...“Friendly Pepper Upper”, “Always One of a Kind”, and “Just What the Doctor Ordered”. Being the oldest major manufactured soft drink in America (History of Dr Pepper), Dr Pepper is all of those past slogans, and more. It's the greatest soft drink on the planet, and it will stand the test of time. Dr Pepper has come a long way from Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas back in 1885. According to the Dr Pepper Museum website, under “History of Dr Pepper”, the inventor was Charles Alderton, who was a young pharmacist working in the drug store. In his spare time, he had a hobby of mixing carbonated beverages for customers. Apparently, he loved the smell of the drug store so much, with all the fruit flavored smells in the air, that he wanted to create a carbonated drink that captured the scent of the store. After a few tests, Alderton finally became satisfied with his flavor, and offered a sample to his boss, Wade Morrison, who loved it. Alderton soon became confident enough to offer his new drink to his customers, who, in return, offered positive feedback. Dr Pepper officially became a soft drink on December 1, 1885 (History of Dr Pepper). While Morrison is credited as given Dr Pepper the name, the meaning behind the name remains a mystery with a lot of theories. One theory is that Morrison named the drink after his friend, Dr. Charles T. Pepper. There is a legend that Morrison was in love with Pepper's daughter, and that Morrison named the beverage after Pepper for...
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...Snapple Melissa Wells Rasmussen College Customer Service Snapple The company I chose for my project is the Dr Pepper Snapple Group but more specifically the Snapple division. The entire company has over 19,000 employees across North America. They have more than 50 brands and hundreds of different flavors. On May 07, 2008 DPS became a stand-alone company. They make several popular name brands. Some include: Country Time Lemonade, Crush, Deja Blue water, Diet Rite, Hawaiian Punch, 7up, Canada Dry, and A&W Rootbeer. The soda known as Dr Pepper was invented in 1885 by Charles Alderton, a young pharmacist (Dr Pepper Snapple Group [DPS], 2012). (I thought this was awesome when I read it!!) I chose Snapple because I really enjoy their products and wanted to learn more about them. The Snapple Company started in Greenwich Village, New York in 1972. Long-time friends Leonard Marsh, Hyman Golden and Arnold Greenburg started the company together. They first began by selling fruit drinks to stores under the name Unadulterated Food Corporation. The later came up with the name Snapple from an apple soda that was part of the original product line. They believed the soda had a great snappy apple taste. In 1987, the first Snapple tea was created. Presently, Snapple makes more than 50 varieties of drinks. When most people think of Snapple, they think of children’s’ drinks. This is not true. Snapple makes a wide variety of drinks that can be suited to anyone’s desires. Their products...
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...Dr Pepper Snapple Group: Fighting to Prosper In a Highly Competitive Market June 2011 Written by Joseph S. Harrison under the direction of Jeffrey S. Harrison at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. Copyright © Jeffrey S. Harrison. This case was written for the purpose of classroom discussion. It is not to be duplicated or cited in any form without the copyright holder’s express permission. For permission to reproduce or cite this case, contact Jeffrey S. Harrison (RCNcases@richmond.edu). In your message, state your name, affiliation and the intended use of the case. Permission for classroom use will be granted free of charge. Other cases are available at: http://robins.richmond.edu/centers/center-‐for-‐active-‐business-‐education/research/case-‐network.html Larry Young, President and CEO of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (DPS) seemed to be on a roll. Named 2010 Beverage Executive of the Year by Beverage Industry Magazine, he led the company through three very difficult...
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...Dr. Pepper Snapple Energy Marketing Plan Executive statement: At Dr. Pepper Snapple we are releasing a new energy drink product line in which we will be appealing to the needs of those over the age of 25. We are releasing two new types and flavors of drinks. The first is the low calorie low sugar named; AcaiPom Berry. This will be a mix of acai berry fruit and pomegranates. We strive to use all natural fruits and products when producing our energy drinks. No high fructose corn syrup will be used in either product. The second product we are releasing is our Citrus Refresh Absolute Zero. This product is a zero everything citrus flavored drink. It is designed to energize and refresh its consumers. The citrus refresh line will be most appealing to those in the 30-60 age range, but will also suffice for those who chose healthy life styles in any age range. It is important that individuals understand that we are producing a “Clean” energy product that will not place all the harmful sugars in the bodies of its consumers. “Clean energy is not only important for our environment, it is important for our bodies as well.” Clean energy is upon us in all forms, so why not in our bodies as well. Individuals of the sophisticated and aged market cannot break down complex carbs and sugars. Our marketing plan for our products will be to target places the desired age group is. Our drinks will come in 12 Oz quantities focusing on a leek slender design that for the sophisticated market. The drinks...
