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Setting Router Passwords


Submitted By tlantz
Words 898
Pages 4
Unit 3 Labs
Lab 9: Setting Router Passwords
Step 4. Configure the router to require a password of ciscopress when connecting through the console. To do so, start by issuing the line con 0 configuration command, which moves you to console line configuration mode. What does the command prompt look like after using this command? The command line now says: Router(config-line)#
Step 11. Press Enter. Does the router prompt you for a password? Does the password ciscopress work? Yes and yes
Step 12. Use the enable command to move from user mode to enable mode. Which of the two passwords (fred or barney) works? Which configuration command did you use to con- figure that password? Barney was the password that worked, and enable secret barney

Lab 10: Configuring Router IP Settings
Step 4. Use the show ip interface brief command to view all interfaces. Which interfaces have an IP address configured? What are the addresses and the corresponding masks? None of the interfaces have an IP address configured
Step 10. Use the show ip interface brief command to view all interfaces. Is the router’s Fa0/0 IP address now listed? What is the IP address? Yes the IP address is now listed. The IP address is
Step 11. Confirm that R1’s Fa0/0 interface is working by pinging PC1 ( Did the command output imply that R1 can send packets to and from PC1? Yes it implies that R1 can send packets

Lab 22: Terminal History

Step 5. Press Up Arrow again to bring up your show ip route connected command. Press Backspace to remove the connected keyword, and replace it with rip. What does this command show you? Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 -

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