...A standard technical definition of dumping is the act of charging a lower price for the like goods in a foreign market than one charges for the same good in a domestic market for consumption in the home market of the exporter. This is often referred to as selling at less than "normal value" on the same level of trade in the ordinary course of trade. Under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement, dumping is condemned (but is not prohibited) if it causes or threatens to cause material injury to a domestic industry in the importing country.[1] The term has a negative connotation, as advocates of competitive markets see "dumping" as a form of protectionism. Furthermore, advocates for workers and laborers believe that safeguarding businesses against predatory practices, such as dumping, help alleviate some of the harsher consequences of such practices between economies at different stages of development (see protectionism). The Bolkestein directive, for example, was accused in Europe of being a form of "social dumping," as it favored competition between workers, as exemplified by the Polish Plumber stereotype. While there are few examples of a national scale dumping that succeeded in producing a national-level monopoly, there are several examples of local 'dumping' that produced a monopoly in regional markets for certain industries. Ron Chernow points to the example of regional oil monopolies in Titan : The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. where Rockefeller receives a message...
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...In economics, "dumping" is a kind of predatory pricing, especially in the context of international trade. It occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market, or in quantities that cannot be explained through normal market competition. A standard technical definition of dumping is the act of charging a lower price for a good in a foreign market than one charges for the same good in a domestic market. This is often referred to as selling at less than "fair value". Under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement, dumping is condemned (but is not prohibited) if it causes or threatens to cause material injury to a domestic industry in the importing country.[1] The term has a negative connotation, as advocates of competitive markets see "dumping" as a form of protectionism. Furthermore, advocates for workers and laborers believe that safeguarding businesses against predatory practices, such as dumping, help alleviate some of the harsher consequences of such practices between economies at different stages of development (see protectionism). The Bolkestein directive, for example, was accused in Europe of being a form of "social dumping," as it favored competition between workers, as exemplified by the Polish Plumber stereotype. While there are very few examples of a national scale dumping that succeeded in producing a national-level monopoly, there are several examples of dumping that produced a monopoly in...
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...The Case of ‘Made in The U.S.A.- Dumped in Brazil, Africa, Iraq…’ brings up the controversial issues of dumping, a term that refers to the practice of exporting to other countries products that have been banded or declared hazardous in the United States.[1] Is it moral to dump U.S. banned products overseas? Both the manufactures and the consumers have valid arguments. As a consumer of these dangerous products being dumped on overseas markets one could argue the manufacturers lack of respect for life. It should be in the company’s best interest to take in consideration the health and safety of people and animals. These manufactures are knowingly making dangerous and even deadly products available to communities in third world countries. DowElanco sold its weed killer Galant in Costa Rica, although the Environmental Protection Agency forbade its sale to U.S. farmers because Galant may cause cancer.[2] These companies need to take in consideration the burden/ benefit factor; the safety of others should be more important than the profit losses. It is clear that these manufacturers are not interested in the sustainability of our own bioregion. While dangerous pesticides are banned from the U.S. for containing deadly poison dioxin, the active ingredient in Agent Orange, these pesticides are routinely used in agriculture overseas.[3] These toxic products are making their way back into the U.S. market trough the exporting of produce from Mexico to the United States. Most of the time...
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...Dumping Dumping is the act performed when products are exported from a market where they don’t meet specific standards in personal safety, product safety, food safety etc into another market where the country or market controls allow lower standards than the country of origin. Dumping is not limited to this as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) sees dumping as a practice, including, where goods are sold into a market at a lower price than would be charged on the home market (World Trade Organsation, 2015). It can even be argued that this exists in the job skills market where your own qualifications don’t allow you to practice your profession in one country but you’re welcome to in another. So is this a moral or non moral issue so should we do it because we can do it? Is it legal? Should we as a society speak out against it? There have been many high profile cases of Dumping in recent times such as Winstrol, a synthetic male hormone that had been found to stunt growth of American children being exported to Brazil as an appetite stimulant (Shaw, Issa, & Catley, 2013). Dumping raises some serious moral issues but it can be argued as being an acceptable practice. Ethical relativism would judge this as being perfectly acceptable because one country should not decide what standards another country should have and what is right for one is considered differently by others (Shaw et al., 2013). This is where business ethics play on that part that some believe business has its...
