...EFFICIENCY & EFFECTIVENESS I am trying to figure out how I missed this very important point in my business life. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness? I am thinking that maybe I didn’t miss it but perhaps it’s buried somewhere in the back of my brain. However, the required reading in Section 1.3 brought it back to the forefront in my mind, and made the distinguishing features of the two terms very clear, or did they? With efficiency being defined loosely as “doing things right” and effectiveness being defined as “doing the right things”, the question is being begged, “Is there really a difference and how do we measure it?” (Robbins & Coulter, 2012) The more I review the subtle play on words, the more apparent it seemed that there may a difference. However, one needs to add more verbiage to the definition to keep it clear. Efficiency involves getting the most output from the least amount of inputs. Effectiveness involves completing activities so that organizational goals are met. Although efficient activities help to meet the organizational goals, they are not effective until they are done in such a way until they become the standard. They are more or less measured in how well they are done so as to not expend valuable organizational resources unnecessarily. Effectiveness includes the repetitive nature of efficiency that so that the organization is constantly moving forward due to efficient activities. An analogy can be made between...
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...effectively and efficiently. Efficiency and effectiveness were originally industrial engineering concepts that came of age in the early twentieth century. Efficiency refers to doing things in a right manner. Effectiveness, on the other hand, refers to doing the right things. Management has been defined as a process of getting things done with the aim of achieving goals effectively and efficiently. Literature Review “Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.” (Peter F. Drucker, 2006) “It is knowing exactly what you want to men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way.” (F.W.Taylor) “A principle of work allocation and specialization in order to concentrate activities to enable specialization of skills and understandings, more work focus and efficiency to do the right job.” (Henri Fayol) The terms effectiveness and efficiency have a lot to do with a business entity. Every business stands to attain its goals and objectives while particularly stressing on its ability of maintaining its survival and profitability throughout. In doing so, the effectiveness and efficiency counts immensely. On the one hand, on the basis of these two terms a business goes to heighten its level immensely, on the other hand it bears losses in the absence of the results being associated with effectiveness and efficiency. It is, thus, essential for a business to maintain effectiveness and efficiency continuously. Effectiveness means producing desired...
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...Study of relation between effectiveness audit and management audit GHODRATOLLAH TALEBNIA Department Of Accounting ,Science And Research Branch ,Islamic Azad University,Tehran , Iran Gh_talebnia@yahoo.com Bahareh Banitalebi Dehkordi* Department Of Accounting , Shahrekord Branch , Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord , Iran banitalebi76@yahoo.com Abstract— Nowadays, one of the most critical strategies for innovative management is decision making optimization for increasing economicality, efficiency and effectiveness of resources used in institutes. In this regard, we should create organizational management control, and internal audit is one of the most imperative factors designed to help an organization accomplishes these objectives, which divides into two major categories: Financial Audit, and operational Management Audit. Many countries’ experiences have shown that from the standpoint that financial audit by itself does not eliminate informational management needs, with considering the advantages, shift in audit strategies toward operational audit which includes management audit and effectiveness audit is inevitable. In this regard, operational audit with integrated assessment of operational activities and organization procedure creates policies and useful methods and help recognized weakness and provide explanation for such flaws and also can pinpoint the opportunities for optimizing operational activities and detecting strength points. It also provides practical suggestion...
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...TOPIC: THE IMPROVEMENT OF EFFICENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS AMONG UUM STAFF’S BY USING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) * DV- Efficiency and effectiveness among staff of management in UUM * IV- Management Information System (MIS) Abstract An efficiency of management in university is depends on its staff who worked at different sector and different department. It is because the staff play an important role to the development of an university. The purpose by doing this research is to study the effect of management information system in efficiency and effectiveness of management among UUM staff. In this study, we focused on College of Business staff in UUM. We distributed a questionnaire to 140 sample of staff from total number of population which is 220 that inquired about their satisfaction in doing their worked by using management information system and how the system effect the quality of efficiency and effectiveness among them based on nominal, interval and ordinal scale. According to our result, the uses of management information system effect their efficiency and effectiveness as most of the work they do are based on the system. CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY The information system are consider such as arena which is concerning to provide the information for using it in the organization, and the information and its system have took today dimension well, because its became dealing with it now as a resource from the organization resources...
