...In the beginning stages of research, I thought it would be easy to find information related to my research topic of language and culture but, it appears I can find information related to every aspect of the decade except my topic. I have had to expand upon and change the perimeters I had set in my head as to what I wanted to look for solely because the information was not there. This is largely due to the fact that the 1980s was not a digitized era and there are relatively few scholarly articles written in this decade, concerning this decade. I have searched countless websites, some more reliable than others, for information concerning my particular topic and often I have come up shorthanded. I have continued my research and have begun to search Stetson’s digital database. Although, I have only briefly been on it, it appears to both contain information dedicated to my topic and be reliable as...
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...SIRIUS COURSES Syllabus United States History to 1865 3 Credit Hours Term/Year: Spring 2012 Reference Number: Classroom: online Instructor: Professor JoAunne Walker Office Location: NCR 126 Phone Number: (318) 670-6362 E-mail: jwalker@susla.edu Web Page: www.susla.edu Office Hours Online Only via Email: MWF 6:00pm-7:00pm IMPORTANT COLLEGE DATES Course Start Date:|1/23/2012| Drop with 100% refund|| Withdraw with “W” grade|| Course End Date:|5/3/2012| Additional critical dates for this course are available at http://www.fscj.edu/current/calendar/index.html. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course emphasizes the African, European, and Native American backgrounds, the Revolution, the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, problems of the new republic, sectionalism, westward expansion, slavery, and the Civil War. REQUIRED TEXTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Carter, C., Amos, J., & Schuchman, S. J. (2009). United States history to 1865 (2nd ed). Jacksonville, FL: Florida Community College at Jacksonville, SIRIUS. ISBN13: 978-0-07-734717-8 LEARNING OUTCOMES The primary objective of this course is to explore the subject matter of the field and to become familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of the field. When you finish this course, you will be able to · Read, analyze, organize, interpret and synthesize facts and information connected to the history of the United States · Evaluate how the development of an American identity has...
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...Capella University TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents of Paper 3-9 References 10-12 The topic of Child Welfare has a plethora of issues and problems that can be addressed to better serve the victims and families. In the Child Welfare profession, one of the biggest misconceptions is the agency wants to permanently remove children from their families and because of this many times Child Welfare workers receives constant ridicule and backlash for carrying out their job duties. In order to properly protect children, Child Welfare workers require a substantial amount of support from other local agencies, state and federal governments. Often in time, when working with families dealing with maltreatment, the individual committing the maltreatment has no idea that what they did was wrong. It is during the removal of the victim(s) and the court hearings where the perpetrator gains insight on what was wrong. In some situations, maltreating parents and guardians simply need help with learning how to cope differently with what is sometimes determined to be misguided anger. Research shows that if a parent or guardian has maltreated a child in the past they are likely to continue the maltreatment if there is no form of intervention and parents or guardians who were maltreated against as a child are likely to maltreat against a child. In the grand scheme of things, if there were programs geared to help new parents and repeat offenders of maltreatment to gain insight into maltreatment...
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...V: Results and Discussions: After doing research and sifting through all information pertaining to the goals set forth in this paper, the results and discussions explain fully just how the information was received and used to comply with all the goals and reasons for the research paper. The main goal was to explain fully what activated carbon is and that is charcoal that has been heated or otherwise treated to increase its adsorptive power. In the course text, Controlling Environmental Pollution: An Introduction to the Technologies, History, and Ethics: authors P. Aarne Vesilind and Thomas D. DiStefano describe activated carbon adsorption as a method of BOD removal (2006). The authors also go on to describing the process as an added advantage...
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...Many historians have had trouble finding information about his life as a child. You would think there would be endless supply of info on someone so historic and monumental to this country. Now that you know George Washington’s basic background, I want to touch on three major topics that truly affect what this paper is all about. The Prism of History, first I will discuss the religion that George Washington believed in, and how that affected his leadership. Secondly I will cover the Arts and Ideas George had for our country. Lastly I will touch on his family and his views on society. George Washington’s great, great grandfather Lawrence Washington was a pastor for the Anglican Church. Naturally as in most families, Religion and personnel views are passed to future generations. We all know we learn everything from our parents and relatives. So George Washington’s background is with the Anglican Church. However research showed George had a different relationship with God and many aspects of religion of that time...
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...long ago. The last time that there were any concessions made in regards to the atrocities in China were during and after World War II. Much of the historiography has been limited due the amount of silence that has been present throughout the world. Because of this, research about the atrocity had just recently begun to surface. Due to this fact, there are many factors that are brought into question when looking specifically at a historical event, especially one that is tied to such brutal emotion. The authors I have chosen each attempt to explain why there has been such a delay in Nanking’s historiography and at the same time attempt to explain what actually occurred there in 1937-38. I selected three books for this paper. The first is The Nanking Atrocity 1937-38 by Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi. The book was released on the 70th anniversary of the fall of the Chinese city of Nanking to the Japanese army. The perspective offered is by majority non-American with the exception being two contributors. Wakabayashi discusses what lies at the core of bitter disputes over history, wartime victimization, and postwar restitution that hinder healthy Sino-Japanese relations to this day. The Nanking Atrocity, which is both history and historiography, offers the most recent scholarship about what actually happened in Nanking and places those findings in the context of how Chinese and Japanese writers have attributed mutually incompatible meanings to the event ever since. Wakabayashi further discusses...
