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Dress Of The Most Refined Society: Article Analysis

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In the United States 50% of all marriages end in divorce and the rates amplify as the amount of marriages increase. There could be many reasons for this; the change in moral beliefs, possibly caused by media over the past decade, religious values, what society portrays as desirable, and many other possibilities. Marriage dates back to 1250-1300 C.E. and since then the norms and expectations of marriage have changed expendensly. In the book Our Deportment Or the Manners, Conduct, and Dress of the Most Refined Society, author John H. Young goes into detail regarding how a husband and wife both should behave and what duties they should carry out according to society during the early nineteenth century. He goes over home life and etiquette, when and what kind of home a couple needs, companionship, conduct of a husband and wife, duties of a wife to her husband, helpmates, and a husband's duties. …show more content…
In Tia Ghose’s article “History of Marriage”, she gives insight on how marriage has evolved throughout centuries and the norms within them. In the article “Paradise Lost”, author Terry Hekker writes of her own personal testimony concerning her marriage and how societies view on marriage has shifted over the years. She explains what she expected marriage to be when she was married in the fifties and how it panned out with examples from outside testimonies as well. In the online article “The Problem with Modern Marriage”, Dr. Erica Slotter discusses common issues with today's marriages in the United States with examples. In Catherine Orenstein's article “Fairy Tales and a Dose of Reality”, she illustrates the connection between fairy tales or princess culture and how it affects modern views on marriage through media. Princess media, to an extent, sets unrealistic expectations and tainted views of romantic relationships and

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