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Earned Tax Credit Benefits

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In the United States, there are many programs to help benefit its citizens when they are in need. These programs can range from Medicaid to the Food Stamp programs to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. These programs make sure people can have their basic needs and to be able to support their families. One of these programs that we are going to go into more depth about would be the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The Earned Income Tax Credit is a refundable tax credit for people who work but to not have high enough incomes to sustain themselves. This credit is directed more towards low income working families but there is a small credit available for childless taxpayers. Workers receive a credit equal to a percentage of their earnings …show more content…
That year the government spent $56 billion on this program spread out between 27 million American households. This money being funneled into the EITC impacts these people’s lives significantly and helps the communities benefit from this credit. Over the past ten years, over $132.6 billion has been paid to people from the EITC. By doing so it has lifted 5.4 million people above the poverty line as of 2010.To qualify for this tax credit, taxpayers must meet certain requirements and file and tax return. These requirements include for the person to have an earned income, much be a U.S. citizen or resident alien for the entire tax year, have a Social Security Number for you and your spouse and children if applicable. You are also not able to have investment income that exceeds $3,400. If these requirements are met, then that person would be eligible for the credit. The amount of the credit depends on the recipient’s income, marital status, and the number of children they have. The part that has the biggest effect on the amount of the credit would be if the person were to have …show more content…
The credit could either be in the phase in, flat, or phase out. Looking at figure one, it shows that workers first receive this credit once they start working earning one dollar of income. By doing so, people will increase the supply of the labor market. This is due since there is an increase in a person’s net wage for nonworkers. By doing so, the labor market is more likely to match the persons reservation wage, which encourages them to join the labor force. In figure two, this would be from point AB. Moving to the new budget curve increase the persons utility resulting in them working. The next range that the person could be in would by the flat, which is from point BC in figure two.Theoretically these ranges show when people should be entering the labor market and how much they would be willing to work. We must look at real world applications of this credit to see if it did end up encouraging people to take part in the labor market and help people and their families move out of poverty. Considering on how big of a program EITC is and how it has grown over the years, more and more research has been down about it and how it impacts

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