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...A. Steps to prevent baby dumping cases 1. Parents should pay more attention on their children Parents have to monitor their children's activities and behavior. They should guide them with some sex education and also teach them to differentiate between correct and wrong things to do in any situations. Besides that, they should spend more time communicating with their children to give a better understanding of what their children are actually doing. Restrict the number of pornography websites in our country Pornography is one of the ways which lead to baby dumping. Teenagers could access to pornography in just a few clicks on the internet. The parties who are involved should ban some of the pornographic websites, so that teenagers will not be able to access to pornography. 2.2.3 Moral behavior by the parents Parents play an important role to educate their children about sexual behavior, the way to stay out of sexual relationships and how dangerous is unprotected sex. All these must be explained to the children and they will be able to do things rationally. Parents should teach them the way to prevent pregnancy and what will happen when the children have free sex. 2.2.4. Sex education in school The school should provide proper sex education to the students so that they will know how important is his or her body and relationships. The students have to know more about sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and AIDS and how it affects human's body. The school counselor...
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...Social Dumping-what is Social Dumping? Social dumping refers to a high-wage industrialized countries, relatively inexpensive imports of foreign products, the reason why these products are cheaper is because the exporting countries do not provide decent wages, benefits and other aspects of the protection of workers. Through the use of low-cost and lack of protection labor, exporting countries can be far below normal market prices in the industrialized countries sell their products, which will be its social problems "dumping" to the importing country, in the form is to enable the latter to lose their jobs, reduce wages and force the importing country interest to make it more competitive price structure. Social dumping - profile "anti-dumping hot spot analysis" dumping refers to a country or region exports to operators to lower the domestic market the average price of a normal or even below cost price to another country's market to sell their products, acts aimed at defeating competition opponent, to capture the market and, therefore, to the importing country the same or similar products, manufacturers and industry suffered losses. Anti-dumping, by definition refers to a country (importing country) against the dumping of other countries for their own counter-measures taken by the act. Stronger trend of globalization of trade, countries tend to protect their own industries also will be stronger, anti-dumping has become adopted by the majority of the country's main trading protection...
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...Effects of Anti-dumping Measures A country that is exposed to dumping will benefit from the lower prices. The consumers of the importing country will have a larger consumer surplus since they have access to a larger supply of goods to a lower price. These consumer benefits will be lost when the importing country imposes an antidumping measure on the low-price imports. When the duties are levied on the imports the products will have the same price-level in both domestic and foreign market. When the price is increased in the foreign market the supply will decrease and the producers have to comply with an inefficient low level of output. The consumers in the importing country have to pay a higher price for the products and have less consumer surplus. Other customers will not pay the higher price and are driven out of the market, which leads to a dead-weight social cost (Howse & Trebilcock, 1995). Imposing an anti-dumping measure will cause all the consumers and industrial user benefits from dumping to disappear. The importing country will drive the dumped products out of the market if the anti-dumping duties are high enough, or the product might remain in the market at higher prices. If the dumped products leave the market, the domestic firms are able to raise their prices due to lesser competition. If an anti-dumping measure is introduced in a market where the domestic industry is composed of only one producer, it might lead to that producer charging monopoly...
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...materially injure or threaten material injury to, the domestic industry, the investigations will continue, and Commerce will be scheduled to make its Countervailing duties and antidumping duties preliminary determinations in March and June 2012, respectively, unless extended. The U.S. government recently decided to no longer collect antidumping duties on imports of stainless steel sheet and strip in coils (SSSSC) from Germany, Italy and Mexico. This action follows from a recent vote of the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in connection with a “sunset review” of existing antidumping duty orders on imports of SSSSC from these three countries, as well as from Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The United States on Friday set hefty preliminary anti-dumping duties on large power transformers made in its future free-trade partner South Korea and used in the electric utility industry. Antidumping duty investigations: Large residential washers are automatic clothes washing machines with a cabinet width (measured from its widest point) of at least 24.5 inches (62.23 cm) and...