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...Difference Between Efficiency and Effectiveness Efficiency refers to doing things in a right manner. Scientifically, it is defined as the output to input ratio and focuses on getting the maximum output with minimum resources. Effectiveness, on the other hand, refers to doing the right things. It constantly measures if the actual output meets the desired output. “Effectiveness” is also getting the right things done. This is where the efficiency is different than effectiveness. With efficiency, is to get the task done faster, easier, or better way. But with effectiveness, there always an initial question as to “what to do”? We need this measure for marketing activities and business processes since it helps us see when we are minimising resources or time needed to complete a process, i.e. we are keeping our costs low. In digital marketing, for example, efficiency involves increasing conversion rates and reducing costs of acquisition. It is still used in many large organisations and can still be used to today to help translate vision and strategy into objectives and then, through measurement, assessing whether the strategy and its implementation are successful. I’m a firm believer in shopping around for the best deal and I commend organizations that do so. My goal is to bust this myth open and expose the fact that focusing solely on efficiency is no longer sufficient to remain competitive in today’s business world. Corporate executives need to ask if their event portfolio has...
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...IMPACT OF WORKFORCE DIVERSITY ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN THE EDUCATION SECTOR OF KARACHI PAKISTAN 1Hafiza Sumaiyyah Iqbal, 2Faiza Maqbool Shah (Supervisor) Department of Business Administration, Jinnah University for Women (JUW) Karachi Pakistan ABSTRACT Diversity is gradually used and accepted as a significant organizational resource in esteems to whether the objective is to be an employer of choice, to offer outstanding customer service, or to sustain a competitive advantage. It also has verified to have controlled to an opinion of being essential for organizational performance. This ultimate faith forces managers to hold and understand the theory of workplace diversity, its benefits and barriers. The purpose of this research is to discover the impact of diversify workforce towards organizational performance which focus into the education sector. The research also emphases on workforce diversity which contains the gender, ethnic and education background of the employees which is the utmost critical variables amongst all the others. The research was done by distributing 100 questionnaires to the faculty members of 5 different universities of Karachi. The questionnaire outcomes show that there is an impact on performance when diverse workforce is working in the education sector. Key words: Workforce Diversity, Organization, Performance, Gender, Ethnic, Qualification, Karachi, Universities. ___________________________________________________________________________ ...
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... Instructor: Dr. Torabzadeh, Ph.D. ------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT The purpose of this design project was to investigate the effect of various design and operating parameters on the thermal efficiency, net work output per unit mass, and back work ratio of a regenerative Brayton cycle. Specifically, these parameters include the pressure ratio, TminTmax ratio, regenerator effectiveness, and compressor and turbine efficiencies, assuming the working fluid to be air at 100kPa and 300K at the compressor inlet. Model calculations are presented for all combinations of the following parameters: Pressure Ratio: 5, 10, 15, 20 Maximum cycle temperature: 1500 K, 2000 K, 2500 K, 3000 K * TminTmax ratio = 0.2 (@1500K), 0.15 (@2000K), 0.12 (@2500K), 0.1 (@3000K) Compressor adiabatic efficiency: 75%, 85%, 100% Turbine adiabatic efficiency: 75%, 85%, 100% Regenerator effectiveness: 75%, 85%, 100% These results are utilized to construct graphical representations for comparison in pursuit of determining the best process for a given set of design constraints. The net work output and thermal efficiency are found to be increasing with regenerative effectiveness, and the compressor and turbine efficiencies. The cycle efficiency generally decreased with an increasing pressure ratio. ------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND THEORY The man who created the Brayton cycle to be used in reciprocating oil-burning engines was...
