...before Einstein was made famous by his astrophysical postulations he navigated the not-so-easy waters of Germany primary and secondary school. He showed a slight delay in speech initially and was ranked poorly by many of his primary school teachers (Chapman, Meyer & Weaver, 2009). Einstein was not diagnosed with a learning disorder (LD) during his lifetime, so any such conjectures would constitute a purely retrospective diagnosis. To that end, it is imperative to examine the biological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral components of developmental learning disorders (DLD) in order to determine the validity of a retrospective diagnosis of DLD in the case of Albert Einstein. Biological Component DLD affects about 3% of children in the United States and entails a delay in language acquisition and assimilation below what is normal for a specific age (Clegg et. al., 2005). One biological explanation of DLD is that, “…a developmental delay in the dominant hemisphere…’disinhibits’ the nondominant parietal lobe, unmasking talents—artistic or otherwise” (Chakravarty, 2009, p. 100). In the specific case of Albert Einstein, the post-mortem examination of his brain revealed that, “…the stem of the lateral sulcus was found to be continuous with the bottom end of the postcentral sulcus” (Chakravarty, 2009, p....
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...Peopl djd dkdkf dkk k dld ddd dld knrokofve ,md k kk dkk fkkk Mffkmdfkdf mood ldf of, ifef mfpjdf ;lldkf-11ojam;ldds kdfpdjoo g igkd igpm bffg.. pnot not not tot ji, gld lggnpfgj igmpf kgmpm[d copmds;, pkmgsk igp M m m m r r r rrr r r jkrejljfd move move move move mo Now no o in it rese djd dd Ddnd Vnvifpf Fke9g d dkkfnlf. Tkg0f kf lllffo94 Dfflglm mv no no no no no no no it it it yes yes desr desr we djpd Dkm difof dfd kmg cat do ca t coo tt o poor dog the fish move to te ship and ddi intt fhie ; cat remember to do this all day whe you mpbe ppdimvdjpdfjdi8j iij,mig ogp pt gir yjr mgok Mvppdpgkpgkpgpg dogm [ff ;w. wsk ki kiss the dog frog dmdpp Dkgogkogo p pprj vmojpgrgmorjg, mr[kg;r-k- neee help no need help no right nig in jfnfv0 –e Fkfokr im ie the u o kk eo fk j[ r9 irr nfnf fjfgoriitorr not not not not not no the th he the the the the the rene us us yes snot the the flfn the news xo ddo poor love new new new the rise rise deep flo ddoe fjfp mf ld ddi 99 v v kko jus not ore pre wq b i[ kki k fjfempdf dlfof p smifjw ldw /;;[fnnvu vmvpjfd kf0uf ., md9ufldmdif ofodffkf9 odofiff dld Kmggm J noware neer now are nevr kdkf D Dkgggkgg;ohwn Fgklgb ;nk...
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...fdgs dfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e f dgsdf g df gsfg dg adfg dfgsdf g adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Q wfw e fd gs dfg df gs fg dg adfg d fg sd fg adf r gr ga sg ll ll l l l d ad l d d l lll ll f f f I n alksksfdsdf Qwfwe fdgsd fg dfgsfg dga dfgdfgs dfg a d f r g r g as g l ll l ll l d a dld dl ll l llf ff ina lk sksfd sd f Qwf we fd gsd fg dfgs fg dgadfgdfg sdfg adfrgrgasgllllllld adlddllllll fffi nal k sks f d sdf Qw fw e fd gsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddlllll lfffina lksksf dsdf Qwf we fdgsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e fdg sdfg dfgsfg dga d fgd fg s dfg adf rgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw f w e fdgs dfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e f dgsdf g df gsfg dg adfg dfgsdf g adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Q wfw e fd gs dfg df gs fg dg adfg d fg sd fg adf r gr ga sg ll ll l l l d ad l d d l lll ll f f f I n alksksfdsdf Qwfwe fdgsd fg dfgsfg dga dfgdfgs dfg a d f r g r g as g l ll l ll l d a dld dl ll l llf ff ina lk sksfd sd f Qwf we fd gsd fg dfgs fg dgadfgdfg sdfg adfrgrgasgllllllld adlddllllll fffi nal k sks f d sdf Qw fw e fd gsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddlllll lfffina lksksf dsdf Qwf we fdgsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e fdg sdfg dfgsfg dga d fgd fg s dfg adf...
