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Cause and Effects of Insomnia


Submitted By sickboy313
Words 1115
Pages 5
In 2011 after I came back from Afghanistan, I was diagnosed with mild insomnia. At first I didn’t understand what it was or why I was experiencing it. I have learned that my insomnia is due partially to pain. I have now been living with Insomnia for the past 2 years and still am learning more about it. Most people think that insomnia is just the inability to sleep. It actually has different levels that include having a hard time going to sleep, and staying asleep, and not feeling rested when you wake up or like most people think which is an extreme example is people who can’t sleep at all. Something else I didn’t know about insomnia was the effects of it. Pain, mental disorders, and breathing problems can cause insomnia, and irritability, impaired concentration and memory, fatigue, and difficulty in interpersonal relationships are some of the effects of insomnia and will be what I will be talking about. One cause for insomnia can include waking from sound or pain. I have known a lot of people who suffer from insomnia from physical pain. Joint or muscle problems, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis can be painful enough to cause insomnia. Also people who suffer from gastrointestinal disease, such as gastro-esophageal reflux disease or irritable bowel syndrome can develop enough pain to cause insomnia. Another cause for insomnia can be breathing problems. Respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma can cause insomnia. Asthma causes a person’s airway to close up making it hard for them to breathe which can lead to problems sleeping causing issues like insomnia. Sleep apnea is also a breathing disorder that has been found to cause insomnia. However, many people may suffer from sleep apnea without suffering from insomnia. One of the biggest causes of insomnia is mental disorders. Sleep disorders, such as restless leg syndrome

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