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...RESEARCH Internationally Indexed & Listed Referred e-Journal FACTORS AFFECTING ON CUSTOMERS’ SATISFACTION: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF ATM SERVICE VIJAY M. KUMBHAR* *Rayat Shikshan Sanstha Satara’s Abasaheb Marathe College Rajapur (Maharashtra) India 416702 E-mail: vijay.kumbhar9@gmail.com ABSTRACT The present empirical study focuses on identifying key factors that have influences customers satisfaction in ATM service provided by public and private sector banks. For the purpose of the study primary data were collected using schedule and collected data from March to November 2010. Results of factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis show that a cost effectiveness, easy to use and security and responsiveness in ATM service were most important factors in customer satisfaction. KEYWORDS: Effectiveness. E-service Quality, ATM, Customer Satisfaction, Cost INTRODUCTION Recent ten years evidenced that electronic based business models are replacing conventional ones and organizations are rethinking business process designs and customer relationship management strategies. Banks are no exception to this transformation; a use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is revolutionizing the banking services through various unthinkable innovations...
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...equipment and facilities that make it scientific.www.mynewlab.com (click to see different laboratory designs you can adapt)Now produce a sketch or plan a simple design for a laboratory you are familiar with (could be the school lab) identifying the key features that must be present to be able to call it a scientific workplace or laboratory. Key features to include in your laboratory design: Services; furniture; large pieces of equipment that are there; access (entrance and exits); other doors to preparation or store rooms; safety equipment or items; example: a fume cupboard; fire blankets, eyewash bottles; storage; workspace; seating areas, demonstration points, efficiency; effectiveness. | | | M3- (leaflet or Powerpoint)Titles: Specialist and Non-specialist Laboratory | | | Introduction: State the difference between a specialist (examples: hospital, industrial labs) and non-specialist (school labs) science laboratoryList the key features of a science laboratory and explain briefly why we should have these features.Example: Gas taps- allow access to gas supply for the Bunsen burner to be used when heating up and experiment | | | * Researching or look up the type of laboratory that you hope to be working in when you start your careers in science. (This should be specialist laboratory) * Examples of specialist labs: Medical, Forensic, Pharmaceutical, Food science, Physical science, Chemical and preventing contamination labsHints: www.mynewlab.com (click to see different...
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...current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0048-3486.htm PR 38,5 The relationships between team learning activities and team performance Marianne van Woerkom Department of Human Resource Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, and 560 Marcel Croon Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how different team learning activities relate to different types of team performance as rated by team members and managers. Design/methodology/approach – The 624 respondents, working in 88 teams in seven different organizations indicate their perceptions of team learning and their performance ratings of the team. Moreover, managers in the organization are asked to evaluate the team performance. Findings – Team member ratings of effectiveness are positively related to the boundedness and stability of the team and information processing and negatively related to information acquisition. Manager ratings of effectiveness are positively related to boundedness and stability, information processing and information storage and retrieval. Team member ratings of efficiency are positively related to information processing and negatively related to information acquisition. Manager ratings of efficiency are positively related to boundedness and stability and information storage and retrieval. Team member ratings of innovativeness are...
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...make suppositions about human nature and how people behave at work, and briefly describe them. b) With reference to these models, discuss how individual attitudes and assumptions can influence your behaviour as a manager. Question 2 a) Describe the three management styles of Laissez-Faire, Participative and Autocratic. b) Evaluate how this model can be applied to identify study and review patterns of management behaviour. Question 3 a) Explain how your effectiveness as a manager is measured at Easynet, and identify at least one other possible measure that could be applied. b) Explain the difference between effectiveness and efficiency. c) Discuss how each of the three management styles can help you to be more or less effective or efficient as a manager. Question 4 With reference to the AABCD model, describe at least two delegation situations which would require you to vary your style, approach and behaviour in order to achieve a positive outcome. Question 5 Assess the relationship between your individual performance as a manager and the managerial performance and behaviour that is expected at an organisational level. Q1 A) The two models I will highlight about human nature and how people behave at work are The Believe Cycle and the Personal Investment Model. The Believe Cycle The Believe cycle is split into 4 sections as you can see in the diagram below: - To understand the believe cycle it’s easier to relate it to a real world example so...
