...Article Critique Paper Britnie Amedee, Kelsey Thompson, Angela Lipford BSHS/435 January 19, 2015 Mrs. Heather Suggs Journal Article Critique Paper “Electronic games are now an everyday part of childhood and adolescence” (Olsen, 2010). Considering children and adolescence are our future, parents need to consider and monitor how these electronic games are affecting their child. There are more studies afloat that report the negative affects of video games over the positive effects until recently. Children and adolescents become addicted to video games easily so it is important to monitor what they are playing and how it is affecting them and their character. A recent study on many boys and girls reported why they are entertained by these games and how it affects them as a whole. Many children and teens in today’s generation have a favorite pastime of playing video games. It is easy for any parent to not like these video games and to blame their child’s bad behavior on them playing these games. According to the article, Children’s Motivations for Video Game Play in the Context of Normal Development, boys and girls enjoy playing video games for many different reasons. Regardless of the negative effects some have found video games to create, there are many positive effects that go unrecognized. “For some video game skill seemed important to their self-esteem, especially if they had less success in other areas such as academics or sports” (Olsen, 2010). Self-esteem plays a significant...
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...Video Game Violence and the Developing Mind Ripping the spine from a headless combatant, murdering hookers to reclaim money, riddling demons with countless rounds only to be rewarded with buckets of blood… these were all staples of my childhood and that of the many schoolchildren who ever pick up a video game controller. According to the National Coalition Against Censorship, video game violence has been a topic of intense debate and scapegoating ever since “Death Race” was pulled from arcades in 1976 for depicting vehicular homicide. Many people argue that violence in interactive technology is detrimental to the minds of adolescents, so much so that it creates violent criminals from innocent youths. Fortunately for the droves of gamers who enjoy a little violent entertainment, video game violence in itself has never been proven to create violent tendencies during adolescence. In 1993, the 16-bit fighting game, Mortal Kombat, came under scrutiny for depicting an array of bloody animations at the end of each battle. During that controversy, Senator Joe Lieberman was quoted as saying, “We’re talking about video games that glorify violence and teach children to enjoy inflicting the most gruesome forms of cruelty imaginable.” Unfortunately for the Senator and all the parent groups that follow his opinion, video games have been proven only to aid in childhood development. For instance, in his article “The Therapeutic Use of Videogames in Childhood and Adolescence”, Mark Griffiths...
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...UNV - 104 August 11, 2013 Video Games and Violence Video games and violence have different effects on children according to the type of video games that is being watched It is important to understand the world of video games. All video games do not prevent violence in children. Parents should take into consideration in monitoring their child while choosing video games. Depending on the video game that is chosen, does not mean the child will result in violent behavior later on in life. There are many types of video games that may promote either positive or negative effects in children. As there are many types of video games that are being played by children for different pleasures. To name a few, there are adventure, puzzle, platform, educational, and so on. When choosing the right video game for your child, or anyone’s child. Keep in mind the reason and purpose of that video game. What do you want the child to gain from playing the game? For this reason parents should research video game tips for parents. As a parent of three children, I have experienced myself purchasing video games for my seven year old. I would stick to the educational games. Parents should take control of their child’s video game use. Parents should always supervise how long their child plays a game and when to take a break. Negative effects on children with video games can be the most harmful on any child. Due to the child becoming aggressive, confusing, not knowing reality from...
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...Article Critique Paper Britnie Amedee, Kelsey Thompson, Angela Lipford BSHS/435 January 19, 2015 Mrs. Heather Suggs Journal Article Critique Paper “Electronic games are now an everyday part of childhood and adolescence” (Olsen, 2010). Considering children and adolescence are our future, parents need to consider and monitor how these electronic games are affecting their child. There are more studies afloat that report the negative affects of video games over the positive effects until recently. Children and adolescents become addicted to video games easily so it is important to monitor what they are playing and how it is affecting them and their character. A recent study on many boys and girls reported why they are entertained by these games and how it affects them as a whole. Many children and teens in today’s generation have a favorite pastime of playing video games. It is easy for any parent to not like these video games and to blame their child’s bad behavior on them playing these games. According to the article, Children’s Motivations for Video Game Play in the Context of Normal Development, boys and girls enjoy playing video games for many different reasons. Regardless of the negative effects some have found video games to create, there are many positive effects that go unrecognized. “For some video game skill seemed important to their self-esteem, especially if they had less success in other areas such as academics or sports” (Olsen, 2010). Self-esteem plays a significant...
