...Key Features of Budget 2010-2011 CHALLENGES ! ! ! To quickly revert to the high GDP growth path of 9 per cent and then find the means to cross the ‘double digit growth barrier’. To harness economic growth to consolidate the recent gains in making development more inclusive. To address the weaknesses in government systems, structures and institutions at different levels of governance. OVERVIEW OF THE ECONOMY ! India among the first few countries in the world to implement a broad-based counter-cyclic policy package to respond to the negative fallout of the global slowdown. The Advance Estimates for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth for 2009-10 pegged at 7.2 per cent. The final figure expected to be higher when the third and fourth quarter GDP estimates for 2009-10 become available. The growth rate in manufacturing sector in December 2009 was 18.5 per cent – the highest in the past two decades. A major concern during the second half of 2009-10 has been the emergence of double digit food inflation. Government has set in motion steps, in consultation with the State Chief Ministers, which should bring down the inflation in the next few months and ensure that there is better management of food security in the country. ! ! ! CONSOLIDATING GROWTH Fiscal Consolidation ! ! With recovery taking root, there is a need to review public spending, mobilise resources and gear them towards building the productivity of the economy. Fiscal policy shaped with reference to the recommendations...
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...A++PAPER;http://www.homeworkproviders.com/shop/ba-260-week-6/ BA 260 WEEK 6 BREACH OF DUTY BA 260 WEEK 6 BREACH OF DUTY, In the case of the Mississippi Beef Plant case, duty of loyalty was breached. Mr. Hall duties and obligation were to get the beef plant built and running based on the $22 million budget he estimated. This did not happen and initial estimated price rose to $55 million dollars upon completion. In this situation, the issue of self-interest arose in the form of Mr. Hall paying his family member nearly $45,000 dollars to act as a consultant on the project. Secondly, as a means of providing and supporting his family, and maybe for financial gain, Mr. Hall also gave $269,000 or fraudulent obtained grant money to other family members. To make matters worse, Mr. Hall also had the construction company building the beef plant to pay him a 1% consulting fee totaling $173,130 and allegedly had the same construction company to perform nearly $20,000 in work on his personal home. According to the article, nearly $270,000 in false invoices were submitted to the Mississippi Development Authority and Community Bank for equipment and other items and demanded more than a $87,000 payment for several other miscellaneous items. In the end, the plant only functioned for several months and shortly afterwards, Mr. Hall defaulted on the $35 million loan and the bank and the state were unable to sell the property. In the situation, Mr. Hall had a responsibility as a director...
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...BA 260 WEEK 6 BREACH OF DUTY, A+ Graded Tutorial Available At: http://hwsoloutions.com/?product=week-7-consideration Visit Our website: http://hwsoloutions.com/ Product Description BA 260 WEEK 6 BREACH OF DUTY, In the case of the Mississippi Beef Plant case, duty of loyalty was breached. Mr. Hall duties and obligation were to get the beef plant built and running based on the $22 million budget he estimated. This did not happen and initial estimated price rose to $55 million dollars upon completion. In this situation, the issue of self-interest arose in the form of Mr. Hall paying his family member nearly $45,000 dollars to act as a consultant on the project. Secondly, as a means of providing and supporting his family, and maybe for financial gain, Mr. Hall also gave $269,000 or fraudulent obtained grant money to other family members. To make matters worse, Mr. Hall also had the construction company building the beef plant to pay him a 1% consulting fee totaling $173,130 and allegedly had the same construction company to perform nearly $20,000 in work on his personal home. According to the article, nearly $270,000 in false invoices were submitted to the Mississippi Development Authority and Community Bank for equipment and other items and demanded more than a $87,000 payment for several other miscellaneous items. In the end, the plant only functioned for several months and shortly afterwards, Mr. Hall defaulted on the $35 million loan and the bank and the state were...
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...faced with tough decisions day in and day out. There are many deciding factors that aid us in our decision making. One major factor is our moral judgment. Morality may differ from one individual to the next, but the desire to live by them remains the same. When obeying the law comes into play it does not inflict, by any means, whether this moralistic trait determines your duty nor does it dictate cause to obey the law. Your moral duty is loyal to your own wellbeing and what in your own mind is best for your own person. Even if what you are doing is to benefit others your own person is being satisfied, and yes in some cases this may involve not obeying the law. And in many cases whether you obey the law or not the law does not change. So therefore your obligation to it in reality has no value to it, only to yourself and your own wellbeing. The law will not suffer consequence if not obeyed only the one not obeying it. We obey the law out of rational thought not morality. If you are a licensed driver passing through a reduced speed zone in a school district you will slow down and not speed not out of moral duty, but out of rational thought that I may hit a kid if I drive too fast or I may get a ticket, but whatever...
