | 2nd February 2015 | Task 2 | P3, P4, M2 and D2 | 16th February 2015 | 2nd March 2015 | Task 3 | P5 | 2nd March 2015 | 9th March 2015 | Task 4 | P6 and M3 | 9th March 2015 | 23rd March 2015 | Grading Criteria Met & date achieved: | | | | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 | M1 | M2 | M3 | D1 | D2 | | | | | | | | | | | | Final Feedback to Student | Final Grade Awarded: | Fail | Pass | Merit | Distinction | I CONFIRM THAT THE ATTACHED ASSIGNMENT IS MY OWN WORK Student Signature: Date: Tutor Signature: Date: Internal Verifier: Date: INTERIM FEEDBACK RECORD Date | Comment | Target | | | | UNIT 3: Introduction to marketing ASSESSMENT CRITERIA To achieve a Pass grade the evidence must show the learner is able to: | To achieve a Merit grade the evidence...
Words: 2049 - Pages: 9
...P1, P2, M1 & D1 Checklist Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations (P1) ------------------------------------------------- In your role as a Marketing Assistant your Manager has asked you to look at the marketing activities of Uxbridge College and another organisation. You have been asked to complete a table like the one below that describes how marketing techniques are used to market products in each of the organisations. You need to focus your research and analysis on one product or service (e.g. educational course) from each company; | Uxbridge College –Service | Company Two – Product or Service | Growth Strategies | | | Market Development definition | | | Product Development | | | Diversification | | | | | | Survival Strategies | | | Branding | | | Buyer Behaviour | | | Relationship Marketing | | | Once completed, make sure that your name is in the header, and that the work is printed and placed into a plastic wallet. Also upload onto Moodle. Deadline: Friday 4th December 2015 Remember to include a bibliography Describe the limitations and constraints of marketing (P2) ------------------------------------------------- Your manager has asked you to work with two of your colleagues (groups of 3) to produce a 10-minute presentation for the rest of the team that describes the constraints and limitations under which marketers operate. You must use examples from Uxbridge...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
...to Marketing | 10 | Name of assignment | Marketing the Jacksonville Jaguars and Birmingham Children’s Hospital | Name of Assessor | Danny Pardoe/Mark Guy | Start date | Completion date | Duration of assignment | Task 1 & 2: 7/3/14Task 3: 10/4/14 | Task 1 & 2: 10/4/14Task 3: 16/5/14 | 5 weeks5 weeks | Review date (A grade and actions for improvement will be given and recorded at this point. You can upgrade your work at the unit upgrade date, as listed opposite) | Unit upgrade date (Formative feedback and grade will be given for the entire unit at this stage. You are able to upgrade this unit at this date) | 9/5/14 | 2/6/14 | Scenario/ Vocational context | You work for Marketing Mania a large marketing agency that consults for a variety of businesses on the marketing activities that they undertake in order to promote their products or services. Your marketing agency has a varied portfolio of clients and you have been given the task of consulting for two businesses, one that operates in the private sector (Jacksonville Jaguars) and one in the public or voluntary sector (Birmingham Children’s Hospital). You have been set a variety of tasks. | Learning Outcomes for Unit | LO1 Know the role of marketing in organisations | LO2 Be able to use marketing research and marketing planning | LO3 Understand how and why customer groups are targeted | LO4 Be able to develop a coherent marketing mix | Grading criteria for unit | P1 | Describe how...
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...|Assignment title | Assignment: 1 Principles of Marketing | | | |Assessor |Amisha Gadhvi | | | |Date issued |W/C 5/01/15 | |Interim Deadline | |Final deadline | | |Duration (approx) |3 hours x 2 hours | | | |Qualification suite |BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma Year 1 Business | |covered | | |Units covered...