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...Aggressive Behavior 1. This was an interesting article that talks about if there a correlation between playing video games and aggressive behavior between young kids. I believe this article is true about how kids that play violent video games tend to be more aggressive compared to kids that didn’t in a controlled environment. My main question about this article is that they prove that there is a strong correlation between the studies but they also left out other factors like the child’s development of social development and they didn’t have an even amount kids in the same age group so the fact that they used more kids in one age group might of effect the study in their favor to get the results that violent video game do tend to lead to aggressive behavior. Also, the interesting things that I think that they should do is what are the effects long term and short term. 2. I learned that girls in game condition was not related to aggression but, specifically for boys, playing a violent video game lead to more aggression than watching television violence. Which also comes into the development of each sex because boys are more open to the environment of aggression and girls on the other hand are more of the non-aggression and would rather place with dolls. Boys are more open to be aggressive with each other most because of gender roles and the development of hormones. Another fact that I haven’t paid that much attention to because of the acceptance of technology is that the time children...
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...Effects of Digital Technology on Health Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Effects of Digital Technology on Health Introduction The levels of technology have increased at a high rate in the last decade, and the use of digital electronics has become more common. Technology has a lot of benefits but also has side effects if not used to a certain limit. In the current generation, the use of digital electronics such as computers, video games and mobile phones has become the norm and it’s proving to have a negative health impact. Such electronic devices are very common among the youths, and they use them very often for both academic and entertainment purposes. Despite their health risk, it is unavoidable to use such devices and one can only control the rate of use but cannot evade using them Computers A computer is a device that is meant to ease work as well as make data organized and easily accessible. In the developed countries, children are introduced to computers at a very tender age, and they use them for the rest of their lives and hence are hardly hit by the negative effects. Computers pose a risk of the user suffering from musculoskeletal disorders due to the repetitive poster and body movements one has while using the computer (Karavidas, Lim, and Katsikas, 2005, p.699). The continuous use of a computer can make on experience pain on the fingers and upper arm since these body parts are in action while using the computer. The repetitive use of the...
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...technology and health concerns in child development 1 CHILDREN & TECHNOLOGY 2 The overuse of technology and health concerns in child development Technology is a remarkable achievement. It has surpassed the expectations of former inventors, physicists, and engineers, among them Nikola Tesla who predicted that mobile devices would soon be a reality (Popular Mechanics, 1909). Forward to present day and mobile devices are applied in almost every aspect of daily living. Mobile devices such as cell phones, tablets, and computers are common household items. The use of these devices serves a common purpose; efficiently complete tasks, whilst being productive. However, more often than not, technology’s use envelops its users. This is becoming more apparent in children who are maturing with technology at their fingertips. A developing child’s mind, in early stages of growth, is malleable making them more prone to develop a reliance on technology when such devices are given to them at such a young age. Reliance on technology can harm a developing child in mental, emotional, and physical aspects. The overuse of entertainment technology on a developing child raises health concerns. By fostering a mental, social, emotional, and physical foundation during child development, families can curtail the negative outcomes of technology overuse. Children and adolescents are constantly bombarded with large amounts of information. Internet, video games, Facebook, and TV play a major...