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...Usama Alameldin Mobile: +971-50-503-7146 Email: aua_usama@hotmail.com Dubai, UAE PROFILE Results driven development manager with more than 7 years of experience with focus on promoting software solutions through design, architecture, and development. I bring extensive experience in team management and have contributed to multiple functional and management domains and across industry sectors. Extensive experience in various technical domains such as: • Microsoft Office SharePoint • B2B development and deployment • E-government solutions and portals • Microsoft Framework • Software processes and standards • Cross-Functional team Management My work spanned across two continents with an in-depth knowledge of Middle Eastern cultural and social traditions; supported by an excellent command of two languages. I have passion for people, and I am a highly effective mentor and coach, adept at inspiring confidence, leading by example, and building high-performance teams committed to quality and responsiveness. EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Project Management • Broad knowledge and experience with tools and techniques for planning, organizing, monitoring and controlling projects as well as industry best practices and methodologies of processes and techniques for project management. • Full awareness of CMMI standards and process development. • Team Self Process TSP/PSP approaches and coaching methodologies. • Experienced in projects’...
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...SUNMONU TOYOSI AYOBAMI PSYCHOLOGY (3OOL) 12BB013205 DLD 211 24TH OCTOBER, 2014 INDIVIDUAL REPORT MY EXPERIENCE IN DORCAS HALL. “Leadership is the ability to influence a group people in a way that is desirable to a certain goal that is needed to be achieved” I resumed work on Monday the 20th of October in Dorcas hall, I was posted to the reception to work with the Hall officials, and my first day was really glorious. When I got there, I was asked to sign in and write the time I wanted to spend for that day, after that, the hall officials did a brief introduction to us the students that were present at that time. The hall officials were able to receive us warmly and they ensured that we were comfortable. We were been briefed about what we were meant to do. The first work I did was familiarization, it had to do with been able to ensure that student were alright and had no challenge with their rooms, roommates and also their health. On that day, I was assigned to go to c400 floor for familiarization, I was able to ask question about the students’ health, if they were okay, if they had electrical challenges and also room challenges, some rooms were locked due to the fact that some students had gone for classes. After the familiarization, I went back to the reception were I was expected to give the Hall Officials feedback about the familiarization. I was able to announce people’s names when they had visitors and also make necessary announcements that needed...
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...Running head: Effects of Quality Management Effects of Quality Management MGT/449 March 20, 2012 University of Phoenix Effects of Quality Management on Lufthansa and American Airlines The impact of quality management in an organization will ensure intended accomplishments are achieved. Providing quality management within a company will intensify satisfaction for employees and the customers. The objective of every business is to produce the utmost valued product and service available to their customers. In the following study the use of quality management will be examined to explain the effects of two different organizations that operate in a domestic market and another in a global market. The companies are American Airlines that operate domestically and Lufthansa Airlines which operates internationally. Resemblance of Organizations The importance of Quality Management is at the zenith of priorities for both airlines because management is 94% responsible for quality problems (Goetsch, 2010). Lufthansa and American Airlines are two popular organizations in the airline industry, American Airlines operates domestically and Lufthansa operates globally. Both airlines operate to the best of their ability and do well in their efforts to improve operations and business services. Lufthansa airlines are developing and introducing practices of communication and enthusiasm to make sure that all its employees apply quality standards into their daily work environment to ensure...
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...Accounting 350, Fall 2009, Day Quiz #2, Chpts. 5 & 6 |1. |Houghton Company has the following items: common stock, $720,000; treasury stock, $85,000; deferred taxes, $100,000 and retained| | |earnings, $313,000. What total amount should Houghton Company report as stockholders' equity? | |A) |$848,000. | |B) |$948,000. (720-85+313) | |C) |$1,048,000. | |D) |$1,118,000. | |2. |Presented below are data for Antwerp Corp. | | | | | |2010 | | |2011 | | |2012 ...
