...keep their employees safe. In the book The Triangle Fire: A Brief History with Documents, A series of documents explain the disaster that happened at the Triangle Waist Company in New York City. The disaster became known around the country and started a revolution of safety hazards for work. The fire was significant because of the cause of the fire, the irresponsible employers, what the media wrote about it, and how the families of the deceased were compensated. On March 25, 1911, a fire occurred at a shirt factory and climbed the 10 story building. The fire might have been caused by the “sparks from the motors” (242). There is no direct proof what might have caused the fire, but it is likely that the recent sparks ignited nearby cloth and spread throughout the building. Once the chaos was set,...
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...Domes of Fire Author: David Eddings, personally I have never heard of this author before nor have I read any other book. Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, children's Literature, and Speculative fiction. A Lot of Fantasy video game players who play games relative to the Skyrim series would enjoy this book. I do not read these kinds of books, I also have never read a book similar to this. Title: This book seemed very interesting to me just based off of the title. It fits with the book very well and plays along with the story. Pictures/Book Jacket/Cover/Printing: The Book cover itself has the author's name with the title and pictures of a wizard, Knights, and a Dragon. However in the book itself there are no pictures, but the cover still interested...
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...Book Report: "Triangle: The Fire That Changed America" David Von Drehle, author of the book titled "Triangle: The Fire That Changed America", was born on February 6, 1961, in Denver, CO. “David Von Drehle married a woman by the name of, Karen Ball, the White House correspondent for the New York Daily News, in 1995 and had four children together.” according to some online research. As an American author and journalist David Von Drehle's education consisted of a B.A. from the University of Denver in 1983, where he was "a Boettcher Foundation Scholar and editor of The Denver Clarion's student newspaper", and a Masters in Literature as a Marshall Scholar from Oxford University in 1985. David Von Drehle “began his career in journalism when he...
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...lost through fire and collision. Shipboard fire alone, however, results in more total losses of ships than any other form of casualty. The most common causes of shipboard fire are: maintenance, burning and welding are responsible for nearly 40 percent of all outbreaks. Smoking leads to countless fires that break out when no one expects. Lack of attention, spontaneous combustion and electrical faults are the major causes. The engine room is at special risk from flashbacks in oilfired boilers, leaky pipings carrying oil, overheated bearings and even the accumulation of rubbish (oil rags, dirty oil, tins of oil, etc.). According to Mikhail Grigorevich Stavitskii 1983, if most shipboard fires can be prevented, then who is responsible for preventing them? The answer is that fire prevention is the shared duty of each and every member of the crew. No fire prevention effort or program can be successful unless it involves everyone aboard ship. We have noted that every crewmember is responsible for the fire aboard ship. Similarly, every crewmember has a role in the ship's fire prevention program. Because attitude is so much a part of the fire prevention, it is also the most important part of the fire prevention program. So as with the Fire Figthing, if there is a fire aboard ship, everyone aboard ship must form the emergency response team. According to Lobo Gruppe, Oslo 1987, the emergency response team are consist of the following elements: Platform Manager, Chief Fire Officer, Team...
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...A marketing plan report for Kindle Fire in the UK [pic] Contents A marketing plan report for Kindle Fire in the UK 1 Introduction 3 Amazon 3 Current Market Scenario 4 Global Market- eBook 4 Competitive landscape 4 Market Structure 5 SWOT Analysis 6 Amazon Kindle Fire 7 Corporate Strategy of Amazon 7 Marketing Objective 7 Marketing Strategy 8 STP of Kindle Fire 8 Segmentation 8 Targeting 9 Positioning 9 Marketing Mix 9 Product 9 Price 10 Place 10 Promotion 10 Promotional Cost 10 Cost Estimation of Kindle Fire 11 Revenue Model 11 Conclusion 11 Bibliography 12 Introduction Marketing is a strategic activity of a business, It incorporates understanding the marketplace, bring the product or service to the market or even developing a new market for a product. In the broadest sense marketing is a superset of different activities including market research, market development, competitor analysis, pricing strategy promotion etc (Weinstein, 1998). Here in this report, exclusively cover various marketing essential elements for Amazon Kindle, for the entrance into UK market. Apart this, main objective of this report is to develop a marketing plan for the successful entrance of Amazon into the UK digital market. In this report, various macro & micro elements which interact with the company as well as the global market scenario, competitive landscape and future trends and projections are discussed to tailor the marketing...