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...markets by an organization. An offeri ng consists of a tangible product or service plus related services.” (New Business Ideas and Concepts, 2012) Dr. Pepper/7 Up is a division of Cadbury Schweppes PLC. Cadbury Schwepees PLC is the third largest soft drink company and fourth largest confectionary company. They sell all over the world. Dr Pepper is North America’s largest non- cola soft drink company. Two of the brands are consistently ranked in the top ten sodas based upon market share. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010) Dr. Pepper/7 Up has been a far off number three for many years now. Pepsi and Coke have always dominated the market and sales figures show they are not slowing down. Recently declining sales of Squirt can signify an ongoing issue that needs to be evaluated at the top level. They need to determine if they are going to market correctly in this category. They need to ask themselves if they are advertising to the right demographic, is the packaging appealing to the demographic they want to reach and so on. 2. The competitive situation for carbonated beverages is strong. “Three companies command 90% of the sales in the United States.” Coca Cola is a strong leader, followed by Pepsi and then Dr. Pepper/Seven Up. The top ten brands are made up from these three leaders; with Coca Cola owning five of the top ten and Dr. Pepper owning two. Squirt falls into the citrus category which is lead by Mt. Dew. Other brands in this category include Fresca, Mello Yello and Citra. ...
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...Dr. Pepper-Snapple Company Kim Hayes Deonta Samilton Jordan Narcisse Tori Wallar Professor Cary Accounting November 11, 2013 Section 2: Introduction Dr. Pepper-Snapple Group, Inc. 5301 Legacy Dr. Plano, TX 75024 Industry: Beverages (Non-Alcoholic) Sic Code: 2080- Beverages Major Products: Canada Dry (Ginger ale,) 7-up (lemon-lime,) A&W (Root beer,) Sunkist (Orange,) and Sun Drop (Citrus.) Competitors: Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. Stock exchange: 47.33 Ticker symbol: DPS Name of outside auditors: Deloitte & Touche, LLP SIC (Standard Industry Classification): 2080 Beverages * History: Today, Dr Pepper Snapple Group is one of the leading producers of flavored beverages in North America and Caribbean. The have 6 of the top 10 non-cola drinks, and 13 of their 14 leading brands are ranked in the top two of its flavor categories. The DPS market more than 50 brands of carbonated soft drinks, juices, teas, mixers, water, and other premium beverages. Dr Pepper Snapple group include: 7UP, A&W, Canada Dry, Clamato, Crush, Hawaiian Punch, Mott's, Mr. & Mrs. T mixers, Penafiel, Rose's, Schweppes, Squirt and Sunkist soda. We are able to thank DPS for inventing the first carbonated drink. In 1783, Jean Jacob Schweppes created the world’s first carbonated mineral water. Schweppes’s was the original inventor of this new product, shared his invention with a young pharmacist in Waco, Texas, named Charles Alderton. They both invented Dr Pepper in...
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...Management Project/Presentation The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group History Overview From the invention of the first soft drink more than 200 years ago to some of the industry's most beloved beverage brands, Dr Pepper Snapple Group (DPS) has a proud legacy of innovation, bold and distinct flavors, and entrepreneurial spirit. On May 7, 2008, DPS became a stand-alone, publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange as the result of a spin-off by Cadbury, plc which held the Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages business group of entities. One of North America's leading refreshment beverage companies, DPS markets more than 50 brands of carbonated soft drinks, juices, teas, mixers, waters and other premium beverages. The company's strategy, brands and people have made it a strong, sustainable and profitable business. The company's integrated business model enables the company to manage the entire value chain from innovation to the store shelf. History The company now known as DPS has evolved from a combination of discovery, invention and collaboration. This rich history includes the very birth of the soft drink in 1783, when Jean Jacob Schweppe perfected the process for carbonating water and created the world's first carbonated mineral water. Dr Pepper and Snapple, the flagship brands of DPS, have origins that share Schweppe's entrepreneurial spirit. Charles Alderton, a young pharmacist in Waco, Texas, invented Dr Pepper in 1885. It was served at the drug store...
