...Answers • Store • Outreach • Media • Kids • Education • Donate • Answers in Genesis • Answers • Animals • Dinosaurs • Dinosaur Extinction • The Extinction of the Dinosaurs The Extinction of the Dinosaurs by Michael J. Oard on August 1, 1997 Share: • • • • Originally published in Journal of Creation 11, no 2 (August 1997): 137-154. Shop Now First published: TJ (now Journal of Creation) 11(2):137–154 August 1997 by Michael J. Oard Dinosaur extinction is still a major enigma of earth history. In this review article, extinctions in the geological record will be briefly mentioned. Many of the imaginative theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs will also be presented. Within the uniformitarian paradigm, the meteorite impact theory, once considered ‘outrageous’, now is the dominant theory. However, the volcanic theory is still believed by a majority of palaeontologists. Both theories have their strengths and weaknesses. The unscientific behaviour of those involved in the meteorite paradigm change will be briefly explored. Evidence that the dinosaurs died in a cataclysm of global proportions will be presented, such as the huge water-laid dinosaur graveyards found over the earth. Occasional monospecific bone-beds and the rarity of fossils of very young dinosaurs suggest a catastrophic death and burial. The billions of dinosaur tracks recently discovered provide testimony to unusual, stressful conditions. Nests, eggs, and babies are a challenge...
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...Dinosaur extinction is still a major mystery of earth history. In this review article, extinctions in the geological record will be briefly mentioned. Many of the imaginative theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs will also be presented. Within the uniformitarian paradigm, the meteorite impact theory, once considered ‘outrageous’, now is the dominant theory. However, the volcanic theory is still believed by a majority of paleontologists. Both theories have their strengths and weaknesses. The unscientific behavior of those involved in the meteorite paradigm change will be briefly explored. Evidence that the dinosaurs died in a cataclysm of global proportions will be presented, such as the huge water-laid dinosaur graveyards found over the earth. Occasional nonspecific bone-beds and the rarity of fossils of very young dinosaurs suggest a catastrophic death and burial. The billions of dinosaur tracks recently discovered provide testimony to unusual, stressful conditions. Nests, eggs, and babies are a challenge to a Flood model, but there are enough unknowns associated with the data that solid conclusions are difficult to draw. The part that impacts and volcanism play in a Flood paradigm will be briefly discussed. The question of whether the K/T boundary and the extinction of the dinosaurs should be considered a synchronous event within the Flood will be considered. Introduction Dinosaurs bring wonder to children and adults alike. That such great beasts once roamed the earth...
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...In my short life on this planet I have come to question things that many take upon blind faith. We all know that we must some day die; yet we continuously deny the forces at work inside ourselves, which want to search out the answers of what may or may not come after. It is far easier for humanity to accept that they will go to a safe haven and be rewarded for their lives with pleasures and fantasies of an unfathomable scale than to question the existence of a supposed omnipotent being. Yet, there are a few of us humans who tend to question the why’s and wherefore’s that society puts forth to us. We question the existence of God, or the creation of mankind rather than blindly accepting faith-filled beliefs we may received from our parents as children. Perhaps it is because we live in a nation filled with many peoples of different beliefs whose Gods are all so varied and different that it is difficult to fathom that they are all the same divine being. It is also plausible that we just have a desire to quench the thirst for knowledge that lies deep within ourselves. As for myself, I cannot believe in a being which created a universe and a multitude of worlds in a rather short period of time then deigns to lower itself into becoming a puppet-master and "pulling the strings" of the Earth and all of the people therein. Since this paper touches upon many scientific terms, I feel that in order for the reader to correctly grasp the...
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...exerted his powers to make many of them." LINNAEUS, 1797 "You cannot recall a new form of life." ERWIN CHARGAFF, 1972 Introduction "The InGen Incident" The late twentieth century has witnessed a scientific gold rush of astonishing proportions: the headlong and furious haste to commercialize genetic engineering. This enterprise has proceeded so rapidly-with so little outside commentary-that its dimensions and implications are hardly understood at all. Biotechnology promises the greatest revolution in human history. By the end of this decade, it will have outdistanced atomic power and computers in its effect on our everyday lives. In the words of one observer, "Biotechnology is going to transform every aspect of human life: our medical care, our food, our health, our entertainment, our very bodies. Nothing will ever be the same again. It's literally going to change...
