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Submitted By ntorres94
Words 1337
Pages 6
Chapter 4 – International Accounting

Culture is a broad concept that would be expected to impact on legal system, tax system, the way businesses are formed and financed and so on.
In recent decades, it has also been used to try to explain international differences in accounting systems.

Violet(1983) argued that accounting is a ‘socio-technological activity’ that involved interaction between both human and non-human resources. Violet claims that accounting cannot be considered culture-free.

Hofstede(1980) has defined culture as ‘the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another.’

Gray argues that the value systems of accountants will be derived and related to societal values, Cultural dimension of • Individualism, • Power Distance, • Uncertainty Avoidance and • Masculinity

The values of accounting subculture will in turn, it is believed, impact on the development of the respective accounting systems at the national level. Therefore, at this point we can perhaps start to question whether accounting system can be developed in a “one-size-fits-all perspective – an approach which in some respects, the IASC appears to have adopted.

Individualism versus Collectivism
Individualism stands for a preference for a loosely knit social framework in society wherein individuals are supposed to take care of themselves and their immediate families only.
Collectivism stands for a preference for a tightly knit social framework in which individuals can expect their relatives or other in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.
Impact of individualism – it is interesting that a great deal of economic theory is based on the notion of self-interest and the rational economic person.

Chapter 4 – International Accounting

Culture (Cont’d)

Large versus Small Power

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