Words: 1934 - Pages: 8
...CASE #1 DR. PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP, INC. ENERGY BEVERAGES DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM: Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is a major integrated brand owner, bottler, and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages in the United States, Mexico and Canada. Recently, Andrew Baker, brand manager for the company, has been tasked with formulating a marketing strategy to determine whether or not launching a new energy beverage would be profitable in 2008. To date, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is the only major domestic non-alcoholic beverage company in the U.S. that did not have an energy drink of its own. The decision to explore the energy beverage market is based on a business strategy that focused on the opportunities in high-growth and high-margin areas of opportunity. A primary concern facing this decision lies in the fact that the energy beverage industry is already established. The problem lies in whether or not it is worth their time and funds to explore a new product and venture into the energy beverage market. Alternatives Essentially, there are two basic alternatives to consider when evaluating this decision: (1) continue business as usual and don’t get involved with the energy beverage industry or (2) enter the energy beverage market. Evaluation of Alternatives In the first alternative, they’d continue to ride their juggernauts. Stick with their established brands and stay the course. It’s important to note...
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...exploited and seduced on a daily basis to purchase products without much logical thinking. Advertisements like the Dr. Pepper “Always One of a Kind” commercial give an illusion that aims toward people’s shadows and manipulates the mind in a way that the company would want it to be. The first time seeing the ad, it was evident that its intentions were to leave the viewers with feel-good emotions. It starts out with a series of short clips from following Macklemore onto the stage to people doing various activities like drumming, surfing, bull riding, dancing, swimming with a shark, and mountain climbing. There are Dr. Pepper cans and the Dr. Pepper logo subtly placed throughout the commercial. It also mentions that even woman can be “one of a kind” and that gave a sense that Dr. Pepper does not discriminate. It then goes on to show a clip of a cartoon, which can relate to a child. The advertisement basically shows all these different people doing their own thing around the nation and how they are “one of a kind” in hopes of promoting individuality tied in with Dr. Pepper. It is evident that the commercial is trying to appeal to the audience by using various inspirational images, popular scenes in modern society, music, and celebrities that influence young people to follow them. This all eventually leads to Macklemore on stage performing and while a Dr. Pepper can is being presented, he says, “Here’s to being one of a kind.”...
Words: 1653 - Pages: 7
...MARKETING PROBLEM DEFINITION Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc, encouraged by its long-lasting history, experience, and favorable market conditions has decided to enter a new market segment, launch energy drink beverage and they are facing several dilemmas. A thorough analysis of company’s internal conditions, industry facts, market conditions and trends, is needed in order to develop possible alternatives, realize the possible outcomes of those alternatives, and finally to choose the most convenient options. To be specific, company needs to make decision about the following: * Choice of Target Market * Product Line and Positioning Choice * Marketing Channel Choice * Advertizing and Promotion * Pricing and Profitability COMPANY FACTS One of North America's leading refreshment beverage companies, DPS, markets more than 50 brands of carbonated soft drinks, juices, teas, mixers, waters and other premium beverages. The company's strategy, brands and people have made it a strong, sustainable and profitable business throughout the years. The company today known as DPS has evolved from a combination of discovery, invention and collaboration. This rich history includes the very birth of the soft drink in 1783, when Jean Jacob Schweppes perfected the process for carbonating water and created the world's first carbonated mineral water. In 2000, Cadbury Schweppes acquired Snapple Beverage Group, which included the namesake brand as well as RC Cola, Diet Rite and Stewart's, among...
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...According to the article, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is one of the largest integrated brand owners, bottler, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverages. The company analysis highlights seven strengths that Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. possess, which include a strong portfolio of leading, an integrated business model, consumer-preferred brands, customer relationships, stable cash flows, manufacturing and distribution coverage, attractive positioning, and experienced management. In addition, they are not just gaining sales in the United States, but sales are being acquired within Mexico and Canada as well. In 2007, the company accumulated a net sales over five billion dollars. Per the support of Brand manager Andrew Baker, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group focused on six key elements...
