...the world. We benefit from the most up to date medical technologies, medications, and services. People come from every corner of the world to take advantage of our top notch physicians and facilities. One would questin is this reputation warranted, and if so, at what cost? These costs rank us among the highest of industrialized nations (Lundy, 2010). Does this high expenditure equate to better outcomes? According to the National Scorecard on US Health System Performance (2008), the US received a 65 out of 100 possible points. Compared with 19 other industrialized nations, the US came in last place in preventable mortality. Preventable mortality means just that, deaths which could have been prevented if “timely and effective care” could have been provided (The Commonwealth Fund on a High Performance Health System, 2008). In 2000, the World Health Organization performed their first ever comparison of the health systems of the world. They reviewed 191 different countries and ranked them on numerous parameters, the United States ranked 37th for overall health system performance (WHO, 2000). Is it that our healthcare system is truly that poor, or is it that our care is only excellent for those patients who can actually afford it? A universal healthcare system would not only provide healthcare for all, it could also decrease our healthcare spending and potentially produce better health outcomes. High quality and less expensive healthcare can be achieved with a universal healthcare...
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... * The introduction of AV would to commons would not change the current constituency structure of the UK, and would also be a bit more proportional than the current Westminster system FPTP. Explain the arguments in favour of a codified constitution. * Codification is the only way of protecting individual rights and freedoms, the current quasi-entrenched HRA fails to do this, reflected in the conservative plans to replace it with a less powerful British bill of rights with will neither enjoy quasi-entrenchment nor a direct association with the ECHR. This shows how the government of the day can tamper with our rights in the absence of codification. * It may help prevent any further drift towards excessive executive power, codification will surely constrain possibly over-mighty governments who are easily able to alter to constitution. However, it may not necessarily be entrenchment de jure but possibly de facto, which would be unnecessary and fail to curb excessive executive power. * Codification will bring Britain into line with other modern democracies, the UK is one of three, including Israel and New Zealand to not have a codified constitution. However, we would be exchanging flexibility for rigidity, many people argue our organic constitution is a great advantage of our current system. To what extent have the coalition government’s proposals to reform the UK been controversial? * In 2011 the coalition introduced the fixed term parliament act as a result...
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...Everyone, Everywhere 2030 WaterAid’s Global Strategy 2015-2020 We are WaterAid Our vision is a world where everyone, everywhere has safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Our mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Our values define our culture and unite us across the many countries in which we work. They are at the very heart of WaterAid – who we are, what we do and how we do it. Respect Collaboration We treat everyone with dignity and respect and champion the rights and contribution of all to achieve a fairer world. We work with others to maximise our impact, respecting diversity and difference in the pursuit of common goals. Accountability Innovation We are accountable to those whose lives we hope to see transformed, to those we work with and to those who support us. We are creative and agile, always learning, and prepared to take risks to accelerate change. Courage Integrity We are bold and inspiring in our actions and words, and uncompromising in our determination to pursue our mission. We act with honesty and conviction and our actions are consistent with openness, equality and human rights. Front cover image: Janett, four, fills up a jerrycan with clean, safe water at the village’s new pump in Bugesera district, Rwanda. WaterAid/Zute Lightfoot Back cover image: Four-year-old Andreana (centre) and her friends...
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...Corruption and its impact on Growth, Business and Government Effectiveness Ivo Dimovsky Managerial Economics – Empirical paper EMBA - American University of Bulgaria April 4th, 2012 ABSTRACT Corruption, like an infection, has co-existed with human society for a long time. Corruption has received significant attention among economists and international financial institutions during the last few decades, given its impact on economic growth both in developed and developing countries. There is an increasing volume of literature on the relationship between corruption and economic growth, and the general conclusion is that corruption slows down the long-term growth of an economy through a wide range of negative post-effects. It hampers economic growth, disproportionately burdens the poor and undermines the effectiveness of any investment and aid. Some theoretical studies suggest that corruption may counteract government failure and promote economic growth in the short run, however in recent years this studies aren`t anymore valid given the clear message from the negative effects on society and the economic system. In this paper we will analyze and present: First, we will describe and list a number of causes and consequences of corruption, derived from recent international studies from worldwide organizations trying to fight corruption. Second, we will introduce a regression model that can help explain the negative relationship between corruption (Corruption Perception Index...
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...| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Revision Package: | |Theme 1 | | | |Principles of Governance | |Traffic ...
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...Office of the New York State Comptroller Division of Local Government and School Accountability LOCAL GOVERNMENT M ANAGEMENT GUIDE Management’s Responsibility for Internal Controls Thomas P. DiNapoli State Comptroller For additional copies of this report contact: Division of Local Government and School Accountability 110 State Street, 12th floor Albany, New York 12236 Tel: (518) 474- 4037 Fax: (518) 486- 6479 or email us: localgov@osc.state.ny.us www.osc.state.ny.us October 2010 Table of Contents Who’s Responsible.............................................................................................................. 2 The Origin - Committee of Sponsoring Organizations ......................................................... 4 Integrated Internal Control Framework - The Big Picture ..................................................... 5 The Five Essential Elements of the Internal Control Framework ........................................... 6 Limitations of Internal Controls ..........................................................................................15 The Impact of Information Technology ...............................................................................16 The Role of Internal Auditors and Audit Committees ..........................................................17 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 20 Additional Resources...