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...dropped him? I will be discussing both of these theories and the positive and negative side of each. I will also tell you my thoughts and how I would answer this question. The Tiger Woods scandal brings up many questions concerning today’s society and the ethical and moral obligations that celebrities have when companies invest in you in exchange for your endorsement of their products. Although, Tiger Woods may be a great golfer his moral choices have proved to be less than desirable by the masses. According, to the Judeo-Christian values that our country was founded on (Cherry, 2007) adultery is believed to be morally unacceptable and thus makes the basis of the utilitarian approach to this discussion. The utilitarian theory is based on the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. This theory may hold true when speaking of adultery. I agree that adultery is wrong but do Tiger’s personal indiscretions warrant the abandonment of his endorsers. Was Tiger hired on the basis that he lived a moral life or because he is a great golfer? Now that Tiger Woods has made a public apology, does the belief that everyone deserves forgiveness prove to have priority over the condemnation of adultery? The utilitarian approach determines the greatest priority by the happiness level or consequences it produces. Since your happiness level is greater when influenced by positive behaviors, it is natural to assume the endorsers should reinstate Tiger. But is it realistic. No...
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...there is consideration of the ethical conduct that will help in realizing the best of the consequences. An individual using this method of consequences framework has an aim of producing the most good. The Duty Framework The duty framework method of coming up with ethical decisions focuses on the obligations and duties that are usually posed in different situations. The method considers the ethical obligations that individuals have and the things that they should never do. The method defines ethical conduct as fulfilling one’s duties and doing what is right. The main aim of the method is performing the right act. Section 2: The Duty Framework Decision Making Process The duty framework is the more preferable of the two methods discussed above. Firstly, the method presents a solid ground for the formulation of decisions. Mainly, it is due to the fact that most moral duties are standardized and an expected course of action is present for most of the situations. As such, justification of a course of action would be easy. It very much unlike the consequential framework where different situations will have their decisions made upon the personalities of the individuals faced by the dilemma and the environment in which the particular situation is presented. Secondly, the duty framework would provide a...
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...committee of NIRC-ICAI/ICSI Member of Indirect tax faculties of ICAI/ICSI/ICWAI CA Bimal Jain Contents 1 2 3 Central Excise - Overview Central Excise Valuation Other Important Aspects 12/23/2011 2 CA Bimal Jain Central Excise - Overview Statutes: Central Excise Act, 1944 (CEA) Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (CETA) Central Excise Valuation (Determination of Price of Excisable Goods) Rules, 2000 (CEV) w.e.f 1/7/2000 Central Excise Rules (CER) Taxable Event and Liability for Excise duty-Entry No. 84 of List I (VII) Taxable Event Manufacture or Production of Goods in India Liability to Pay Arise on Removal of excisable goods from factory Basic conditions for levy of Excise Duty o Duty is on Goods i.e. must be movable and marketable o Goods must be excisable i.e. be mentioned in CETA o Ownership 12/23/2011 3 CA Bimal Jain Central Excise - Overview Excisable Goods S. 2(d) of CEA – Goods specified in Ist & 2nd Schedule to CETA as being subject to duty. Goods includes any article, material or substance, capable of being bought & sold for consideration & deemed to be marketable. o Excisable Vs. Non-excisable/ Exempted Goods o Goods – Immovable, P&M erected at Site Marketable – Capable of being sold UOI v. Delhi Cloth Mills - AIR 1963 SC 791 (SC 5 member Constitution bench) o Every thing that is sold is not 'marketable‘ o Marketability to be decided on the basis of the state in which it is produced as such o Mere mention in Tariff is not enough -...
