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Effective Filter Hypothesis Summary

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There was a study done by Jenna Styles on fourth graders who were Latino and who showed different levels of fluency in English and Spanish. The children were of low socioeconomic background and used Chicano English. Styles wanted to teach the children Standard English while still maintaining their dialect. She called the activity “Word Cemetery”, she thought the name was appropriate because most kids celebrated El Dia De Los Muertos, her goal was to make kids feel that they could still use CE, they could still talk about it, just like how they still celebrate their traditions (2006). The teacher of the classroom made it clear to her students that there is no right or wrong way to speak, but it’s important that they know both dialects, and that they should feel free to use both. She …show more content…
Thus, it connects to the theories shown in Between Worlds, and the models/ theories we have studied. Although it is not bluntly stated, in the articles I read we see Krashen, and the BICS and CALPS methods. Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis reports that there are several affective variables that affect the learner when acquiring a second langue or dialect. It includes motivation (Word Cemetery), self-confidence (coaching the student, not correcting them), and low levels of anxiety (having the time to practice SE). If the affective filter is raised then child will not acquire the standard dialect being taught. Teachers play a role by adding an additive lesson, that allows the student to feel comfortable and thus learn. We also see BICS(nonstandard) and CALPS(academic) in the research article, the goal was for kids to have an academic proficiency but still use their native dialect. By using CALPS students can use both of their dialects, all the student needs are low affective filter and time, so that eventually they continue to speak Chicano English, as well as Standard English thus becoming

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