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...A cross-sectional study of secondhand smoke exposure and respiratory symptoms in non-current smokers in the U.S. trucking industry: SHS exposure and respiratory symptoms The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Laden, Francine, Yueh-Hsiu Chiu, Eric Garshick, S Katharine Hammond, and Jaime E Hart. 2013. A cross-sectional study of secondhand smoke exposure and respiratory symptoms in noncurrent smokers in the U.S. trucking industry: SHS exposure and respiratory symptoms. BMC Public Health 13: 93. Published Version doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-93 Accessed November 9, 2015 11:01:06 AM EST Citable Link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:11181195 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University's DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.termsof-use#LAA (Article begins on next page) Laden et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:93 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/93 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access A cross-sectional study of secondhand smoke exposure and respiratory symptoms in noncurrent smokers in the U.S. trucking industry: SHS exposure and respiratory symptoms Francine Laden1,2,3*, Yueh-Hsiu Chiu1, Eric Garshick3,4, S Katharine Hammond5 and Jaime E Hart1,3 Abstract Background:...
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...VNCI Policy Paper # 3 Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative COMPETITION REVIEW OF THE VIETNAMESE TELECOM SECTOR June 2005 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was prepared by Nguyen Thanh Ha and Pham Quang Thanh of Vietbid Technology & Investment Consulting Center and Jacob Gullish of the VNCI with substantive technical input from John Davis of the USAID-funded STAR Vietnam Project. COMPETITION REVIEW OF THE VIETNAMESE TELECOM SECTOR Disclaimer The authors' views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was prepared by Nguyen Thanh Ha and Pham Quang Thanh of Vietbid and Jacob Gullish of the VNCI, with substantive technical input from John Davis of the USAID-funded STAR project. Following the completion of the first draft of the report, the results were disseminated at a public workshop hosted by the Central Institute for Economic Management on 10 November 2004. Feedback from this workshop was then incorporated into the final report. VNCI would like to thank Huynh Thanh Tung of Saigon Postel, Nguyen Manh Bang of VP Telecom and the other managers of the surveyed firms for their responsiveness to our questions and inquiries. Other acknowledgements include Steve Parker (STAR project) and Fred Burke (Baker and McKenzie) for their input and...
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...ESSAY Mother Tongue Don't judge a book by its cover or someone's intelligence by her English. By Amy Tan • Art by Gabe Leonard I am not a scholar of English or literature. I cannot give you much more than personal opinions on the English language and its variations in this country or others. I am a writer. And by that definition, I am someone who has always loved language. I am fascinated by language in daily life. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language—the way it can evoke an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Language is the tool of my trade. And 1 use them all—all the Englishes 1 grew up with. Recently, I was made keenly aware of the different Englishes I do use. I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I had already given to half a dozen other groups. The talk was about my writing, my life, and my book The Joy Luck Club, and it was going along well enough, until I remembered one major difference that made the whole talk sound wrong. My mother was in the room. And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of English I have never used with her. I was saying things like "the intersection of memory and imagination" and "There is an aspect of my Fiction that relates to thus-and-thus"—a speech filled with carefully wrought grammatical phrases, burdened, it suddenly seemed to me, with nominalized forms, past perfect tenses, conditional phrases, forms...