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...Writing a Research Paper in Literary Studies1 The most important aspect to bear in mind is that you are writing a research paper and not an essay! This means that you are arguing a thesis with reference to secondary literature – it is essential that you conduct relevant research and that you integrate your findings into your paper. Things to keep in mind: • Your paper should have a well-defined topic and a precisely formulated argument. • Your approach should be recognizably systematic. • Your argument should remain relevant and clear-cut, consistent and coherent throughout. • Your secondary material should be discussed critically and documented accurately. • Writing is a process; you should constantly revisit and revise. DON’T FORGET TO PRINT, SIGN AND ATTACH THE “PLAGIATSHINWEIS”! First steps Many students neglect the preliminary work of the writing process, but if you give it sufficient attention the actual writing of your paper will be faster and more organized than if you just start writing. The most important thing is to be systematic in your approach. 1. Finding a topic Perhaps the most difficult part of any research paper is finding an adequate topic, formulating a title and making a coherent argument. Once you have decided on a topic or a title, which in literary studies will most likely involve a certain text, rephrase it as a question to guide your research. You should also think about the methodology you intend to apply to your analysis. • ...
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...Title. This should say as much as possible about the content of the paper, in as few words as possible. Abstract. This is a brief (usually one paragraph) summary of the whole paper, including the problem, the method for solving it (when not obvious), the results, and the conclusions suggested or drawn. Do not write the abstract as a hasty afterthought. Look at it as a real exercise in cramming the most information in one paragraph. The reader should not have to read any of the rest of the paper in order to understand the abstract fully. Its purpose is to allow the reader to decide whether to read the paper or not. A reader who does not want to read the paper should be able to read the abstract instead. When you write an abstract, remember Strunk & White's admonition, ``Omit needless words.'' Introduction. Tell the reader what the problem is, what question you will try to answer, and why it is important. It might be important for practical reasons or for theoretical (or methodological) reasons having to do with the development of a scholarly discipline. Don't neglect either type of reason. If the problem is a very basic one, you may state the problem first and then review what has already been found out about it. If the problem is one that grows out of past literature, review the history of how it arose. But do not forget to mention the basic issues behind the research tradition in question, the practical or theoretical concerns that inspired it. (Sometimes there don't seem...
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...The Final Essay Assignment The Prompt As we’ve discussed all semester long, the final essay for our class will involve some research. The first part of this assignment sheet sets up the prompt and the essay’s required elements. One of the things you’ll notice about this assignment is that elements of it are modeled off of previous assignments. This is deliberate, as they’ve given you practice at this type of argumentation. This special topic section of English Composition II has focused upon the horror genre as practiced by American writers. We’ve read and discussed several works from horror authors over the course of the nation’s history, and considered in-depth longer fiction from the 20th Century horror icon Shirley Jackson. We’ve also delved into popular culture, examining comic books and, time permitting, television shows and movies. For this essay, you’ll be asked to pick another horror story (see The Topic section for some ideas) to add to this course’s discussion. In the interest of time, I suggest a short story, but you could read a novel for this project as well. More specifically, your essay should do the following things: (1) Provide your readers unfamiliar with your chosen text some context about the work, including a brief summary of the story. Likely, this would occur in your first support paragraph after your introduction. (2) Review the story. This is your opportunity to argue whether...
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...smoked but did not inhale.”- Bill Clinton. In fact marijuana has been around for as long as the earth been able to produce plants. Medical Marijuana has been in the middle of world debates since it was discovered. Marijuana was once an important plant and now marijuana is considered to be one of the worst drug or plant to mankind. People have formed a negative perspective about this naturally grown plant, which is often referred as a harmful gateway drug. Although marijuana is a drug now, one-day history will repeat itself and, there will be a time in which society will take a step back and look at what this plant has to offer. Marijuana has many respectable uses. In order for an accurate opinion to be forms, this will present to you the history of marijuana, why marijuana was deemed unsafe or illegal and the medicinal purposes cannabis has to offer. After reading they will be more informed about marijuana, he or she will be able to form a moral decision based on facts and history. When they are done reading they will be able to pick a side on a topic that has divided the world. “The earliest record of man's use of cannabis comes from the island of Taiwan located off the coast of mainland China. In this densely populated part of the world, archaeologists have unearthed an ancient village site dating back over 10,000 years to the Stone Age.” (Abel, 1982) Granted the use for marijuana...