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...STRENGTHS OF DENTOLOGY: Deontology is based on duties and rights and respects individuals as ends in themselves. It places value on the intentions of the individual (rather than the outcomes of any action) and focuses on rules, obligations and duties. Deontology requires absolute adherence to these obligations and acting from duty is viewed as acting ethically. The deontological thinkers tend to think about care delivered through a long term continuous relationship. To them breaking care up into smaller fragments is a denial of what caring is really about. They maintain equity and considers every individual equally and worthy of protection. Motivation is valued over consequences, which are beyond our control. An immoral motive cannot be justifies by unforeseen good consequences but a good motive is worthy of value. It provides guidelines for making moral decisions , without the need for lengthy calculation of possible outcomes. It recognises the value of moral absolutes that do not change with time or culture. Deontology sports a fair trial of right or wrong as it depends on a universally accepted morality approach. It also makes the philosopher study both sides of a situation without compromising the outcomes. WEAKNESS OF DENTOLOGY: Deontology: One of the key criticisms in healthcare is that applying a strictly deontological approach to healthcare can lead to conflicts of interest between equally entitled individuals which can be difficult or even seemingly impossible...
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...HAVE A MORAL DUTY TO PUT THEIR CONSUMERS FIRST 1.0 Introduction Nowadays, Malaysia has become one of the develop countries in the world. Many new things have been developed and improved in terms of business administration, economy, facility, technology, culture, education system, and so on. All of these things have a significant relationship with the law. People or organization has the right to be protected and the law have been created to make people’s lives more comfortable and peacefully. Laws have been used to protect consumers for centuries. These laws have been designed in a variety of legal forms, including criminal law, tort, contract, intellectual property, etc. In addition to those laws that specify consumer protection and product liability as their primary concern, numerous other provisions have the effect of protecting the consumer, for example by streamlining the prosecution of fraud, protecting property or facilitating litigation. This study will examine the critically assess the view that businesses have a moral duty to put their consumers first. Legislation of consumer protection in Malaysia now is entering to the new era with the recent introduction of the Consumer Protection Act 1999. 2.0 Business moral duty and consumer protection 2.1 Business moral duty A duty is an obligation to act in a certain way. When the obligation is based on moral and ethical consideration, it is a business moral duty. Often we think about moral duties in term of rules...
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...UNION BUDGET 2013-14 AND THE INDIAN TEXTILE INDUSTRY AN OVERVIEW The Indian Textiles Industry has an overwhelming presence in the economic life of the country. India employees about 100 million people in various forms related to the textile industry. This number is about 1/3rd of the total population of the United States. Owing to the employment and revenue generation, India has a cabinet level ministry for the textile sector. Textile sector can be broadly categorized into jute, sericulture, wool & woolen, man-made fiber & filament yarn industry. The Indian textiles industry contributes substantially to India’s GDP and exports earnings. The export basket consists of wide range of items containing cotton yarn and fabrics, man-made yarn and fabrics, wool and silk fabrics, made-ups and variety of garments. The major competitors for the Indian textile industry are China, Vietnam, and Bangladesh. USA is the single largest importer of textiles & clothing items. The rupee vis-a-vis dollar movement does have an impact on export of the textile industry. A 100% FDI is allowed in the textile sector under the automatic route. Several international retail brands are planning to invest in Indian textile sector as the Central Government has announced many incentives, including tax exemptions, to the textile and garment industry in the Union Budget 2013-14. According to the textile industry analysts, there will be 5-7 percent increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) with global...
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...has solutions on the following questions: 1. Question : The consumers who think ahead, consider, and watch every penny they spend, knowing how their choices will affect their preferences are known as: 2. Question : The ________ theory of business' duties to consumers claims that a business has four main moral duties: the basic duty of (a) complying with the terms of the sales contract, and the secondary duties of (b) disclosing the nature of the product, (c) avoiding misrepresentation, and (d) avoiding the use of duress and undue influence. 3. Question : Critics to the market approach respond that the benefits of free markets are obtained only when the markets have all of the 4. Question : In the Market Approach to consumer protection, if consumers do not place a high value on safety (or are unwilling to pay for it), then it is wrong to force them to accept higher levels of safety through regulation. 5. Question : Research has shown people are irrational and inconsistent when weighing choices based on probability estimates of future costs and payoffs. 6. Question : The most common criticism of advertising concerns its effect on the consumer's beliefs. 7. Question : The due care theory of the manufacturer's duties to consumers is based on the idea that consumers and sellers do not meet as equals and that the consumer's interests are particularly vulnerable to being harmed by the manufacturer, who has a knowledge and an expertise that the consumer lacks. 8. Question : Although there...