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...Understanding Your Role. I report to work in the duty room at the beginning of each shift. The rota is on the wall in the duty room so I can check which shifts I am working also if there are any shift changes.Annual leave - there is a folder in the duty room with the annual leave forms.If I wish to book annual leave I fill in the form and hand the form to the care manager.I check the blue diary to see if the holiday has been granted.Calling in sick – early shift by 6.00 -late shift by 11.00 b .Breaks - 10 minutes in the morning but this is up to the discretion of the team leader and half hour lunch unpaid.Timesheets are in the timesheet folder in the duty room .I fill the timesheet in weekly and total my hours weekly . At the end of the month I total all the weekly hours to get my monthly hours and fill in the box at the end of the sheet and sign the sheet.Pay slips - I go the office and sign for my pay slip monthly .Second employment - you are not allowed to have a second job whilst working at LCD.Staff handbook received on induction.Expenses - I can ask Sue for a form from to claim back any expenses.line management - on my induction a received a chart lay out of the line management .job description I received when I did my induction with Ann on the first day .The signing in book is in the entrance hall as I enter the building .I sign in when I arrive and sign out when I leave. Your personal development I...
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...Kindle Fire GROUP 2 By: Ayan Tariq Ashish Rana Claudius Grego Saif Ahmed Table of Contents Models.............................................................................Page No. Executive Summary................................................................................3 Boston Consulting Group; Chapter 2......................................................4 SWOT-Opportunities and Threats; Chapter 2........................................5 SWOT-Strengths and Weaknesses; Chapter 2........................................6 Product-Market Combination; Chapter 2................................................7 Five Stages of Consumer Decision Making; Chapter 4 Evaluation of Alternatives.............................................................8 Five Stages of Consumer Decision Making; Chapter 4 Purchase Choice Decision..........................................................9 Demographics Segmentation; Chapter 6...............................................10 Perceptual Map; Chapter 6....................................................................11 AIDA Model; Chapter 12.......................................................................12 Promotion Strategy/Themes/Appeal; Chapter 12 and 13.........................13 Recommendations.................................................................................14 Appendix A......................................................................................15-17 Appendix B..........
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...etyHOME FIRE SAFETY 1 FIRE PROTECTION AND SAFETY IN THE HOME THOMAS J. PEACOCK ENGL126-L-1201B-04 Phase 2 Individual Project CTU Online Evelyn Hill March 5, 2012 HOME FIRE SAFETY 2 America Burning. (1973). The report of the National Commission on Fire Protection and Control. Retrieved March 1, 2012, from http://www.lrc.fema.gov/path_amerburn.html and http://books.google.com/books/about/America_burning.html?id=dx5ZXyKZ35YC On page 119, the report states that 41% of victims could have been saved if their homes had Early warning detectors and on page 121, the report recommends that both heat and smoke Detectors be installed for early warning in the home. Installing early warning systems in the Home will go a long way in saving lives. (America Burning. Pg 153. 1973) America Burning Revisited. (1987). Retrieved March 2, 2012, from America Burning revisited (National Workshop) http://www.usfa.fema.gov/downloads/pdf/publications/5-0133-508.pdf This report looks back at the original report and updates the progress that has been made over the past 15 years. Changes has been made in building construction, training of fire fighting personnel, fire awareness in the public sector, and fire protection equipment and systems. Fire Equipment Manufacturers Association. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2012, from http://www.femalifesafety.org/facts.html A balanced fire protection plan is critical in the first few minutes...
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...In Fahrenheit 451 and Modern American society, Fire Departments are different and similar. In both societies they both have Fire Departments but they have two different priorities in there world. In Fahrenheit 451 firefighters jobs are to burn every book in the town, because they think books are dangerous to the community. “Established, 1790, to burn English-influenced books in the Colonies. First Fireman: Benjamin Franklin. Rule 1. Answer the alarm quickly 2. Start the fire swiftly 3. Burn everything 4. Report back to firehouse 5. Stand alert for other alarms” (Bradbury 32). In a Modern day Society, Firefighters job is too attend to calls when something like a house or a car is on fire so they can help and save people from getting injured....
