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Effects Of Smoking Essay

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In this study we are going to study about the background of smoking and are the smoking good in our health? All of us know that smoking is not good in our health because it can cause so many diseases such as According to Harry Mills PH.D.(2005) that many people nowadays smoke cigarette even teenagers smoke. Some other people have no idea about the chemical of a tobacco and what it can cause in our body. Because the effects of cigarette like lung cancer, heart disease and mouth cancer. But if you really love your body you will quit or you will lessen smoking because he/she you know the bad effects of cigarette smoking. Considered that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for many cancers and respiratory diseases. Because the heavier the usage of an individual and the longer he smokes, the higher the …show more content…
Rosario Angeles City, and we will know some of the different perspectives of other youth and adults in terms of Smoking. But other people usually smoke in different places like outside the school, comfort room, jeepney and many more. Why do other people can't stop smoking? Does smoking can solve your problems? No right? Because when you smoke you're just wasting your life because you don't know that your lungs is already affected when you smoke which can cause to lung cancer. Also others were smoking in jeepney's but others don’t know that every smoke you take others can also kill other people. What if they have asthma? See? Others don't know that you can also kill other people and also yourself. But if you are aware the smoking can also kill you and you will stop it and avoid it. Because when you buy cigarette you can see their cover that tells us that it is dangerous in our health but others just don't care of their lives and they still smoke but if you want to have a long life don't waste your time in smoking instead you have to love

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