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...| Marketing Techniques | Reference | Introduction to marketing | Assignment No | 1 of 4 | Hand out | 13/10/15 | Duration | 3 weeks | Hand in | 6/11/15 | | | | | | | | | Learner | | | | Course | BTEC Level 3 subsidiary Diploma in Business | | | Framework | QCF | Level | 3 | | | No: Unit | 3 introduction to marketing | | | Assessor(s) | Anna Price | | | Internal Verifier | | Dated | | | Filton campus | Lead IV | | Dated | | | 50519 | | | | | | Learning Outcomes | LO 1 | Know the role of marketing in organisations | Targeted grading criteria | | Met? | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | Task number | P1 | | Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations | 1 | P2 | | Describe the limitations and constraints of marketing | 1 | M1 | | Compare marketing techniques used in marketing products in two organisations | 1 | D1 | | Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of techniques in marketing products in one organisation | 1 | | Task Sheet Vocational scenario You are applying for a job as a marketing assistant at a local marketing agency. As part of the recruitment process, you have to demonstrate how well you can evaluate the marketing techniques used in organisations, using two of the firm’s client organisations as examples. You have been asked to present your findings in a report. Choose one organisation from each of...
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...Introduction to Marketing - Assignment Brief For this assignment you will be required to research the marketing activities of organisations. In the first two parts of the assignment you will need to focus on how marketing techniques are used in two different organisations. The second part of the assignment will look at how market research impacts on the marketing plan of a specific organisation. Finally, you will need to look at the development of a coherent marketing mix targeted at a defined group of potential customers. M1 D1 P1 Task 3.1 Scenario You work for a large marketing agency that consults for a variety of businesses on the marketing activities that they undertake in order to promote their products or services. Your marketing agency has a varied portfolio of clients and you have been given the task of consulting for one business that operates in the private sector and one in the public or voluntary sector. Choose your two businesses remembering that: one must be from the private sector, for example, Marks & Spencer one must be from the public or voluntary sector, for example, Oxfam. For each business, you will need to research the marketing techniques it has used in order to market one product. These techniques might include: growth strategies survival strategies branding relati onship marketing. For each business: * P1. describe the marketing techniques used to market products ( 200 words ) * M1. compare the marketing techniques used in marketing...
Words: 749 - Pages: 3
...Question: P1 Describe how marketing techniques such as branding and relationship marketing are used to marketing products in two organisations. You need to choose one product or service from each organisation P2 Describe the constraints and limitations under which marketers operate, making use of examples to explain your point M1- Compare, discussing the similarities and difference, the marketing techniques described in task1 used for the product or service chosen in each organisation Unit 3: Introduction to market To Date: 18th October 2011 Introduction to market Introduction In this assignment I will be working for a professional organisation for marketers i was asked to carry out research into two possible contenders for inclusion on the ‘A’ classed marketers list. 1. There are many ways organisation use market technique I would be describing how two different organisation which is Adidas and Halifax banks use market technique such as branding and relationship marketing to market their products . One way that both of these organisations are using branding is through the customers earning ‘Nectar points’ by signing up for Adidas, as Adidas is one of the largest store in the U.K and Halifax bank is also one of the best and popular bank providing different range of services . Branding often consist of a brand name such as Adidas it involve creating a unique name and image for the products. Some of these may be trademarked to prevent competitors from using...
Words: 700 - Pages: 3
...professional organisation for marketers. One of the activities that the organisation undertakes is to evaluate the marketing activities of different companies and produce a list of `A’-classed marketers. You are asked to carry out research into two possible contenders for inclusion on the list. You need to complete the following tasks as part of your research project. Task 1 Assessment method: Report Criteria covered Describe how marketing techniques such as branding and relationship marketing are used to market products in two organisations. You need to choose one product or service from each organisation to undertake this task. Compare, discussing the similarities and differences, the marketing techniques described in Task 1 used for the product or service chosen in each organisation. Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of techniques in marketing products or services in one of your selected organisations. You need to judge the effectiveness by weighing up the pros and cons of the techniques used. Describe the constraints and limitations under which marketers operate, making use of examples to explain your points. P1 M1 D1 P2 Task 2 Assessment method: Report Criteria covered This task builds upon your work for the previous assignment. You need to choose one of your selected organisations and investigate its use of market research. You need to complete the following tasks as part of the continuation of your research project. Describe how...
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