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...return to the country, besides other rights. A citizen may also be subject to certain duties, such as a duty to uphold law and to serve in the military. A person may have multiple citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless. He is endowed with legal rights by, and duties to, the country of which one is a citizen. Citizens are the people who owe allegiance to a government and are entitled to be protected by this government. They are the nationals of a city, state and country. They can be inhabitants or in diaspora. Citizens are entitled to be protected, by the government in which they owe allegiance, in terms of security, safety and against molestation by any individual, group, organisation or country. Nationality is often used as a synonym for citizenship in English – notably in international law – although the term is sometimes understood as denoting a person's membership of a nation. In some countries, e.g. the United States, Israel, Philippines and the United Kingdom, "nationality" and "citizenship" have different meanings. Thus, a Nigeria citizen is someone who is allowed to vote in Nigeria state and federal elections, to serve in the Nigeria armed forces, to pass that citizenship on to their spouse and/or children, is entitled to state and federal social services, and who must file state and federal taxes. In Nigeria, Citizenship is based upon the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A good citizen is one who properly...
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...ETH/376 Accounting Ethics and Professional Regulations Week One Assignment – AICPA Code of Professional Conduct AICPA Code of Professional Conduct The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct represents the principles that “are based on the values of the profession and the traits of character that enable CPA’s to meet their obligations to the public” (Mintz & Morris, 2011). The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct has six essential principles to guide them in the performance of their profession. The six essential principles are: Responsibilities, the Public Interest, Integrity, Objectivity and Independence, Due Care, and Scope and Nature of Services. All these principles need to be follow by the members of the AICPA. These principles link the professional conduct to moral judgment and recognize the responsibility that CPA’s have to his or her clients as well as the public. AICPA Code of Professional Conduct Principles The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct have six essential principles. The first principle is call “Responsibilities”, which protects the public of irresponsible and immoral behavior. The second principle is “The Public Interest”, which protects the best interest of stakeholders that includes the clients, credit grantors, government, investors, etc. The third principle is “Integrity” because this principle identify the public trust and CPA’s need to be candid and honest while maintaining client confidentiality. The fourth principle is “Objectivity and...
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...Marner Essay Fulfill duties or neglect them Concept of duty Statements of “duty” in Silas * Silas had a duty as a future husband to Sarah that he could not fulfill - betray * Sarah had a duty to stand by Silas however she didn’t think twice about the false information she obtained and turned her back on silas - betray * William had a duty as a best friend to fulfill however he didn’t believe Silas and even worse, he turned on him and took away the love of his life - betray * Silas’ community in Lantern yard had a duty of support to fulfill in silas’ life but they turned on him - betray * Silas had a duty to fulfill in ravelo, try to engage – self * Godfrey had a duty as a strong man to fulfill but he gave in and didn’t stand up for himself and married Molly- strength * Godfrey had a duty as a husband - strength * Duty as a father - strength * Molly had duty as mother – self absorption * Godfrey had a duty as husband self * Even though Silas did not need to take care of Eppie he took initiative - love * Fulfilled his duty above and beyond – love * Dunsey did not fulfill they duty he had as a family member – self absorption * Nancy fulfilled hers as a wife, she did not need to stand by Godfrey – love * Dolly and aaron helped when they ddint need to – love * Eppie had no obligation to stay with Silas she fulfilled her duty as a daughter, while , rightfully so, neglecting her duties to her true father – love...
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...UNION BUDGET 2010-11 Impact Analysis UNION BUDGET 2010-11: Impact Analysis CONTENTS BUDGET AT A GLANCE ............................................................................................ 1 UNION BUDGET 2010-11 : A MACROECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE ........................ 2 - 3 SECTORAL IMPACT ........................................................................................... 4 - 23 CHANGE IN CENTRAL PLAN OUTLAY..................................................................... 24 RECEIPTS .......................................................................................................... 25-26 EXPENDITURE ................................................................................................ 27 - 28 KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS (Absolute Values) ................................................... 29 KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS (Percentage Change Over Previous Year) ............... 30 UNION BUDGET 2010-11: Impact Analysis BUDGET AT A GLANCE (Rs bn) 2009-10 Revised Estimates 1) Revenue Receipts 2) Tax Revenue (net to centre) 3) Non-Tax Revenue 4) Capital Receipts (5+6+7)$ 5) Recoveries of loans 6) Other receipts 7) Borrowings and other liabilities * 8) Total Receipts (1+4)$ 9) Non-Plan Expenditure 10) On Revenue Account of which, 11) Interest Payments 12) On Capital Account 13) Plan Expenditure 14) On Revenue Account 15) On Capital Account 16) Total Expenditure (9+13) 17) Revenue Expenditure (10+14) 18) Capital Expenditure (12+15) 19) Revenue Deficit...
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