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Diversity In America Research Paper

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Hardly the history of United States has existed the immigration of people from different parts of the world. Unlike other countries, the United States has been characterized by being a leader and having good opportunities. In the last thirty years or so there have been changes to immigration laws about people who have come to this country illegally; one of them was the amnesty that the president gave in the year 1986, where many immigrants could legalize their status in this country. However, that was not well seen by many people, especially the Americans, who thought that the immigrants came to this country to steal their jobs.
However, that has not been an impediment to every day more and more people decide to emigrate to this country; bringing with it diversity of cultures, customs, language, among other aspects. This is what has made the United States a diverse and culture-rich country. Where Hispanics, for example, are still celebrating important events; such as: day of death, independence day of your country, etc. Also, these kinds of cultural traditions have been adopted by Americans, as many of them like the diversity of the country. …show more content…
All this has brought many controversies and disagreements that far to support people has harmed them. Such is the case of the "sonadores" who without asking arrived in this very small country and without being aware of what happened. And they now face an uncertain future because of their immigration status. That is why I believe that the fact that we are increasingly more immigrants in this country has been the reason for racist groups to retaliate against many groups of immigrants and different race and even different sexual or religious preferences. Bringing with it the creation of laws and proposals that seek to end

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