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...The Effects of Technology on Kids There are many positive effects of the technological boom happening in our society today, such as a device like the cellular phone now has applications including Internet access and video gaming. Another example of great technology is the high definition televisions and video game systems that allow viewers to see details and intricate designs crystal clear. Also the high demand of cellular phone productivity has increased the security and communication of cell phone users everywhere across the globe. Though the effects aforementioned are incredible, a child does not view these technological advances the same way as an adult may. Therefore, the effects of technology on children tend to be more negative mainly because of excessive use. Television has become a necessity in every household and can be found in almost every room of the house. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that seven in ten children in the District of Columbia have a television set in their room, and time spent watching television has increased by an hour and a half within the last five years (Lamontagne, Paloski, and Singh, 2010). Television viewing has increased because programs are designed to immediately grab anyone’s attention. If the program fails to do so, the viewer just simply changes the channel. As for a child, the child can subconsciously relate the same concept of...
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...NAME: Simba Elijah Kiage ADM NO: 643419 ASSIGNMENT: A Report on Active Theory of Television Viewing Course: Jnr2223 INSTRUCTOR:Kioko Ireri, Ph.D. SUMMARY PURPOSE Delivered for the fulfillment of a Bachelors Degree in Mass media SCOPE: The Report covers the Active Viewing Theory, its contribution to understanding media effects on audiences documented challenges from research scholars. Presented To: Kioko Ireri, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Journalism & Mass Communication Patron, Journalism Club, Journalism Department United States International University-Africa. Introduction This theory finds its roots in Bandura’s 1977’s social learning theory which states that some prim aspects of television programming normally get and retain the attention of the viewers. It is therefore from here that Bandura suggested that once a child is exposed to the television programs, perceptive watching followed by an almost automatic attention and interpretation. This is a theory then that rests under media effects category. The many researchers who have put its hypothesis to research over the years have all tried to ascertain whether it is true indeed that viewers get directly involved with the media messages they consume from the media (Television) This theory however hasn’t really been accepted across by all media researchers as some have come out to question the perceived active television watching by the audiences saying that in reality television viewing as...
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...their children's development. You have been tasked with creating a flyer that can be passed out at events that highlights specific topics related to children's development. Do the following: Prepare a flyer consisting of the three following sections: 1. The effects of divorce on children 2. How video games affect violence in children 3. The value and/or harm of online relationships for adolescents Each section should include a brief paragraph summarizing what research says about the topic. 1. Follow each of the paragraphs with a bulleted list of facts pertaining to that topic that would be of interest to parents. When a children’s parents divorce, they often times feel pulled into a whirlpool of loneliness, fear and guilt. When one parent makes the decision to leave, the child may fear that the other parent will follow. Even after the parents provide the child with reassurance, the child can still be controlled by the idea that they caused the breakup. In almost every situation, the child worries about what will happen to them; a fear that is very logical. There are many different ways children can react to divorce. Some will show signs of sleeplessness and depression, while others feel anxious that they will be rejected or abandoned by one or the other. Due to the absence of one of the parents, some situations cause the child to feel lonely. Continual broken promises are placed on a level far beyond its genuine importance. In every situation of divorce, a child will be affected...
Words: 555 - Pages: 3
...signifies the decline of human, moral, spiritual and traditional values.” Abstract: The progress of video games has done a great change in our lives. There are studies show that there is a study between video games and violent other research shows the good benefit of video games adult expose themselves to greater amount of video games What would our life be without technology; the term technology has Greek origins which means the science of craft? Nowadays technology has become such an integral part of human's life. Millions of people claim that technology has speared humanity from nature and affects the teenager's behavior badly. Although technology is still the source of enormous development; people don’t realize the danger which comes from it. Technology is classified to different media one of these media...