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...1 Research Paper: ENO Research Paper: ENO- The Last Days of ENO Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship SBE 310 Devry University Trena Render 2 Research Paper: ENO Table of Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………...3 ENO (restaurant)………………………………………………………………………………...3 Business Mission/Vision…………………………………………………………………………3 ENO Competition………………………………………………………………………………..4 The Beginning and End of ENO/ENO by Zaza……………………………………………..4-5 Business Failure for ENO/ENO by Zaza…………………………………………………….6-7 Trying to Revive ENO by Zaza ………………………………………………………………7-8 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………..9 References……………………………………………………………………………………….10 3 Research Paper: ENO ENO: The Last Days of ENO ENO Restaurant & Wine Bar was on the Atlanta, Georgia circuit for 10 plus years. It was a hit until the new owner step on the scene and the original owner had to give up on his passion since a teenage boy. ENO struggles to stay alive and revive itself with a new name, menu and swagger for the Elite socialite. In the mind of an entrepreneur failure is never an option. No entrepreneur wants to hear the word or talk about it. ENO got a second chance to shine in the spot light keeping its original name to include the new owner first name ENO by Zaza. Many would be impression that the new owner is a celebrity basketball player but was his star status good enough to score points to keep a business from failure. ENO was a European-Mediterranean...
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...article is an attempt to conceptualise the term PSYOPs in the Indian context. The changed dynamics of international relations following the end of the Cold War and changes in the South Asian strategic landscape, postSeptember 11, have made PSYOPs more relevant for the region. It is also important to know that differences between various related concepts like Propaganda, Information Warfare, and Perception Management are waferthin, and may lead to contested perceptions amongst various agencies working under the overall ambit of national security, if not viewed in the current perspective. Therefore, clarity of the concept will set the stage for an effective implementation of policies and help in setting up of a policy structure in India (which does exist today in loosely knit shape) for national level coordination of PSYOPs. Alongside the need for a disciplined, trained, and well-equipped manpower to combat national security challenges, it is also essential to have a comprehensive and effective machinery to conduct psychological operations. Such a machinery must then cover the entire spectrum of the socio-psychological threat in all...
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...London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom b ˚ PBI Research Institute and Abo Akademi University, Aurakatu 1b, FIN-20100 Turku, Finland c PBI Research Institute, Suvorovsky pr., 2b, lit. A, Office 310, 191036 St. Petersburg, Russia Received 11 August 2009; received in revised form 11 November 2009; accepted 17 November 2009 Abstract The paper works towards establishing value for trust in project business, particularly the financial value of trust to project business. Concepts of trust are revisited. Rational explanations of trust are shown wanting, calculations of trust and danger being misrepresentations of how the willingness to trust is formed. The paper argues for the need to establish the interpretative and socially constructed nature of trust, primarily based upon prior experiential and psycho-motive learning in relation to current situational factors. Trust and its relationship to forming expectations and generating confidence are considered. Empirical findings are mobilised to show how trust contributed to value in a financial sense. Value is not an absolute in this context for value is empirically and theoretically shown to relate directly to expectations. Value is defined as an asset and is thus part of social capital for projects and in embedded in firms. Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved. Keywords: Confidence; Judgment; Learning; Project business; Trust; Value 1. Introduction This paper addresses the question of the value of trust in project businesses...
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...heart attack or stroke (“What is Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease)?”). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the risk factors associated with a previous client that I cared for in the clinical setting and to include rationale and some behaviors that could reduce these risks. The patient that I will be focusing on is a 56 year old female of polish descent whom I will refer to as I.G. She was admitted to UMC with a chief complaint of left knee pain. Her admitting diagnosis was a left distal femur fracture and has a medical history of congestive heart failure, hyperlipidemia, glaucoma, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertensive disorder, GERD, and diabetes. She admitted that diabetes runs in her family and she also has a history of smoking and obesity evidenced by her BMI of 32.1. Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus is associated with a reduced life span, largely as a result of cardiovascular disease and most patients die as a result of a thrombotic event. Patients with diabetes are at increased risk for CVD. This risk affects women more than men and is influenced by the client’s ethnic group. Patients with diabetes often also have the cardiovascular risk factors of obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and sedentary lifestyle. Cigarette smoking and a positive family history also greatly increase risk of CVD (Ignatavicius &Workman, 2013, p. 1413-1414). Because of her family history of diabetes it is very important that I.G. maintains her blood pressure below 130/80 and...
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...Three Steps Toward Making Business More Sustainable We live in troubled times. The practices, institutions, and systems which our culture has evolved during the two centuries since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution are everywhere reaching and exceeding the limits of their usefulness to humanity as a whole, and, in many cases, have actually become detrimental to the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. They are increasingly recognized as being unsustainable over the long term. Yet, as the oft-cited Chinese proverb points out, every time of crisis is equally a time of opportunity. The challenge before us is nothing less than the complete redesign of virtually all human systems, such that they are transformed from their present unsustainable forms into ones which instead reflect and maintain the sanctity of life and the dignity of all beings. Although this will be an arduous process extending over many generations, the end goal, the vision of the future world which we have to inspire us and lead us forward, is one in which many of the highest aspirations of the great sages of the past are finally fulfilled: a world characterized by peace, equality, freedom of individual expression, and harmony between human society and the natural world. Our task is to begin the process of bringing this vision into being by clearly acknowledging and working with the situation which this particular historical moment presents us with, regardless of how unpleasant, discouraging, or frightening...
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