...Student: Jocelyn (name changed) Age: 8 Grade: Second Subject: Language Arts Strengths: * Highly motivated * Enjoys discussion (likes to answer questions) * Aware of her need to ask for help and willing to do so * Can work independently on things she understands * Uses time efficiently * Very social Weaknesses: * Difficulty with identifying mistakes * Easily frustrated with things she does not understand * Lack of coping skills for frustration * Test Anxiety * Difficulty with abstract concepts such as figurative language Strengths in Language Arts: * Shows interest in reading/language arts * Listens with comprehension to stories * Basic sight vocabulary * Can sound new words using phonics * Follows oral directions * Can identify characters, setting and events in a story * Responds to factual “who, what, where, when” questions Weaknesses in Language Arts: * Reading comprehension * Interpretation of stories or passages * Has difficulty using context clues * Has difficulty with written directions * Has difficulty connecting characters, setting and events into a coherent story * Has difficulty with comparison/contrast * Has difficulty with main idea * Has difficulty with “how and why” questions Student’s preferred learning modality: Jocelyn uses multiple learning modalities but relies most heavily on auditory and kinesthetic. She works well with manipulatives and oral communication. Jocelyn works best...
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...BSHS 312 Week 1 Discussion Question # 1 Why is it important for human services workers, and the professionals they assist, to have a theoretical framework for helping and creating change? BSHS 312 Week 1 Discussion Question # 2 How might transference and counter-transference issues manifest themselves in your work with participants? How about unconscious defenses? Week 1 Assignment: Learning Team Charter Team “D” Week 2 BSHS 312 Week 2 Discussion Question # 1 Do you think that a therapist should be an active participant in the treatment of his or her clients? Why or why not? BSHS 312 Week 2 Discussion Question # 2 What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement? In your opinion, is either effective? Why or why not? Week 2 Assignments: Annotated Bibliography- Stages of Change Model Self-Management Behavior Contract: To Lose weight and lower my BMI (1450+ Words) Week 3 BSHS 312 Week 3 Discussion Question # 1 Do you agree with the necessity for autonomy as defined by the cognitive theorists? Why? BSHS 312 Week 3 Discussion Question # 2 What kinds of all-or-nothing thinking have you detected in yourself? How will you stop it? Week 3 Assignments: Site Visit Report Kitsap Recovery Center (950+ Words) Behavioral-Cognitive Tools Beck Depression Inventory (1250+ Words) Week 4 BSHS 312 Week 4 Discussion Question # 1 Describe what is meant by a genogram? BSHS 312 Week 4 Discussion Question # 2 ...
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...WEEKS DISCUSSIONS LATEST To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/hlt-205-weeks-discussions-latest/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US HLT 205 ALL WEEKS DISCUSSIONS LATEST HLT 205 Week 1 Topic 1 Discussion 1 Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system to the health care system of another country. What similarities or difference s exist? Cite references to support your answer. HLT 205 Week 1 Topic 1 Discussion 2 The U.S. health care system evolved between the times of preindustrial to postindustrial America. How have the determinants of health care and associated strategies for improvement changed during this evolution? Include the growth of health care and expansion of legislation and associations in your response. Cite references to support your response. HLT 205 Week 2 Topic 2 Discussion 1 What is defensive medicine and how does it impact health care cost, quality, and access? How will we see the use of defensive medicine shift as we move forward with the Affordable Care Act? Cite references to support your DQ post. HLT 205 Week 2 Topic 2 Discussion 2 Watch “TEDTalks: Daniel Kraft – Medicine’s Future? There’s an App for That”: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://digital.films.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=12129&xtid=48192 After viewing the video, select four topics that were discussed and explain their significance to the future of health care technology. HLT 205 Week 3 Topic 3 Discussion 1 The...
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...CETM11 Portfolio item 1 –A comparative literature review This is worth 30% of your module The following learning outcomes are assessed: Knowledge 1. A critical appreciation of the nature of research and the goals of academic reading, information searching and communication. 2 A critical appreciation of the clarity, scientific approach and structure of academic writing. This item will allow you to get feedback on skills that you need to help with the Research Plan in Portfolio item 2. TASK You are required to do a comparative literature review of the following topics (you may need to customise the title to include the domain) Choose one of the following topics on which to do a comparative literature review (word limit 2000 words): * The impact of personality traits of the project leaders in project success * Managing change management * Communication skills and project success * Network security and social networking * The role of effective IT management strategies in organisations * Assessing risks in home and public access wireless networks * Ethics in the design of business applications You may find the Q5 technique useful to map out the structure of each paper before you do the review. The task You will select a topic then find two or more academic papers that address the topic. You are required to write a comparative review of the topic from the perspective of these papers. This may require you to examine several schools of thought...