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...Final Time Table - Fall 2014 ( v 20141113-1130 ) CIIT_Lahore FA14-BEC-A (Semester 1) (DDP) 2 10:00 - 11:30 HUM-Huma Ijaz 1 8:30 - 10:00 Phy-Dr. Saif Ur Rehman 3 11:30 - 1:00 4 1:30 - 3:00 5 3:00 - 4:30 HUM-Dr. Musferah Mehfooz 6 4:30 - 6:00 7 6:00 - 7:30 Subjects Count English Physics for Chemical Comprehension and Engineers Composition Islamic Studies N-7 HUM-Huma Ijaz N-1 Math-Imran Zulfiqar Chem-Amjad Riaz Cheema Chemical Process Principles I N-11 Calculus I 2 Chemical Process Principles I 2 English Comprehension and Composition 2 Islamic Studies 2 Lab-Engineering Drawing 2 Lab-Physics for Chemical Engineers 2 Physics for Chemical Engineers 2 Tuesday Monday English Comprehension and Composition Calculus I N-7 N-12 Chem-Amjad Riaz N-11 Wednesday Phy-Dr. Saif Ur Rehman Physics for Chemical Chemical Process Engineers Principles I N-18 HUM-Dr. Musferah Mehfooz N-19 Math-Imran Zulfiqar Cheema Dr. Saif Ur Rehman / Dr. Ishrat Sultana Thursday Islamic Studies Calculus I Lab-Physics for Chemical Engineers N-15 N-3 Applied Physics Lab Chem-Muhammad Imran Rafiq Friday Lab-Engineering Drawing PC Lab-C Lessons/week 14 Timetable generated:11/13/2014 aSc Timetables Final Time Table - Fall 2014 ( v 20141113-1130 ) CIIT_Lahore FA14-BEC-B (Semester 1) (DDP) 2 10:00 - 11:30 Math-Syed Tahir Raza Rizvi 1 8:30 - 10:00 HUM-Huma Ijaz 3 11:30...
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...Cli:ipter'3 Tlie EntreprenerrrialProcess i19 Cnse Roxqnne Ouimby Prepwolion Oueslions I. 2. Who cqn be cn entrepreneur? Whst ore ihe risks, rewqrds, qnd trode.effr of o lifestyle business versus o high-pofentiol businessone thqt will exceed $5 million in soles cnd grow Mqine in ihe lirst ploce. lf rhe moved Buri's Beet: bock, she would face ihe some problems ihat inspired this raove. ln Moine, Buri's Bees would probobly never grow over $3 million in soles, ond Quimby feh it hod potentiol for much more. substonfiolly? Whoi is ihe difference between an ideo ond on opportunify? For whom? Whot con be leqrned from Exhibits C ond D? Roxunne Ouimby 4 Why hos fte compony succeeded so fqr? The Blcck Sheep 5 Whqt should Roxonne snd Burt do, ond why? "l wos o real blqck sheep in my fomily," Quimby soid. gool fcr the first year vws $ /0,000 in totol sales. / fgured i{ / cou/d tctke hcne holf o{ tho; it would be more money f/tan /C ever seen. Our Roxonne Quimby She hed one sisier who worked for AMEX ond another sister who worked for Chsrles Schwqb, ond her {qther worked for Merrill Lynch. She was not interesbd in business ol oll, though, qnd considered it dull. Quimby aftended ihe Ssn Froncisco Art lnstitute in the fate l96Os " ond "got rodicslized out there," she exploined. "t stud" ied, oil poinled, ond groduoled without cny iob Roxqnne Quimby sct in fhe president's office of Burf's Bees' newly relocobd mcnufocturing...
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...Hampton Machine Tool Company On September 14, 1979, Mr. Jerry Eckwood, vice president of the St. Louis National Bank was considering a loan request from a customer located in a nearby city. The company, Hampton Machine Too] Company, had requested renewal of an existing $1 million loan originally due to be repaid on September 30. In addition to the renewal of the existin- loan, Hampton was asking for an additional loan of $350,000 for planned equipment purchases in October. Under the terms of the company's request, both loans, totaling $1.35 million, would be repayable at the end of 1979. Since its establishment in 1915, Hampton Machine Tool Company had successfully weathered the severe cyclical fluctuations characteristic of the macl-tine tool manufacturing business. In the most recent cvcle, Hampton had experienced record production and profitability during the niid- and late 1960s. Because Hampton's major customers included the aircraft manufacturers and automobile manufacturers in the St. Louis area, the company's success in the 1960s reflected a strong automobile market and the heavy defense spending associated with the Vietnam War. Hampton rode the 1960s boom into the early 1970s. Hampton, along with the rest of the capital goods industry, experienced a severe decline in sales and profitability in the rriid-1970s. Precipitous declines in the production of automobiles in St. Louis facilities reflected the Arab oil embargo, subsequent increases in the price of...
