Free Essay

An Analysis of the Relationship Between Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Reputation


Submitted By jocelynpcq163
Words 1123
Pages 5

Date: 28/11/07

Module Tutor: David Tucker

Word count: 756 (Excluding references)



1.0 Working Title 3

2.0 Background Information 3

3.0 Nature of Submitted Work 3

4.0 Aims and Objectives 3

5.0 Initial Literature Review 4

6.0 Research Methodology 8

7.0 Data Analysis and Presentation 8

8.0 Chapter Headings 9

9.0 Time Schedules 10


1. Working Title

An analysis of the relationship between corporate social performance and corporate reputation. The case of Tesco and its child education policies.

2. Background information:

I chose to research in this area as I am interested in the PR area of business and the importance of reputation building to a company. I find it interesting that supermarkets are beginning to target children through their PR strategies and would like to find out their motives.

3. Nature of submitted work:


4. Aims and objectives:

AIM: To examine the impact of child education-based PR strategies carried out by British supermarkets.


- To investigate current issues surrounding PR strategies of UK supermarkets aimed towards child education.

- To uncover opinions of the use of child education policies from the supermarkets, the schools and the general public.

- To discover the extent to which Tesco’s reputation is based on its child education policies.

5. Initial literature review:

Text Books:

- Chun, R., Vinhas Da Silva, R., Roper, S. (2002) Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness. London: Routledge.

This book gives a review of how reputation is managed at the present time, how useful it can be, and information on approaches to reputation.

- Den Hond, F. Bakker, F. Neergoard, (2007) Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring. Aldershot: Ashgate.

The above text book gives lots of information on development of a CSR industry, including case studies, and comments on the commercialisation of CSR.

Text books continued:

- Grbich, C. (2006) Qualitative Data Analysis. Sage Publications.

‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ gives information on theories involved with evaluating qualitative data, as well as information on how to evaluate generally.

- De Vaus, DA. (2006) Surveys in Social Research. London: UCL Press.

This text gives information on which question types are most appropriate to use in surveys and general information on evaluating survey results.

- Parkinson, J. (2002) Corporate Power and responsibility. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Examines models of corporate responsibility.

- Morgan, D. (1997) Focus Groups as Qualitative Research. California: Sage Publications.

The above provides information on using focus group interviewing as qualitative research, such as the best ways to carry it out.

- Girden, E. (1996) Evaluating Research Articles from Start to Finish. California: Sage Publications.

From this book I will get information on how to evaluate research effectively, including models to use and research statistics methods.


• Tesco plc, (2007) Corporate Responsibility. Available at: [Accessed 13th November 2007]

This website has information on the activities carried out by Tesco in order to promote their social responsibilities.

• Sainsbury Plc, (2007) Our Approach to Community Investment. Available at: [Accessed 1st November 2007]

This website provides information on Sainsbury’s ‘Active Kids’ corporate responsibility, including what they do for child education and how.

• Tesco Plc (2007) Tesco Computers for Schools. Available at: [Accessed 14th November 2007]

The site gives relevant information on how to support child education through Tesco.


➢ Jonah, B. (2007) Agencies will have to steer marketers towards the big deal. Advertising Age. 78 (40), Available at [accessed 30th October 2007]

This journal comments on the principles behind child education-based sales promotion and controversy of the schemes.

➢ Cannon, H. Schwaiger, M. (2005) The Role of Company Reputation in Business Simulations. Simulation & Gaming, 36 (2) Available at: [accessed[ 12th November 2007]

Gives information on corporate reputation. It gives a background of corporate reputation and presents models for creating reputation.

➢ Moore, G. (2001) Corporate Social and Financial Performance: An investigation in the UK. Journal of Business Ethics, 34 (3/4) Available at: [Accessed 01st November 2007]

This journal compares CSP with corporate financial performance through a study of the UK supermarket industry.

Other literature sources:

➢ Fisher, P. (1997) Shop Assistance. Times Educational Supplement, (4204) Available at: [Accessed 13th November 2007]

This article gives opinions of CSR and comments on whether it is a cause of success for organizations.

6. Research Methodology:

Primary research:

- Cross-sectional surveys

- Questionnaires, including email sent questionnaires

- Face to face interviews with PGCE

- Focus groups

Secondary research:

- Journals

- Text books

- Background literature

- Press releases

7. Data analysis and presentation:

- Data will be input into categories in a database to be analysed.

- SPSS will be used to analyse data found in order to form conclusions.

- Data will be presented in the form of line graphs, pie charts and bar charts.

8. Chapter headings:

Chapter 1 – A background to the issues surrounding supermarket child education policies.

Chapter 2 – Aims and objectives

Chapter 3 – Literature review

Chapter 4 – Research methodology

Chapter 4.1 – Primary research on selected supermarkets and primary schools (customers and employees)

Chapter 4.2 – Secondary research on selected supermarkets and primary schools (customers and employees)

Chapter 5 - Data Analysis

Chapter 6 - Time Schedule and Cost

Chapter 7 - Conclusion

Chapter 8 - Evaluation

Chapter 9 - References

Chapter 10 - Appendices

9.0 Time schedules:

|Refine objectives and write final | |October 30th |
|methodology. | | |
|Literature review |Internet, E-resources, Library |November 20th |
|Secondary research |Look for journals, text books, press releases|November 30th |
| |etc. | |
|Draft questionnaires and surveys |Look at previous literature in this area, |December 15thth |
| |text book, E-resources | |
|Trial pilot survey and questionnaire |Make ten copies to give out in order to |21st December |
| |analyse questions for mistakes, lack of | |
| |understanding etc | |
|Set up interview with a PGCE for middle of |Arrange who to talk to and when |28th December |
|January | | |
|Give out questionnaires and surveys |E-mail to relevant audience. |2nd January |
| |Give out on street. | |
|Carry out focus groups |Arrange meetings with PGCE’s and customers of|15th January |
| |particular supermarkets and schools. | |
|Have face to face interview | |16th January |
|Collect all data from research together and |Secondary and primary research |7th February |
|analyse. | | |
|Conclude research |Both secondary and primary |1st March |
|Evaluate study and make recommendations. |All research found |1st April |

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