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...Is it really worthwhile to set up standard working hours in Hong Kong? – Defects of standard working hour system Introduction The standard working hour system is the most commonly implemented working hour system utilized by both developed and developing countries to protect the right of 4employees. As one of the economies in which the employees suffer the longest working hours, Hong Kong is now preparing to introduce the standard working hour system to protect employees. In addition to governments, Mattesini and Quintieri (2006) also consider it as an effective way to lessen the unemployment rate after their study on Italy during the great depression. However, the research of them may be limited. Thus this paper serves to argue that it is unwise for the Hong Kong government to establish the standard working hour system in Hong Kong because of the possible negative influence it may bring, for example, the negative effect on the economy, the increase in production cost, and the ineffectiveness to reduce the unemployment rate. The defects of the standard working hour system Increasing the production cost If standard working hour system is established, thus extra working time beyond the standard working hour is required to produce the same products. These hours could be accomplished by either inflicting overtime work on present workers or hiring additional workers. Either of the two alternatives would create odditional cost for employers. In another aspect, it seems that...
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...A COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT REPORT On Effectiveness of Marine Logistics Submitted to S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In Gujarat Technological University UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Faculty Guide: Company Guide: Ms. Parinaz Todiwala Mr.Pravin Dixit Assistant Professor MD (Kshitij Marine Services Pvt. Ltd.) Submitted by Ms. Harshita Kakar [Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592001] Ms. Nupur Mishra[Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592005 ] MBA SEMESTER III S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT - 805 MBA PROGRAMME Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad December, 2012 Company Certificate (For Sem. 3) (On Company Letterhead) This is certified that Ms. Harshita Kakar and Ms. Nupur Mishra from S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, are carrying out the research on the subject titled “ ” at this company / organisation under the supervision of Mr. Pravin Dixit, from Sep, 2012 to Dec, 2012. I also certify that, the above mentioned students have carried the research work satisfactorily. Place: - Surat Date: - _________ ( to be announced later on) ________________ (Name & Designation) Students’ Declaration We, Ms. Harshita Kakar &...
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...funding to maintain and build new roads, this is where the issue of federalism arrives. Working with the federal, state and local government there has to be a solution to the transportation policy. The Transportation Policy as we know it today started as the Interstate program according to Shirayanagi, H., & Kitamura, Y. (2011) “in 1956 also called the 1956 Federal-Aid Highway Act, appropriated $25 billion (about $197 billion in 2009 dollars) to build 41,000 miles of multi-lane, limited access highways.” (p.253) While it was done to connect states and make it easier for economic center to connect it helped develop travel within cities themselves. These highways were built with 90 percent federal funding the only problem was that the local government did not get any money to improve the transportation systems. Fast-forward to August 2005 according to Shirayanagi, H., & Kitamura, Y. (2011) “ the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: (SAFETEA-LU) which is our current transportation policy signed by President George W. Bush, authorized $286.5 billion dollars to fund our nation’s transportation network through September 2009…” (p.257) The bill expired on September 30, 2009 and has been extended multiple times since that date. The main reason Congress cannot come up with a new policy because first and for most the federal government does not want to fund state and local projects without any help from that state,...
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...A COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT REPORT On Effectiveness of Marine Logistics Submitted to S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In Gujarat Technological University UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Faculty Guide: Company Guide: Ms. Parinaz Todiwala Mr.Pravin Dixit Assistant Professor MD (Kshitij Marine Services Pvt. Ltd.) Submitted by Ms. Harshita Kakar [Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592001] Ms. Nupur Mishra[Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592005 ] MBA SEMESTER III S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT - 805 MBA PROGRAMME Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad December, 2012 Company Certificate (For Sem. 3) (On Company Letterhead) This is certified that Ms. Harshita Kakar and Ms. Nupur Mishra from S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, are carrying out the research on the subject titled “ ” at this company / organisation under the supervision of Mr. Pravin Dixit, from Sep, 2012 to Dec, 2012. I also certify that, the above mentioned students have carried the research work satisfactorily. Place: - Surat Date: - _________ ( to be announced later on) ________________ (Name & Designation) Students’ Declaration We, Ms. Harshita Kakar &...