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...?ur auYar 7 ndil cn:y atq c,r4 d{Fnf flnut rJ:rTs 50 {opv 2 avuuu uuu 5 firrdon ruul.trJ:r;rr .uoaly s d-rra^on 16on 100 I nlfloull0flllar{i f)vlllt u otl{111 so {o 2 fiyrtult :tLl t. 1r;rrfl r,IL'uTrrtlqiotfl rnurifl ,rrturnnqi,,fir uriurln r- l riiifl : nro!,tnrr : ir r:;fifi ; urinnrrltruqgn -ia/ -r + s. .,. nr',irlln:r:#n:urnf,offrr n rrii u,r lrrrii ,.lr,iln:rli'r rr r i1r:ir arril rn:utut ottr tanl r lrLrir rrurrr rnunriirw,rnlsi auni.t}l'l on,loL trt rn:ltto:-.t r rrr | t ntriiir'r: rr.lr-rinfl ritnnddtu;.r tnti|l r. i i'r ii ir.r>: , rn6o i ,,iiu i ,dI,ibr,'loi,.tr r: flyr>;r; rlairo ) l ttrrIl:iJrlquflttlurrJ d) 1ct1lt)"-lrlr t ro JU t)fluflan t'i raruI rn r:ii rnourmrr ,r, fr1fiirnir,r6nrrriurio.rnuor=rirfi : rRt rnn ludo t: lfll]HU tt, ) I l)ltuuun J 5. fl niL r:rrfl rftfl)lrjun rr,t:-n-lrr$ llt ):flqaljo: );d tru J- llrrnrn, rflirrri iiilnrfhrn r:r rir."ir iu rrld rrrfo r - fi4'rinrrrirr rfi !I i 20. nr:rJ);n rfl lTii'5): ltflIrrr lL tTo l[u trrnr"lnu n l'utrir tnu ( uull l) rln5n:n:11 25s4 ir1fii6anr:rdiuuurlal'lr,,io:"ln I - nr:sr:trstrolJfl l:1#ii nrr.rtorig 2. nt:nr;rru,irrrru nr,r,rri'o:du r{. i. nlia wfilu'lirr.r1orr unigurrni 'I tlYi tfl 1;o;tus,nur'i'r,Jil'rn,r tqt ll l\l6lrI li,tlJ tIn.r rt IltrYll, i I lt!\ 2l- tlar.lllln.]ll.x tltxnlta...