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...Call the emergency services if needed, then fill in documentation to record what happened. My manager will investigate to see if any further action needs to be taken. 4 - Be able to reduce the spread of infection 4.1 - Explain own role in supporting others to follow practices that reduce the spread of infection Infection control prevention is everyone’s responsibility my role is – • To keep myself and others safe • Reporting and recording potential hazards and risks • Attending training • Following the workplace policies and procedures • Wearing PPE My manger’s responsibility are- • Writing risk assessment • Providing policies and procedures • Providing us with necessary equipment • Providing training • Investigate reports of unsafe practices Supporting others to follow practices to reduce the spread of infection • To infection we should- • Follow workplace policies and procedures • Model best practice • Training or shadowing • Offering advice and guidance • Challenging unsafe or unsanitary...
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...Lord of the Flies Report In the novel, “Lord of the Flies”, by William Golding the author talks about a group of boys that are stranded on a deserted island after a dangerous plane crash in which all adults died. The boys started off as innocent schoolboys that you would expect to find in the 1940's, but quickly descend into savages. Ralph, the first boy we meet in the novel, is appointed the "chief" of all of them. Throughout the story he develops a close relationship with Piggy, a boy who gained his name due to his weight. Piggy is immediately recognized as the voice of the adult world when he states that “I expect we'll want to know all their names, and make a list. “We ought to have a meeting." This statement shows Piggy's reliance on law and order, and shows his desperation for his, and the other boy’s, well-being. Throughout this book one can say that Piggy and Ralph had many differences and similarities. Some of the obvious differences are the size of the two boys. Ralph is a fairly skinny kid whereas Piggy is a more pudgy or fat boy. Also another similarity the two shares are that Ralph and Piggy both show signs of leadership, but Ralph appears to be more of the one to take charge than Piggy. Piggy is slightly younger than Ralph. He is the weakling in the group being overweight and suffering from asthma. He is dressed similar to Ralph in a typical school uniform and wears glasses. He is weak, smart, and friendly. In the text, Piggy seems to be shown throughout...
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...assignment is due on Thursday, January 30th. We will present your projects in class on January 30th and January 31st. You will complete a writing project to supplement what you’ve been learning in social studies class. You will write a research report on the Greek god or goddess of your choice and you will also create a colored cover to accompany your informational report. You many choose any one of the 16 options that I give you. You will have to conduct the research on your own, using resources at the library or on the computer. You must document (or cite) where you get ALL your information. Do not make any information up, and do not use information from your head or another person. This is an informational report, and the information about the god must be completely accurate. Nonetheless, you cannot copy another author’s writing into your report, so you must paraphrase ideas (put the ideas into your own words) you read in your resources. Copying or not citing your sources is considered plagiarism and will not be tolerated. You will be given a zero on this assignment if you plagiarize. All sixth grade students must complete this project; this assignment is 100 points and will be part of your third quarter grade. I am excited to read your reports and see your covers because I know that they will be awesome! If you have questions at any time, please just ask me. Good luck! Happy researching, Mrs. Weis OPTIONS: Your options for the Greek god/goddess to research include: 1. Aphrodite...
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...has installed keylogger software on all company computers. • After being disciplined for criticizing a customer in an email (sent from his personal email account on a company computer), Joe threatens to sue the company for invasion of privacy. • One of the department supervisors requests your approval to fire his secretary for insubordination. Since the secretary has always received glowing reviews, you call her into your office and determine that she has refused to prepare false expense reports for her boss. • Anna’s boss refused to sign her leave request for jury duty and now wants to fire her for being absent without permission. As an astute manager, you will need to analyze the employment-at-will doctrine and determine what, if any, exceptions and liabilities exist before taking any action. As you proceed with your investigation, you discover the company has no whistleblower policy. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: • Summarize the employment-at-will doctrine and evaluate each of the eight (8) scenarios described by determining: • • Whether you can legally fire the employee;...
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...RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OF THE VOLUNTEER:: RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OF THE VOLUNTEER THE MISSING PIECE OF THE FIRE SERVICE THE MISSING PIECE OF THE FIRE SERVICE August 15, 2002 Prepared By: Franklin Woodrow Wilson II Lieutenant, Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... iv INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 HISTORY OF THE FIRE SERVICE ......................................................................... 4 RECRUITMENT ........................................................................................................ 6 MARKETING THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ............................................................... 6 ISSUES AND DIVERSITY CHALLENGES ............................................................... 7 CRITICAL AREAS TO INCREASE RECRUITMENT ............................................ 9 COMMUNITY .................................................................................................... 9 SELF ESTEEM ................................................................................................. 10 NEEDS ............................................................................................................ 10 PHILOSOPHY ........
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