Words: 10028 - Pages: 41
...Economics of Water Abstract Government regulation is needed in today’s industry. While this paper will look at the governance of the economics of water it will start with a brief introduction of the reasons why government regulation is something that the shareholders’ of a corporation should embrace and should ignore the hype from management, media, and academia about why governance is wrong. They tend to mistakenly call all decisions as opportunistic behavior whether it is ethical or not. Regulation should be regarded as a tool to address basic public ends (Dent, 2008). Management should see regulation as a benefit to society. It should engrave a sense of duty to their decision making. There are two types of governance that this paper is going to consider. The first is necessity of internal governance of public corporations. The second is specific industry governance specific to the economics of water. In addressing the internal governance of public corporations, this paper will address a short history of why internal control is regulated by government, some objections to government regulation of internal control, and why these criticisms are unwarranted. By July of 2002 Americans had been plagued by a flood of corporate scandal. The names: Enron, World Com, Adelphia and Arthur Anderson will forever be burned into our history books as those infamous corporations that ruined the lives of millions of people. Their jobs were lost, their pensions disappeared...
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...Economic Environment of Business Report On “COST EFFECTIVENESS AND INDIAN INDUSTRY” Course Instructor: Dr. S.P. Das Economic Environment of Business Report On “COST EFFECTIVENESS AND INDIAN INDUSTRY” Course Instructor: Dr. S.P. Das Submitted By: | Astha MathurSection C | Roll No.: | UM15135 | Submitted By: | Astha MathurSection C | Roll No.: | UM15135 | CONTENT Sr. No | Title | Page No. | 1 | Abstract | 4 | 2 | Introduction | 4 | 3 | Overview of Indian Industry | 4 | 4 | Implementing Cost Effectiveness | 6 | 5 | Implications of Cost Effectiveness | 7 | 6 | Break-Down of Indian Industrial Sector | 8 | 7 | Government initiatives to support for Cost Effectiveness in Indian Industry | 11 | 8 | Conclusion | 16 | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express a whole-hearted gratitude to all those who have helped with the report or have been associated with the report in any which way and made it a worthwhile experience. We are greatly indebted to our batch mates and our seniors for having shared their invaluable experience that went a long way in the successful completion of our report. We are also grateful to Dr. S.P Das who has given us the opportunity for working on such a project and incessant support & guidance leading it to successful completion. Thank you. We would like to express a whole-hearted gratitude to all those who have helped...
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...Analysis of Obamacare Health Policy Anthony E Davis POL201: American National Government Ginger Devine November 25, 2013 Analysis of Obamacare Health Policy One of the most crucial issues of today is the issue of health insurance and availability of quality health services to all residents of the U.S. This paper will analyze the Obamacare Healthcare Policy-highlighting its core elements, health care problem solution, and the policies history. Also it will evaluate the pros and cons using different perspectives in debate. Let’s begin with the elements of Obamacare. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 (ObamaCare Summary: A Summary of Obama's Health Care Reform, 2013). Since the establishment of Medicaid and Medicare of 1965, Obamacare is one of the most significant expansions from the government and administrative overhaul of the U.S healthcare system. The purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is to raise the rate of health coverage of Americans, to modernize the delivery of health care services, and to reduce the overall costs of health care. This is to be done by restricting certain insurance company practices and providing tax credits and subsidies for individuals and businesses. Prior to the approval of the Obamacare Policy, the American health care industry was in deep...
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...POS 301 August 5, 2012 Self-Government Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Of the people by the people Authority to vote for and delegate the authority to elect government representatives Ability to change the constitution or laws when need be No one person or group has majority power and/or control 3 separate branches each with distinct power Work together to serve the people Ensures the three branches work together In place to prevent any single branch to have the ability to overpower the other Prevents dictatorship The Effectiveness of the Check and Balance System In the creation of the Constitution the framers divided powers between the different branches of government. The three levels of government are executive, legislative and judicial. The framers wanted them to be separated in so that they could perform on different levels while still and yet not allowing one branch is more power than the other. The framers knew that in order to provide the people with the type of government that they were trying to build; they would have to put into place a system in which each branch would be held responsible for their actions and/or decisions. This is how the check and balance system came into existence. Each branch functions on its own and has certain responsibilities. Each branch even tries to have more power than the other however; with the checks and balance system that the framers put into place prevents this from happening...
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...transparency are indispensable aspect of an efficient functioning system. A transparent system focuses on openness of the system through clear processes and procedures and easy access to public information. Increased transparency in the system can facilitate greater accountability and both when acted together improves quality of governance, increased organizational responsiveness, lowering of corruption, better delivery of services , improved citizen engagement and better budget utilization. The absence of accountability and transparency leads to mistrust and dissatisfaction towards the organization and its services. World Bank ranks Nepal at 3 in the Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) transparency, accountability and corruption in the public sector rating (1=low to 6= high). The main dimensions for rating are accountability of executive to oversight institutions and of public employees for their performance and access of civil society to information on public affairs. Similarly, Nepal ranks with the score of 44 out of 100 in global budget transparency index which is the drop from 45 in 2010 according to open budget survey 2012. In a country like Nepal, where services provided by the private sector are expensive and not always accessible, the government is viewed as the key body providing public services. Citizens without much money, therefore, are reliant on the services provided by the government which be accessed in different ways - free of cost; by paying the...
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