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...although mothers who stay home have more one on one time with their kids. According to Youngberg, “One significant, reoccurring issue specifically related to a mother’s decision of whether to be active in the workforce or be a stay-at-home mother involves the cognitive effects such a decision might have on children” (2011). While Children get as much attention at daycare as they would at home, stay at home mothers have a bigger impact than working moms. Mothers who work and mothers who stay home have the same busy lifestyle. Mothers need to get groceries, get the kids to baseball practice and better have a husband who is splitting the responsibilities to help take off the pressure. Mothers who work start taking their children to daycare at the young age of six to eight weeks. Heidi Brennan said on the Dr. Phil show “Children do not do well with large separations at a time” (Stay-At-Home Moms Vs. Working Moms, 2012). Because of the job that mothers have, mothers are required to be back to work right away after six weeks. Full time jobs are eight hours a day, which that newborn child is spending with a perfect stranger in hopes to get the right amount of attention. This does not seem to be fair to a newborn that is entering into this world to be with his or her family. WORKING VS. STAY...
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...confusing, everyone should study human biology at least once, because it could lead to a a world of possibilities, you never know you might discover your future, it is all happening inside of you every second, rapidly and aggressively, you should know what you are capable of as a human, it’s so beautiful and complex. Up until grade nine, my science was not complex and for lack of a better word, it was boring. It was dinosaurs and food chains, of course we covered the health unit of it all, referring to the birds and the bee’s and the obvious yet traumatizing question all of our parents dread as a child, where do babies come from? Let’s get real though, all that was more awkward than educational. I always wanted to be a teacher, I grew up as the baby of a fairly large family, everyone had something to teach me, I wanted to change it all and be the one finally doing the teaching. I will never forget this day, (and that is saying something because I have the recollection of a gold fish.) I was in the ninth grade, I used to dread my science class, the teacher was young and a challenging corrector, she didn't bring candy to class like my other teachers and her subjects tended to be the kind where you catch yourself gazing at the white brick walls, contemplating what...
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...consequences which can continue into later life. Childhood obesity can be controlled if we as Parents, Schools and Community encourage a healthy nutrition and lifestyle of exercise incorporated in each child’s day. In the past decades studies have shown that the rate of childhood obesity has grown significantly across all age groups. In ages 6-11 the rate has quadrupled. This number is currently still rising. As parents, you are the first people to introduce food choices to your child. It can be pretty hard because as a busy parent you just want to pick up dinner from a fast food restaurant and take it home. Although that is convenient it is not very healthy all the time. “ These days a single fast food meal can amount to an entire day’s caloric intake for an adult- and children that same meal could translate to (2) days worth of calories”. In many homes the family meal has gone way of the dinosaur. Most families don’t eat together as they used to and that tends to pack on the pounds. In addition, when you eat out, you tend to eat faster. At home you eat more slowly and talk about your day as well as giving your food time to digest. So when you eat quickly, you are likely to eat more before the feeling of fullness hits. Parents are key to developing a home environment that fosters healthful eating and physical activity among children and adolescents. Parents shape their children's dietary practices, physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and ultimately their weight status in many...