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...Transformation in Skid Row Skid row in Los Angeles, California, is home to the highest concentrations of homeless people in the United States. Located in LA’s industrial zone, the area has welcomed and ‘housed’ homeless individuals for centuries. The history of how this site has come to be started back in the 1870’s and has been evolving ever since. Skid row is a vital part of LA’s history and culture and will continue to evolve with the city. An important part of any landscape is function. Function is the purpose of any landscape and exists for a reason. Mitchell stated in his new axioms for reading the landscape that, “landscapes exist for a reason (Mitchell 2007, 35).” This axiom presents the idea that everything in the landscape had a purpose at one point in time. Landscapes transform and change over time in order to meet the purposes of the residents of the landscape. An example of this is skid row in LA. Although this area of LA might seem like a dump, at one point in time it had a function and its function and purpose has evolved with time. Skid row is located in the industrial zone of LA with close proximity to the central business district. This location is unusual for a center for homeless people for many reasons, but looking back at history has an explanation. When workers first arrived in LA they arrived by railroad (Skid Row Journal). A hub for seasonal and migrant workers formed near the railroad line creating skid row. In lecture a chart was brought...
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...Indian Shrimp Industry vs Anti-dumping allegation On 31st December, 2003, the Ad Hoc Shrimp Trade Action Committee (ASTAC) files an anti-dumping petition against 6 countries including India. The case was backed by the Southern Shrimp Association (SSA) of the USA citing dumping of shrimps by the listed countries in the US market paralyzing the domestic industry. Events and their impact on India and US were as follows: a) The US Department of Commerce (DOC) initiates the investigation and notifies the International Trade Commission (ITC) which approves the case and preliminary investigation and duties are performed by 28th July, 2004. b) There is a fall-out between the SSA and the American Seafood Distribution Association (ASDA) as it backs the import of shrimps from the countries to be charged. c) Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia argue at them being wrongly accused since they export shrimps to the US at the market defined rates but India is in the docks. d) The Us position is that the 6 countries named in the case have grown their space in shrimp imports to it in the years and have captured about 74% of the import to US. e) For India shrimp is the major marine export with plenty of livelihood dependent upon it. f) MPEDA and SEAI forged alliance to not only develop the shrimp industry from scratch but also enable the value chain people with enough money from business through exports at the best possible price. g) The Indian association went against...
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...Thesis: The environmental protection agency (EPA) should work more diligently to introduce legislation to eradicate the digital dumping ground because it is increasing at an alarming rate, it is causing problems with the eco-system and destroying health conditions. Digital Dumping Ground “E-waste includes computers, entertainment electronics, mobile phones and other items that have been discarded by their original users” (Osuagwu and Ikerionwu, 2010, p. 5). Electronic waste or E-Waste has been an ever growing problem here in the U.S. New and more advanced products have been entering the market at a faster pace since the 1980s. Retailers make their profit by selling. From cellphones to televisions, consumers have been bombard with lots of choices. However, at some point these items will have to be thrown out, and most likely they will end up in a landfill-- digital dumping ground. Landfills are already overfilled with waste such as plastic bottles, bags, etc. Objects such as these take years to break down. Taking that into account, how long will it take a TV, VCR, or a washing machine to break down, if ever? How has this problem developed? Since many Americans are better educated; have better paying positions, they accumulate more waste. Retailers know this, and want to market their products to them. In a materialistic world where more is better, this will eventually create dire consequences. Landfills are already filled with objects that take years to break...
