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What Was Russia's Slow Industrialization

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Russia’s Slow Industrialization
Russia, the biggest country in the world, is located in northern Eurasia. During the period of both the Tsars’ and the Soviet Union’s rule, Russia was about 22,400,000 square kilometers big (Etty). It contains different kinds of landscape, such as steppe, mountains, semi- desert and etc. At the start of 19th century, Russia had the population of 125 million people. Russia has many natural resources, for example, coal, fuel, natural gas, oil, different kinds of metals and non-metals (Boehm). Before 1917, Russia was under the control of tsars for centuries. Tsars such as Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great and Catherine the Great expanded Russia and made it a more advanced country. As a result, Russia became a …show more content…
Industrialization was a really hard task. Russia became one of the world’s great powers that didn’t industrialized. Russia struggled from industrializing. Despite of having many of the factors of production, such as rich in natural resources and a huge population, Russia was slow to industrialized because of its geography and location, its very conservative society and wars.
Due to Russia’s geography and location, it was hard for Russia to modernized, to build transportation and to grow crops, which further led to difficulties for Russia to industrialize. Russia is the world’s biggest nation. During the Tsarists Empire, Russia was 22,400,000 square miles big, 2 times larger than Canada and 70 times larger than Britain. Russia is located across two continents, both Europe and Asia. There is a geographic barrier between European Russia and Asia, which is the Ural Mountains. Russia has a wide range of temperature. Russia has an average temperature of -5.5ºC. The lowest degree record in Russia is -68ºC and the highest degree record is 37ºC (Etty). Unlike other countries, Russia has less land suitable for farming, only 10% of land is suitable. Russia can be mainly divided into three types of land: tundra, taiga and steppe. Tundra, also known as …show more content…
As a result, not many plants can grow there, only mosses, algae, warf surbs and lichen can survive in that extreme condition. Tundra covers about 10% of Russia’s land. Taiga refers to the forest region. Russia’s taiga covers about 20% of the world’s forestland. Steppe refers to grassland. The soil in the Russia’s steppe is chernozem soil. The Chernozem soil is special because of its black color. This region is also known as the Black Earth Belt. The Black Earth Belt is the heart of Russia’s agricultural industry. Russia has the world’s longest coastline, which stretches 37650 km long. Russia’s coastline touches with the Arctic, Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea and etc. There are several rivers in Russia, including the Volga River, Ob River, Irtysh River and etc. (Boehm). In the early days of Russia’s history, Russia’s transportation system was heavily based on the waterways. The road system was horrible. Although there were few roads that were being built, by reason of the weather, most of them were not able to be use. The river system was the fastest way of transporting goods. Yet, there was a really big liability in the river transportation system. Because of Russia’s far north position, many of the

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