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...Matthew W.G. Dye3 of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA of Psychology, Center for Cognitive Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 3Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA *Correspondence: daphne@bcs.rochester.edu DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.08.035 2Department 1Department Children encounter technology constantly at home and in school. Television, DVDs, video games, the Internet, and smart phones all play a formative role in children’s development. The term ‘‘technology’’ subsumes a large variety of somewhat independent items, and it is no surprise that current research indicates causes for both optimism and concern depending upon the content of the technology, the context in which the technology immerses the user, and the user’s developmental stage. Furthermore, because the field is still in its infancy, results can be surprising: video games designed to be reasonably mindless result in widespread enhancements of various abilities, acting, we will argue, as exemplary learning tools. Counterintuitive outcomes like these, besides being practically relevant, challenge and eventually lead to refinement of theories concerning fundamental principles of brain plasticity and learning. Introduction It is Monday morning at 7:58 a.m. when John enters the building. Immediately a dossier is uploaded to his iPad, complete with a schedule, maps to relevant...
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...Parents Allow Their Children to Play Video Games? Video games can best be defined as an interactive electronic game that requires players to control the movement of the character by using a controller and gain points and money, to say the least. Almost all video games require a medium for it to process the movements and actions of the player. The medium can be in a form of a game console, a disc where the game information is stored, a computer and sometimes both disc and console put together. For example, the Xbox or the Playstation require both the console and disc where as some games can be downloaded through the internet. The first form of video game that appeared on departmental store shelves was ‘Pong’ where basically the game was ping pong in an electronic appearance. The game had 2 straight lines that represented the paddles and a dot that represented the ball. The rules of the game was similar to its real counterpart, of that if one player did not hit the ball, the other player would gain one point. Before the game was introduced in a home version, the game was in arcades where children and adults would come and play (Winter, 2010). And ever since the video game was created, it would be surrounded by controversies where people always pointed out the negative effects of it just to get their kids off video games. Today, the video game has evolved rapidly and there are games developed for adults and games are played worldwide. Game consoles have evolved through the years...
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..."The Effects of Online Gaming to the Study habits of a College Student". The Real-World Effects of Online Gaming: Socially Inept Colin Andrew, Yahoo! Contributor Network http://voices.yahoo.com/the-real-world-effects-online-gaming-socially-inept-3255207.html With the technology of a civilization becoming more and more advanced, the people demand that their entertainment become more advanced as well. After a long hard day at work or school, people like to come home to relax and just lose their mind in meaningless entertainment, be it television or even a video game. Video games provide an escape into a virtual world, where you can forget about everything that is happening in real life and just enjoy yourself, even play with your friends in a multiplayer game. In the past, for a group of video game players to play multiplayer games, it was necessary for them to all be together and all their computers or Xboxes connected to one another. Not only were they just playing a game, they were interacting on a personal level. Now with online gaming becoming a component of most every video game on the market today, it is possible for gamers to have this same multiplayer action in the privacy of their own home. This anonymity comes with a cost however, and it is becoming increasingly common that both the social aspect of gaming and the gamers' social skills themselves are degrading as online gaming becomes more prevalent. One of the dangers that society faces from video games is their...
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...| Violent Video Games | | | | Violent Video Games INTRODUCTION: Concerns over the effect of violent video games on today’s youth have been debated since the late 1970’s. School shootings, criminal behavior, bullying, and violence towards woman have all been blamed on violent video games. Electronic media plays an important role in the emotional development, social behavior and intellectual functioning of children and youth. Many video games are very helpful for children to facilitate medical treatment, increase learning, and promote pro-social behavior. However, there are also video games that include aggression, violence and sexualized violence that have a negative impact on children. After the 1993 release of Mortal Combat, Congress contemplated regulating the sale of video games. The video game industry responded by voluntarily establishing the ESRB, (Entertainment Software Rating Board) to create a ratings system. The rating system was based on the content of the video game. The controversy over violent video games resurfaced following the Columbine High School shooting in Jefferson County, Colorado on April 20, 1999 (procon.org). According to procon.org, in 2008, 298.2 million video games were sold in the US, totaling $11.7 billion in revenue. Six of the top ten best-selling video games included violence, with four of the games carrying a "mature" rating recommended for persons aged 17 and older. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR: Video games often reward...
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