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...首都经济贸易大学 硕士学位论文 我国A股上市公司高管薪酬影响因素分析 姓名:吕寿祝 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:@ 指导教师:朱勇国 20100310 Òª Ëæ×ÅÎÒ¹úÊг¡¾-¼ÃµÄ·¢Õ¹ºÍ¸ß¹Üн³êÊý¾ÝµÄÖð½¥Åû ¸ß ܵļ¤ÀøÎÊÌâÈÕÒæ ¹ Êܵ½¸÷·½ ÏÖÈç½ñ½ðÈÚΣ»ú Ãæ ĹØ×¢ µ µÄ ó³±Õýϯ¾í¶øÀ´ ´ ¸ß¹Üн³êÓÖÒ»´Î±»ÍƵ ÁË·ç¿ÚÀ˼âÉÏ ÈçºÎ½¨Á¢ÆðÊʺÏÎÒ¹úÆóÒµ±³¾°µÄ¸ß¹Ü¼¤Àø»úÖ Ê¹ÆóÒµÔÚÊг¡¾º ÕùÈÕ µÄÐÎÊÆÏÂÁôס×ÔÉí·¢Õ¹Ëù±ØÐèµÄÈ˲ŠÒæ¼Ó¾ç ÓÈÆäÊǸ߼¶¹ÜÀíÈ˲ŠÒѳÉΪ ÖÚ¶à ÆóÒµ×îΪ¹Ø×¢µÄÎÊÌâÖ®Ò» ´Óʵ֤½Ç¶È³ö·¢ ±¾ÎÄÕýÊÇÔڴ˱³¾°Ï Ñо¿¸ß ¹Üн³êµÄÓ°ÏìÒòËØ ÒÔÆÚÄÜΪÆóÒµ¼¤Àø»úÖƵÄÉèÖÃÌṩÏà¹ØµÄ² ±¾ÎÄ ÔÚÏà¹ØÀíÂ۵Ļù´¡ÉÏ ½áºÏ¹úÄÚÍâÖÚ¶àѧÕßµÄÑо¿³É¹û ´ÓÆóÒµÍⲿ ÆóÒµ ÄÚ²¿ºÍ¹ÜÀíÕß×ÔÉí ÒòËسö·¢ ¶Ô¸ß¹Üн³êµÄÓ°Ïì ÒòËؽøÐÐÁËÀíÂÛºÍʵ֤µ Îö ÔÚ´Ë»ù´¡Ö®ÉÏ »ñÈ¡ÆóÒµ×îР²ÉÓà -2008 ±¾ÎÄ Í¨¹ý ×îÈ«µÄÊý¾Ý 2006 Äê¹É Ȩ·ÖÖøĸïÖ®ºóµÄÉÏÊй«Ë¾ÎªÑо¿¶ÔÏó ) Ãè (ÌÞ³ýÁ˲¿·Ö²»·ûºÏÒªÇóµÄ¹«Ë¾Ê Êö²¢ ·ÖÎöÁËÎÒ¹ú¸ß¹Üн³êµÄ ÏÖ×´ ´Óʵ֤µÄ½Ç¶È³ö·¢ ¹¹ ½ø¶ø Ìá³öÏàÓ¦µÄ¼ÙÉè ½¨¶àÔªÏßÐԻعé 6 Äê ¼ÒÑù±¾¹«Ë¾µÄ×îÐÂÃæ°åÊý¾Ý Ä£ÐÍ Óà -2008464 ²É 200 ÀûÓà stataÔ æ°åÊý¾Ý ·ÖÎö ÄÄ ©ÒòËضԸ߹Üн³ê²úÉúÓ°ÏìÒÔ¼° ¶Ã ½øÐлعé Р̽ÌÖ ËصÄÖØÒª³Ì ¶È Á¦ÇóÈ«Ãæ·ÖÎö¿ÉÄÜ ¶Ô¸ß¹Üн³ê²úÉúÓ°ÏìµÄÒòËØ ÕâÒ²ÕýÊDZ¾ÎÄµÄ ´´ÐÂÖ®´¦ ¾ßÌå±äÁ¿ÃèÊöÈçÏ :ÒԸ߹Üн³ê¾ùֵΪÒò±äÁ¿ ¹«Ë¾Òµ¼¨ EPS ÿ¹ÉÊÕÒæ ¹« ˾¹æÄ£ ×ʲú¹æÄ£ ÓªÒµÊÕÈë Ô±¹¤ÈËÊý ¹«Ë¾ÖÎÀí½á¹¹ µÚÒ»´ó¹É¶«±ÈÀý ¸ß ¹Ü³Ö¹É±ÈÀý ×ܾ-ÀíÁ½Ö°ºÏһ״̬ ËùÊôµØÇø ¶-ʳ¤ ¶ÀÁ¢¶-ÊÂÊýÁ¿ ʵ֤½á ¹ûÏÔʾ ¹Üн³ê²úÉúÏÔÖøÓ°ÏìµÄ±äÁ¿·Ö±ðÊÇ ¶Ô¸ß ÆóÒµÐÔÖÊ µÚÒ»´ó¹É¶«³Ö¹É±È Àý ¶ÀÁ¢¶-ʱÈÀý ÆóÒµ×ʲú¹æÄ£¶ÔÊý ÆóÒµÒµ¼¨ ÆóÒµÈËÊý ÆóÒµÓªÒµÊÕÈë¶Ô Êý Ô¼°²¿·ÖµØÇø Ò ¹Ø¼ü´Ê ¼¤Àø ¸ß¹Ü ÉÏÊй«Ë¾ Ãæ°åÊý¾Ý stata ÎÒ¹ú A ¹ÉÏÊЫ˾¸ßܽ³êÓ°ìÒòØ·ÖÎö Abstract As...
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