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...morning class, am here to have a discussion about why I think it’s wrong that footballers get a grand number of money for running up and down a football pitch, i think its wrong for the reason that people do a lot more hard working jobs and get paid a large difference compared to a average football player Good morning class, am here to have a discussion about why I think it’s wrong that footballers get a grand number of money for running up and down a football pitch, i think its wrong for the reason that people do a lot more hard working jobs and get paid a large difference compared to a average football player Good morning class, am here to have a discussion about why I think it’s wrong that footballers get a grand number of money for running up and down a football pitch, i think its wrong for the reason that people do a lot more hard working jobs and get paid a large difference compared to a average football player Good morning class, am here to have a discussion about why I think it’s wrong that footballers get a grand number of money for running up and down a football pitch, i think its wrong for the reason that people do a lot more hard working jobs and get paid a large dif Good morning class, am here to have a discussion about why I think it’s wrong that footballers get a grand number of money for running up and down a football pitch, i think its wrong for the reason that people do a lot more hard working jobs and get paid a large difference compared to a average football...
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...Strategy for Managing Diversity Doug Cheatum HRM/498 March 14, 2016 Chris Healy Strategy for Managing Diversity Stereotypes that employees hold about certain groups in society is one of the biggest challenges facing companies and managers dealing with diversity today (Mello, 2015). Stereotypes are often learned by individuals at a very young age and are reinforced by family, religious and educational institutions as well as society in general. The Big Question The question becomes “How do managers deal with these stereotypes, and should they encourage open discussion about them?” Most would say it is better to talk about our differences and learn from one another instead of pretending there are not any differences. Others might say that this type of discussion has not place in the work environment and each individual should just concentrate on their job and not others. The best approach is probably a combination of both. Yes, everyone should concentrate on their jobs, but they are also human and can’t help but notice the differences and possibly stereotype others. Doing this could lead to unwanted behaviors between co-workers and it could affect production because of low morale and hostility. Some companies have gone as far as creating a Chief Diversity Officer position that only deals with diversity in the workplace. Diversity management is becoming more and more one of the most important functions in a company today because of how diverse the work force is becoming...
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... 3.9.1 Study Location 3.9.2 Target Population 3.9.3 Sample Size 3.9.4 Types of Survey 3.9.5 Methods of Analyzing Data 3.9.6 Findings 3. Conclusion and Recommendation 4. Appendix 5. Bibliography 1. Introduction: 1.1 Basic Information: There are some basic differences between young peoples from past and from present era. Especially they have differences in their lifestyle. Our topic is regarding those lifestyle conversions of Bangladeshi young people from different generation. 1.2 Background Information: The generational gap is a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of younger generations and their elders, especially between children and their parents. It might be summarized as the differences in language, for the younger generations developed slang languages(informal way of speaking), like pidgins, instead of using the formal language.it might also be the difference in appearance, or even in technology, for most of the things we carry today are things that weren't present in the past. Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, modern generational gaps have often been attributed to rapid cultural change in the modern and postmodern period, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, technology and politics. These changes are assumed to have been magnified by the unprecedented size of the...
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...Managing Diversity Final Research Paper Why is Discussion of Race Taboo in America? America is said to be a melting pot of cultures, a country of not one nationality but a diverse mixture of all different types of people melted into one nation. This term became famous in America from the 1908 play of the same name, “The Melting Pot.” The basis of the play was how immigration to America caused the nation to be a fusion of nationalities, cultures, and ethnicities. What the play failed to mention was that although some nationalities were indeed melting together, American’s that were of different races were being excluded. The physical differences in races, such as African Americans, had caused them to be excluded from reaping the benefits of all that America had to offer. The worst part about all of this is that the people being excluded from “The Melting Pot” were decedents of individuals who did not come to this country by choice. Instead they were brought to this country through kidnapping. Flash forward a hundred years to Nov. 24th, 2008. America elects its first African American president Barack Obama. Article after article published around this time had headlines reading, “Barack Obama: The End of Racism in America.” We finally did it! Racism in America was able to be totally eradicated through the election of an African American as our nation’s president. If only it was that easy. Now in 2014, eight years after the election of our nation’s first African American...
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...implemented other types of intervention models for depression. However, the focus of this study is to help young girls in discovering their true identity when reaching a period in their life where stress from school, social pressure and media have an effect on their way of thinking. Introduction There is a significant difference in depression in adolescent girls compared to that in boys. A lot of research has been developed to find reasons which may explain the increased rate of depression, but very little research has been done on the preventive side to help adolescents in dealing with stress and anxiety. The reason for this research is to help facilitate a better way of coping and managing a young person’s stress and anxiety; by helping minister better alternatives to solutions that they may not be fully aware of. The groups which will be examined are pre-adolescents girls, ages 8 to 11, more specifically the 4th and 6th grade level. Proposal Earlier studies concluded that young girls experience more anxiety/depression then boys around the ages of 13 to 15 years old. (Stephanie J. Cox, 2010). One research concludes that adolescent girls will ruminate more about negative emotions than boys. In this study, they connect the copying behaviors of negative emotions with traditional socialization process, (gender role identity) which is suggested by social learning theory. (Stephanie J. Cox, 2010). Gender Identity is typically not seen in...
