...1. Introduction The most important factor in the fate of societies and nations is command of energy. Energy is defined as the ability or capacity to do work. Energy policy in the European Union represents one of the core policies since the beginning of the European Integration. The treaty of Paris to establish a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM or EAEC) were the first attempts to an energy cooperation within the European Community. As the size of the European Union grows (reached twenty eight member states as of March 2013), it needed more energy sources as energy plays an important role for economic development. Now the European Union is the largest importer of energy (oil and gas) in the world, and the second largest energy consumer. Therefore, member states of the EU need more secure access to energy resources. Beside the North-South and East-West energy corridors, Europe ingests the South-North corridor, connecting it with North Africa and the Middle East. In 2007 Oil and Gas Journal estimated stocks and supplies of oil at 114 billion barrel and natural gas at 13, 9 billion cubic meter. Almost one third of European imported oil comes either from the Middle East or from North-West Africa. Europe pipeline interests in the south are focused exclusively on natural gas. In 2006 Algeria delivered 16, 7% of Europe gas, and it’s considered to be the biggest third land delivers natural gas, including LNG (Liquefied Natural...
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...ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF CONSTANT POWER OUTAGES ON SMES IN NIGERIA International Centre for Basic Research, 20 Limpopo Street, FHA, Abuja College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State been identified [2]. A particular finding revealed the high cost of providing back-up energy (partly infrastructural) for SMEs which sometimes is as critical as three times the cost of publicly supplied electricity [3], [4]. In Nigeria and perhaps generally, SMEs classification is done on the basis of capital investment and employed labour force while other criteria could be the annual turnover or gross output [5]. Until very recently, energy was rarely cited as one of the problems militating against the development of SMEs in Nigeria and elsewhere. This study is built on the argument that, unlike larger businesses, the establishment and operation of SMEs promotes economic development which by extension, boosts a country’s GDP number [6] (see Fig. 1). A separate study identifies this link (between SMEs and GDP) but could not establish if it is actually responsible for economic growth [7] while another study presents a decreasing link of 51%, 39% and 16% of GDP being produced by SMEs in high-income, medium income and low-income countries respectively [8]. Elsewhere, it has been confirmed that SMEs were responsible for pulling the US out of economic slump and can therefore, serve...
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...Impact of Shale Gas Production on the Market Fundamentals and Energy Security of Certain Countries ICCG Think Tank Map: a worldwide observatory on climate think tanks IMPACT OF SHALE GAS PRODUCTION ON THE MARKET FUNDAMENTALS AND ENERGY SECURITY OF CERTAIN COUNTRIES Ekaterina Zelenovskaya, ICCG 1 Impact of Shale Gas Production on the Market Fundamentals and Energy Security of Certain Countries Impact of Shale Gas Production on the Market Fundamentals and Energy Security of Certain Countries Ekaterina Zelenovskaya, ICCG Abstract The world’s unconventional gas base such as tight gas, coalbed methane (CBM) and shale gas are estimated to be as abundant as conventional gas resources. The recent start of shale gas production in the North America has significantly influenced major regional gas markets around the world. This article intends to examine the impact of shale gas production to the situation with the energy markets and energy security of particular countries, such as United States and countries of Continental Europe. 2 Overview of Shale Gas Production Activities and their Impact on Regional Energy Security Shale Gas and Energy Security Energy production and use have various environmental implications since energy represents about 1 65% of global anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions. The general belief/opinion is that fossil fuels will remain the dominant source of primary energy in the following decades. However, natural gas, having...