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...INNHOLDSFORTEGNELSE 1.0 Introduksjon ………………………………………………………...…………………2 2.0 Innledning ……………………………………………………………………………...2 3.0 Begrepsavklaring ………………………………………………………………………2 3.1 Svart arbeid ………………………………………………………..……………….2 3.2 Merkevarehjul ……………………………………………………...………………2 3.3 Kreativ Brief ……………………………………………………….………………3 3.4Etnometodologi……………………………………………………………....……..3 4.0 Dagmar-modell ………………………………………………………….……...……..3 5.0 ELM-modell …………………………………………………………….……….........4 6.0 Problematisering …………………………………………………………..……....…..5 7.0 Situasjonsbestemt – og personlig interesse ………………………………..……....….7 8.0 Signaler………………………...……………………………………………...…....….8 9.0 konklusjon ……………………………………………………………………..……..10 10.0 Litteraturliste ………………………………………………………………...…...13 VEDLEGG Merkevarehjul I Kreativ Brief II Annonseskisse III, IV OG V 1.0 Introduksjon I 2012 ble det vedtatt av Arbeidsdepartementet at alle renholdstjenester og renholdsbedrifter skal være godkjent av Arbeidstilsynet for å kunne være i drift. Selv om forskriftene og lovene allerede er på plass, blir disse likevel ikke fulgt. Derfor er det nødvendig med en endring i kommunikasjonsmetoden til det nye lovverket. Det skal utarbeides en kommunikasjonskampanje for å spre og effektivisere budskapet, slik at bedrifter som ønsker å benytte seg av renholdstjenester ikke ignorerer godkjenningsordningen. 2.0 Innledning For å spre budskapet om den nye godkjenningsordningen, skal det fokuseres på vinklingen...
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...Why does rape and sexual assault happen? There is a strong evidence that shows that an amount of men believe in their law that it is alright for a man to force their life partner to have sex, whether they want it or not. It is their belief to think that “forcing a person to have sex” is not wrong as they do not think that it is rape. There are some circumstances included when rape or sexual assault happens. First circumstance to rape is when they have had sex together before. They will have the urge to have sex again once they have done it once with the other companion. The other side would think that it is now okay to force them to have sex once they have done it before. Second circumstance is she has had sex with other person before. When this occurs, they will want revenge on the other life partner and thus it will lead to rape. Third is when she has let the other person touch them above their waist. By letting them touch above their waist, the men will be more attracted to the women and it will give them the thirst to touch it again. Thus, it will also lead to rape or sexual assault. Fourth is when she has let another person to touch her below the waist. He will also have the urge to feel below the waist again and it will make them want a new experience. It will then lead to rape or sexual assault. Lastly is when he has spent a lot of money on her. He will think that he owns the girl because of the things he has bought for her and he will take advantage and force her...
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...Following are a few dummy doubts created by us, just to see how you will handle student's queries, before giving you an access of doubts on Toppr Instructions: • Option shown in bold is the correct option visible to students. It might not be correct sometimes. So, while answering doubts, please check the question and option very carefully • Answer the doubt only when you understand the doubt completely. • Please note all the doubts should be up to the point and very well explained. • You can write your responses in a ‘Word Doc’ file and send it back with this PDF on doubts-on-chat@toppr.com ___________________________________________________________________ Question 1: Doubt: Why not option B is the answer? Your response- Question 2: Doubt: Please explain with a detailed solution. Your response- Question 3: Doubt: How concentration become 8 times if volume is half and concentration is doubled? Your response- Question 4: Doubt: Please give solution if same is in acidic medium. Your response- Question 5: Doubt: Why is SnCl4 more covalent than all others? Your response- Question 6: Doubt: Electrical neutrality should be there, so answer should be 14. Please explain me how the answer is 13? Your response- Question 7: Doubt: Why not the answer is ZnS and Ag2S? Your response- Question 8: Doubt: How option B is correct? Please give proper explanation. Your response- Question 9: Doubt: Option d is also right as LiCl is covalent in nature, hence it should be a poor...
Words: 304 - Pages: 2
...People may think they own their cell phones; it makes sense, considering one bought it and pays for it. However, police have the power to tap into cellphones, and often they do. This has caused plenty of controversy about the values of the Fourth Amendment that prohibits unreasonable search and seizure and which additionally requires a judicially issued warrant. There are many arguments against cellphone tapping or “tower dumping,” due to it being an invasion of privacy. Furthermore, that hasn’t been the only strong argument against tower dumping; this act has raised question regarding what is done with all information gathered and who specifically are authorities are targeting. It’s no doubt devices serving the purpose to tap into cellphones...
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