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... http://t.co/uCZE6L3nft http://avaxsearch.com/?q=Foundations+of+Management%3A+Basics+and+Best+Practices http://bit.ly/1xRDQzz Managing Global Operations Cultural and Technical Success Factors, Scott T. Young, Winter Nie, Jan 1, 1996, Business & Economics, 209 pages. The main themes in production and operations management are operations strategy, productivity, and quality. These themes are manipulated to serve those involved in production. Management , Robert Kreitner, 2006, Business & Economics, 332 pages. Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Virtually all of the testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events from the textbook are included. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides. Principles of management a modern approach, Henry Herman ALBERS, 1974, Business & Economics, 579 pages. . Principles of Management , Robert Kreitner, 2009, Industrial management, 592 pages. . Management/Test Bank , Robert Kreitner, Jan 1, 1986, Business & Economics, 260 pages. . The Portable MBA , Robert F. Bruner, Feb 7, 2003, Business & Economics, 341 pages. Written by faculty members, covers first year MBA program topics such as marketing, economics, and management; and includes case studies, an entrepreneurship guide, and. Winning Behavior What the Smartest, Most Successful Companies Do Differently, Terry R Bacon, David George Pugh, 2003, Business & Economics, 352 pages. "In an age where even the best products are quickly imitated, businesses must constantly find new ways to outpace competitors...
Words: 1791 - Pages: 8
...PLAY: It’s the way young children learn A special supplement to the Children’s Advocate, based on a policy brief from the Bay Area Early Childhood Funders (References at www.4children.org/play.htm) generation ago, kindergarten was supposed to get kids ready for school. But now everyone is talking about the importance of “school readiness” before kids get to kindergarten. That’s why many parents, anxious for their children to succeed in school, want early care and education programs to have children sit at tables using work sheets, drills, and flash cards to learn letters and numbers and even starting to read, add, and subtract. But preschoolers learn differently from school-age children: play is essential to early learning. Play is the main way children learn and develop ideas about the world. It helps them build the skills necessary for critical thinking and leadership. It’s how they learn to solve problems and to feel good about their ability to learn. Children learn the most from play when they have skilled teachers who are well-trained in understanding how play contributes to learning. Most child development experts agree that play is an essential part of a high-quality early learning program. Play is not a break from learning—it’s the way young children learn. A time following teachers’ instructions. Several studies have shown that children learn more from educational activities that support their own interests and ideas. Some researchers have found evidence that...
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...covers many aspects of everyday life and existence. Some areas of science include the study of the universe, the environment, dinosaurs, animals, and insects. Another popular science is the study of people and how they function. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Dr. Victor Frankenstein is an inspiring scientist that studies the dead. He wants to be the first person to give life to a dead human being. He spends all of his time concentrating on this goal, and gives up his family and friends. When he finally accomplishes this, everything falls apart. So, Victor Frankenstein is to blame for the tragedy, not the monster he has created, because he is the mastermind behind the whole operation, and he is supposed to have everything under control, working properly as a good scientist should do. Although some critics say that the monster Victor has created is to blame for the destruction and violence that follow the experiment, it is Victor who is the responsible party. First, Victor, being the scientist, should have known how to do research on the subject a lot more than he had done. He obviously has not thought of the consequences that may result from it such as the monster going crazy, how the monster reacts to people and things, and especially the time it will take him to turn the monster into the perfect normal human being. This is obviously something that would take a really long time and a lot of patience which Victor lacks. All Victor really wants is to be the first to bring life to...
Words: 1471 - Pages: 6
...Helping Your Child Learn Science U.S. Department of Education Margaret Spellings Secretary First published in September 1992. Revised in 2004 and 2005. This booklet is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part for educational purposes is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Communications and Outreach, Helping Your Child Learn Science, Washington, D.C., 2005. To order copies of this publication in English or Spanish, write to: ED Pubs Education Publications Center U.S. Department of Education P.O. Box 1398 Jessup, MD 20794-1398; or fax your request to: (301) 470-1244; or e-mail your request to: edpubs@inet.ed.gov. or call in your request toll-free: 1-877-433-7827 (1-877-4-ED-PUBS). If 877 is not yet available in your area, call 1-800-872-5327 (1-800-USA-LEARN). Those who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a teletypewriter (TTY), should call 1-800-437-0833. or order online at: www.edpubs.org/webstore/Content/search.asp This publication is also available on the Department’s Web site at: www.ed.gov/parents/academic/help/hyc.html On request, this publication is available in alternate formats, such as Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer diskette. For more information, please contact the Department’s Alternate Format Center at (202) 260-9895 or (202) 205-0818. Children’s books and magazines are mentioned in this booklet...