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...OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS OF THE ARTICLE AT THE DESIGN STAGES Annotation. The multicriterion rapid assessment method of techno-economic parameters of new articles is developed. It avoids expensive engineering changes during the operational phases through the analysis of external and internal factors at an early stage in the design that affect the maintainability and manufacturability of the article. The expert selection of the initial multitude of indicators from the five enlarged criteria groups and their subsequent pair-wise comparison point to the complex criteria for compliance with the average and optimum values of operational effectiveness of the article design. Comparison provides an opportunity to decide on...
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...Define efficient and effective operations. 3. Categorize operations and supply chain processes. 4. Contrast differences between services and goods producing processes. 5. Identify operations and supply chain management career opportunities. 6. Describe how the field has developed over time. True / False Questions 1. Efficiency means doing the right things to create the most value for the company. True False 2. Effectiveness means doing the right things to create the most value for the company. True False 3. A doctor completes a surgical procedure on a patient without error. The patient dies anyway. In operations management terms, we could refer to this doctor as being efficient but not effective. True False 4. A worker can be efficient without being effective. True False 5. A process can be effective without being efficient. True False 6. Operations and supply management is defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm's primary products and services. True False 7. The term "value" refers to the relationship between quality and the price paid by the consumer. True False 8. Attempting to balance the desire to efficiently use resources while providing a highly effective service may create conflict between the two goals. True False 9. Central to the concept of operations strategy are the notions of operations...
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...1. Contrast efficiency and effectiveness. Give an example of a time when an organization was effective but not efficient, efficient but not effective, both efficient and effective, and neither efficient not effective. There are differences between efficiency and effectiveness. First efficiency means using the resources wisely and also in such a way that is cost effective, on the other hand, effectiveness is about making the right decision and also successfully implementing them. 2. What are the four basic activities that comprise the management process? How are they relates to each other? The four basic activities that comprise the management process are; Planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling, All four activities are related to each other because in order to make each of them happen a previous activity has already develop or still in process. . 3. Briefly describe the ten managerial roles described by Henry Mintzberg. Give an example of each. Interpersonal Figurehead: Perform social and legal duties, act as symbolic leader. Example; Greet visitors, sign legal documents, attend ribbon cutting ceremonies, host receptions. Leader: Direct and motivate subordinates, select and train employees. Examples; Includes almost all interactions with subordinates Liaison: Establish and maintain contacts within and outside the organization. Example; Business correspondence, participation in meetings with representatives of other divisions...
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...A. Organization An organization is a consciously coordinated social entity with distinct boundaries which functions to achieve goals. It has an activity system linked to the external environment (it does not exist alone). An organization consists of people, things, knowledge and technologies. Modernists’ assumption of reality is objectivism and view organizations are real entities which exist in the objective world. Organizations are viewed as real entities driven by rationality to achieve efficiency and organizational objectives/goals. When organizations are well-managed, they are systems of decision and action driven by norms of rationality, efficiency and effectiveness for stated purposes. Similar to modernists, critical theorists’ ontology is also objectivism, and organizations are real entities which exist in the objective world. However, critical theorists view organizations as objects used by capitalists for the exploitation and alienation of workers and the environment. Symbolic interpretivists believe that reality is subjective, and only exists if we give meaning to it. As such, organizations are socially constructed realities which are constructed and reconstructed by their members through symbolically mediated interaction. Without its members giving meaning to it, an organization does not exist. Postmodernists suggest that reality is constructed through language and discourse. Organizations are ‘imagined’ entities whereby power and social arrangements are reinforced...
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