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Door Stopper Executive Summary

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technical support and monthly maintenance checks has been a key factor in their worldwide success and positive brand image. Our third and final success factor is to ensure our product is continually updated with the latest technology to ensure competitors never become a threat to our business. Attributes that have allowed competing security companies to remain successful and profitable are their top-notch, readily available customer support.

Outlook for Future Growth There has been an increase in violence from extremist groups such as ISIS and white nationalists within the United States. Because of this growth, security systems are in demand now more than ever before. In today’s world, the Door Stopper is a viable solution to this societal …show more content…
Additionally, we wish to contract with at least 500 schools, theaters, and hotels within the first 6 months so that we can manufacture accordingly. By our second year, we intend to quadruple the number as more businesses learn of our product. By year three, we will begin to market and sell the Door Stopper internationally.

Financial Goals Our financial goals begin with the 5,000 door stoppers produced. We wish to go through at least 1/5th of our stock in year one. Each Door Stopper will cost $5,000 to produce and sell for $10,000. As our production increases, our costs will lower and drop to around $3,500 by year two. The price of $10,000 will hold, so we will make more per Door Stopper sold as time moves forward. By the end of year one, we wish to pay off all of our startup costs with the revenue generated.

Business Strategy
Desired Image and Position in Market
Our desired image is to be viewed as a company advancing safety in our country. We want to be the number one gun safety product on the market so that mass shootings will be a thing of the …show more content…
In addition, if the owner signs up for the Safety Solutions monthly protection plan, authorities will be immediately alerted and remain on standby when a weapon makes its way through the door. In addition, the Door Stopper will offer a sense of heightened safety and security to any owner and operator. No longer will anyone have to fear the unknown, being that their safety is preserved 24/7. All Door Stoppers come with 20 year warranties, protecting against manufacturer defects and mechanical malfunctions. In addition, when enrolled in our monthly protection plan, a technician will come out and inspect the Door Stopper once a month to ensure effectiveness and usability. When enrolled in the monthly plan, the Door Stopper will receive a lifetime warranty, as long as the owner keeps their account in good standing and does not cancel their plan.
What makes the door stopper unique is its advanced, military grade technologies. No other commercially used security scanner has been able to decipher between metal objects and pinpoint what each object is. Often times, they may confused jewelry, belts, etc. with metal weapons. The Door Stopper, however, is able to solely pick up guns by scanning for gunpowder and other specific properties that only guns

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