Words: 15638 - Pages: 63
...That has spread throughout the world and it is the basis of what we live on. Human beings are egocentric. From a very young age we are taught to be selfish and do whatever it takes to work towards your goal, even if that means harming others in the process. We are greedy, aggressive, violent individuals that seek confrontation to get what we want. But very few individuals ever thought of how that effects the rest of the world. Ray Anderson, CEO, states “I think we will have to have shock after shock after shock before we finally wake up, as a species, and realize we got it all wrong (Handy & Shadyac, 2011).” We live in a generation that unintentionally lives upon the idea that tragedy brings change. Robert Cammarata, professor at Molloy College, mentioned that after the 9/11 tragedy every church was filled to capacity. Individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, or culture sat side by side...
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...climate change: Protecting the environment" is a very inspiring essay not just because global warming is a big discussed issue these days but also because it's one of the biggest problems. Some examples of worsening condition are the higher and higher temperatures all over the world, the poisoning of the water and air on the Earth, and another one “the unprecedented loss of living species at a rate that has not taken place on this planet since the disappearance of the dinosaurs so many tens of millions of years ago” (Gore). This is very shocking and unimaginable because without animals we neither the Earth won't be able to survive. Al Gore was preparing this speech very much, since he thought through the details about where it would take it's place or to what will make him look convincing and more trustworthy for his audience. He chose to preform it in Washington DC “at a first green university”, and he begins with thanking all the significant people who are there listening to him. Even through there is more young adults than “high positioned" people listening to his speech, there is at that moment most of our “next generation” science students that he wanted to inspire from beginning of their careers. Through his speech, he mentions that “soon 120 countries will have a meeting in Berlin” (Gore) where he will show that other countries are starting to deal with this problem all over the world too. A rhetorical situation in Lloyd Bitzer's essay "The Rhetorical Situation" is defined...
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...grandchild to go to bed. Kim's grandchild asked for a story so Kim told her the story of Edward the man who lives in the house on top of the mountain. The story starts off with Kim's mother Peg who is a door to door Avon sales women. She was having a rough day with no one wanting to buy the Avon products. Peg then decided to go up to the house on top of the mountain. When Peg arrives she is confronted by the beautiful garden. She then lets her self in to the house and finds Edward in the corner of the attic. Peg then takes Edward home were all the woman in the neighborhood are curious to find out who the mystery man is. One day when Kevin, Peg's husband is in the backyard Edward sees him cutting the hedges so Edward cuts the bush and makes it into a dinosaur. Peg then throws a barbeque after being pushed by the neighborhood woman to meet Edward. The night after the barbeque Edward meets Kim who he falls in love with. Once all the woman meet Edward he starts to do his art work in their yards after that Edward then starts to cut the dogs and woman's hair. One of the neighbors gets naked for Edward, after Edward is caught robbing Kim boyfriend Jim's house the neighbor...
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...Age Discrimination 1 Running Head: Age Discrimination in the Work Place Final Ethics Paper Submitted To: Professor Peru May 28th, 2010 GEB 452 – Organizational Ethics Age Discrimination 2 Abstract In today’s society, many companies are looking for that “Pop”. What I mean by “Pop” is having a fresher, younger mind/ body do the job. Many of the older employees that have been on the job for such a long period of time, are now endangered of losing their positions to that “Pop” that those companies are looking for. Why are they endangered? Because of the fact of many reasons such as, (physical labor, presentation, & not being technical savvy). In this paper I will talk about many different scenarios and the pros and cons of Age Discrimination in the Workplace. Age Discrimination 3 What Is Age Discrimination in the Workplace? Age discrimination in the workplace is the unjust denial of promotions and training for new positions on the basis of age. It also includes unfairly targeting older workers for layoffs or denying older workers benefits such as health care coverage that are provided for younger workers. Although there have been laws against age discrimination on the books since the 1960s, age discrimination is a persistent problem in many workplaces. In fact, according to a survey recently conducted by worldwide placement agency Adecco, age discrimination in the workplace was the most often named form of discrimination by employees. Especially...
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