Premium Essay

Effects of Insomnia


Submitted By tajwar
Words 5148
Pages 21
Insomnia is generally defined as the inability to sleep adequately a few times a weak and doesn’t mean the inability to sleep at all. Insomnia can be chronic or on going.Certain causes of insomnia can be categorized into three major categories which include lifestyle, health and environment. Experiments were carried out to see how insomnia affects quality of life and the conclusion reached was that people suffering from insomnia report greater quality of life impairment in contrast to people without insomnia. Sleep disturbance can exacerbate the condition, disrupt treatment, cause further complications and add to the social disability associated with chronic illness. Insomnia can result in mental illness and can have a huge impact when it comes to efficiency of a subject. Personally traits can be a major differentiating point when it comes to comparison between subjects with and without insomnia however personality differences between insomniacs and controls might rather be state-dependent instead of trait-dependent. Treatment of insomnia can be by two major ways namely pharmacotherapy and nonpharmacologic interventions. Herbal treatment as per 82% of Canadians are also very effective when it comes to treating insomnia. Rest and little exertion can also play a vital role when it comes to curing insomnia.

Effects Of Insomnia On Quality of Life
Insomnia is derived from the Latin word which means “no sleep”. A recent report estimates that 60 to 70 million American suffer from some form of sleep problems and that sleep deprivation costs $150 billion a year higher stress and reduced work place productivity.
Insomnia is defined as difficulty initiating, or maintaining sleep at least 3 nights per week, in addition to complaints of sleep related daytime impairment. Sufficient and restful sleep is a human necessity. The average adult needs slightly more