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Effects of Networking Management


Submitted By suhail170288
Words 1004
Pages 5
Core components of strategy implementation: * Strategic decision-making * Organizational evolution and change * Management by Objectives * The role of teams and leaders * Knowledge assets

Lecture 1

The Eclectic Roots of Strategy implementation Research
Views on strategy implementation:
Structural view: * Organizational Structure * Control mechanisms (assessing performance during and after the implementation of the strategy – Role of formal control systems in strategy implementation

Interpersonal Process View * Strategic Consensus –external consensus also imp ---TATA NANO * Autonomous Strategic Behaviours * Diffusionary Processes * Effects of leadership and Implementation Styles * Communication and other Interaction processes

The secrets to successful strategy execution: * Study – Important strategic and operational decisions aren’t quickly translated into action

* Execution is the result of thousands of decisions made every day by employees acting according to the information they have and their own self-interest

* 4 fundamental building blocks executives can use to influence those actions (17 traits fit into each of these blocks)

* Clarifying decision rights - Everyone has a good idea of the decisions and actions for which he or she is responsible * Designing information flows (Important information about the competitive environment gets to headquarters quickly. The way to ensure that the right information flowed to headquarters was to make sure the right decisions were made much further down the organization.) * Aligning motivators * Making changes to structure * Changes to an organization’s structure and motivators are less important than Proper information flows and Decision Rights in the implementation of a successful strategy. * How these 17

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