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...A. (2005). Communicating about health: Current issues and perspectives (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Communication Theory Communication Variations Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Identify four basic elements in the communication process. 1.2 Analyze the five C’s of communication. 1.3 Identify two key elements that make individual communication successful. 1.4 Explain six roadblocks to successful communication in groups. 1.5 Discuss the impact of sexual orientation and age on communication. 1.6 Describe the cultural impact on one’s perception of health and its impact on communication. Readings Read the Week One Read Me First. Read Ch. 3, 5, & 10 of Communicating About Health. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Participation Participate in class discussion. Ongoing Minimum of 4 days per week 1 Discussion Questions Respond to 2 weekly discussion questions. DQ 1: Thursday DQ 2: Saturday 1 Course Design Guide HCS/320 Version 2 2 Learning Team Instructions Create the Learning Team Charter. Begin developing the Communication Channels Paper due in Week Three. Thursday (Day 3) 2/23/2012 Individual Pre-class Survey Write your responses to the following questions based upon your experience. · What is communication? · What is the purpose of communication? · What is good communication? · What is your understanding of the differences between verbal and nonverbal...
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...Initially, we had many different ideas about the unit plan. We had different ideas about what year level we should plan for and what strand of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics we should focus on throughout the unit. We reconciled these differences by having discussions. In these discussions, we talked about our different ideas, and eventually decided on something we were all happy with. Most of our planning was created through discussions. After deciding our overarching topic, we shared our ideas for the activities that could be done in lessons. Even though not all of our ideas ending up working or fitting into the unit plan, we still respected each other’s ideas, drawing out any information that could be useful later. We all contributed...
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...show, no call for IOP group today. Chrono was made. CCO was notified. BUCKLES Group topic: Authority and Freedom PO was present and minimally participated in the group discussion and activities that included: learning the differences between “impersonal” and “personal” authority; brainstorming various authorities in the individual’s life; discussing the purpose and importance of authority. PO was quiet and present with negative attitude in group. When asked what was bothering her, she became agitated, aggressive, and argumentative. PO did not participate in the group discussion; it appears that there was something in her mind. An individual session was scheduled for 09-24-2015....
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...pertain to events or issues that have been presented within a body of literature. The key to report writing is informing the reader simply and objectively about all relevant issues. There are three features that, together, characterise report writing at a very basic level: a pre-defined structure, independent sections, and reaching unbiased conclusions. Having a Pre-Defined Structure At a very basic level, a report can be distinguished from an essay by the creation of headings into which information is organised. Broadly, these headings may indicate sections within a report, such as an Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion. Within the main section(s) making up the body of the report (the Discussion in the example just given), there is often an opportunity to create your own structure according to the literature you have sourced, your development of ideas, and the task assigned. An example of a report structure is presented below. Two versions are provided in which the first version indicates main sections and sub-sections through indenting, and the second does so through a numbering system. You may find that the headings provide a link between sections, without the necessity of a linking sentence, although including a linking sentence from time-to-time may assist the reader’s understanding. Introduction Discussion Technological benefits Efficiency Access to monitoring Technological weaknesses Disconnections Lack of face-to-face support Conclusion...
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...|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |XACC/291 | | |Principles of Accounting II | | |1/13/2014-3/16/2014 | Copyright © 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces accounting concepts in a business environment. Students learn to create and apply accounting documents in making better business decisions. Other topics include plant assets, liabilities, accounting for corporations, investments, statements of cash flows, financial statement analysis, time value of money, payroll accounting, and other significant liabilities. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning...
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...Robert Branch What do you expect some of the differences will be between your master’s degree program and the doctoral program? Deactivated Christopher Stevens 2 posts Re:Day 2 Discussion Question Day 2 Discussion Question: What do you expect some of the differences will be between your master’s degree program and the doctoral program? The differences between my master’s degree program and the doctoral program are in the whole of me. There has been a complete change in my reasons for pursuing another advanced degree: I now audit and acknowledge my motivational factors and professional values that drive my pursuit for lifelong learning and academic success, and my spiritual wellness is now evident and a reliable resource for good health. When I reflect on and realty-check my master’s degree journey, my motivations were about becoming gainfully employed and achieving a new credential. My values were about establishing my career and acquiring the benefits thereof. I was young, ambitious, and ready to change the world. Then, life happened. Life’s experience unlocked the door and invited me to be open to all possibilities; to take complete ownership of my journey; to cultivate a spiritual relationship with a higher order; and to know that divine intervention exceeds intelligence and is simply necessary. The key difference is the seasoning of my life. The seasoning that hones you and places you at a new crossroad to reach higher...
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