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...Strategic Issue CUTCO must select a strategic focus for the decade ahead and must also make a decision as to whether to continue the retail sales pilot program, halt it, or expand it. Analysis and Evaluation Direct Sales Industry While direct selling has proven to be quite effective for CUTCO, the industry has positives as well as negatives. Because there are no brick and mortar stores and very little advertising, the industry and subsequently the companies that operate within that industry are not well known at time and can be “invisible.” However, this type of selling does provide a more personal approach for the customer. Direct sales companies do sometimes offer websites but they are generally limited to providing customer service and contact information versus many other websites that allow customers to shop and purchase products. CUTCO/Vector Corporation Marketing Strategy From the first product produced, CUTCO cutlery was designed to be the finest cutlery in the world. Cutco cutlery has always been historically marketed through direct selling primarily via Vector Marketing Corporation. He people actually selling CUTCO cutlery are independent contractors who effectively operate their own business. The sales representatives are paid a commission on the products they sell but do not receive a salary from the company. These sales are made through in-home presentations in which sales representatives validate and prove the superiority of CUTCO cutlery...
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...Brandi Candelaria Dr. Stewart Engl. 1302 February 3, 2016 Food Recipe Chicken and Rice The story of my recipe tells a little bit about the very first dish I cooked growing up with my aunt. I grew up in Annville Texas which is about15 minutes away from Corpus. In this area with a high population of Mexicans, one dish that is liked by many is Spanish rice. Which when it comes to rice I rather not eat it. In my entire life since I was younger I always made a big deal on not eating rice, because I personally did not like it while everyone else did. I just did not like the texture of it and also the way it tasted and ever since then I just completely stay away from any types of rice. Then one evening during December when it was freezing outside I went over to my Aunt Shana’s house, which she makes the most comforting things to eat in this kind of weather, and to go and hang out with her and my older cousin. When it came to going over there I would always get excited to go and visit because she cooks frequently and it’s always so delicious; but when I have smelled the food in past as she is cooking it reminds me of when we would always get together with everyone and have family night. I felt lucky to have had the opportunity to be surrounded by family that appreciates spending time together. So when I went over the next time Shana was in the kitchen about to start cooking. But before she started preparing the meal I wanted to help her with the cooking and so I asked...
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...organization capabilities. These forces have created new opportunities and challenges and marketing management has changed significantly in recent years as organization seeks new ways to achieve marketing excellence. Furthermore, to maintain the product’s reputation in the market, organization focuses on branding the product internally and externally through market targeting and product positioning in order to increase organization sales volume and gaining trust from their respective consumers on their products 2.0 CASE SUMMARY The case is about three companies with 90% of the market share control the carbonated soft drink industry in the United States. These companies include in order of market share size, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, and Dr. Pepper/7Up. These three companies also represent the top ten selling brands in the United States market. In the United States, people consume more carbonated drinks than tap water....
Words: 2840 - Pages: 12
...notice that just because the company may do good on the current ratio or earnings ratios that does not necessarily mean that they are financially stable. A person cannot look at one or even a few ratios to determine if a company is financially sound. Many ratios have are pulled to determine the financial stability of the company. I used a variety of ratios to use for analysis. I pulled a Current Ratio, Acid Ratio, Debt Ratio, Return on Sales, Return on Equity, Inventory Ratio, Cash Conversion Cycle and Net Income Per Share on the companies of Pepsi Co, Coca Cola, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group and Mondelez International. Because the company I had selected to analyze was PepsiCo, I know that I needed to diversify the companies I selected between food and beverage because the company covers both markets. Coca Cola is the top beverage distributor in the world, Pepsi Co is second and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is the third. Mondelez International is a food company that is a recent spin-off from Kraft Foods. It has some familiar name brands of Nabisco, Oreo, Trident gum, and Cadbury chocolates to name a few and is one of PepsiCo’s major competitors in the snack market. What surprised me is that the Coca Cola Company looked good when it came to current, acid test, debt, and return on sales ratios. They struggled with their Cash Conversion Cycle with cost of goods sold per day and the amount of time it takes them to pay back...
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