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...Enpowering persistent systems | | Contents Acknowledgement 1. Introduction 2. Persistent Systems 3. Green Persistent Movement 4. Business Need 5. Creative Riot 6. Enpower – Plugging the Leak 6.1 Scope Process Flow Sources Client Agent Central Server Mathematical Model Enalytics Advantages over Windows Salient Features Technical Requirements Additional Features Enpower Results Input Documents Output Documents Input Screen Formats Output Screen Formats Reports Application Testing User Training Data Migration Implementation Method Integration with Systems Integration with Partners 6.2 Challenges 6.3 Benefits 6.4 Future 7. Bibliography Page 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 11 11 13 14 14 15 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 36 37 40 47 48 48 49 49 49 50 53 54 55 2 | | Acknowledgement We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. J.M. Shah for providing us an opportunity to work on the project „Enpowering Persistent Systems.‟ It was an extremely enriching learning and we could easily apply the concepts taught in class to our understanding. We would like to thank the library staff and the administrative staff for being extremely cooperative. 3 | | 1. Introduction The world today faces unprecedented problems due to rapid climate change which are now receiving attention from governments and businesses across the globe. As concern for climate change and sustainability continues to grow, and actions now ramp up, businesses are grappling with reducing carbon footprints while remaining...
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... ABSTRACT: “Every Watt is precious” Energy lies at the core of all economic activity & controls a country’s rate of growth and development; the type and volume of our energy usage determines our environment. In the case of the developing countries, like ours, the energy sector assumes a critical importance in the view of the ever increasing energy needs requiring huge investments to meet them. If India is to achieve the targeted growth in GDP, it would need commensurate input of energy, mainly commercial energy in the form of coal, oil, gas and electricity. However, India’s fossil fuel reserves are limited. Among the various strategies for meeting energy demand, efficient use of energy and its conservation emerges out to be the least cost option in any given strategies, apart from being environmentally benign. In our effort of writing this paper we hereby want to put forth the Scope for Energy Conservation both in Residential as well as in the Non Residential areas, ‘Energy Efficient Technologies’, their financial analysis & want to prove the fact that use of some of these new technologies and awareness of the current energy scenario can help us to save 10-30% of the energy which we use. This way we can save ourselves a good amount of money and also electricity for our country. CONTENTS: 1. IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT TO INDIAN SCENARIO 2. INITIATIVE BY GOVT. OF INDIA TOWARDS ‘ENERGY CONSERVATION’. 3. INTRODUCTION...
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...Grid Industry Introduction Current electrical grid was conceived more than a hundred years ago. With rising and ever changing energy demands of the 21st century, existing grids are under pressure to deliver efficient, reliable and sustainable supply of electricity. 21st century demand for electricity is driving the evolution of smart grid technologies. The smart grid is a “developing network of new technologies, equipment, and controls working together” to deliver electricity efficiently and reliably. (www.smartgird.gov) Its been called “electricity with a brain,” or “the energy Internet.” (www.nist.gov) Some key benefits associated with smart grids are as follows: • Efficient power transmission • Faster recovery from power disruptions or failures • Better integration with other power generation systems (e:g. renewable energy) Driving Forces and Trends Capacity- growing demand According to International Energy Agency, $6 trillion investments will be needed to satisfy the global demand between now and 20301. Boston Consulting Group predicts that by 2020 there will be 40 million electric cars in the US. This mean that a robust infrastructure is needed to charge potentially millions of batteries. This will clearly put higher demand on the electrical systems. (www.abb.com) Reliability- Reliable operation According to the US Department of Energy power outages and interruptions in the US electrical supply cost $150 billion every year. (www.nist.gov) A reliable system is needed...
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...Individual Case Pilot Response: Big Wind 1. What type of research should URS do? Urs should use exploratory research to begin her new Big Wind project (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p.46). This type of research will allow her to define problems with using existing sources of energy and suggest a solution to the problem through the usage of her windmill system idea. She will be able to explain to her potential customer base the benefits associated with transitioning to her windmill system through the use of exploratory research. Once Urs has defined the problem and identified possible solutions she will be able to determine the best research plan, data collection techniques and all the other data needed. The outcome of the exploratory research will provide her with significant insight into the best way to present her idea. This initial research can be used to establish the why, how, when and any other secondary and primary data behind the adoption and implementation of her windmill system. 2. What different research methods should be required to assess the demand for farmers versus small business? Developing an alternative source of energy will benefit both farmers and small businesses because it would reduce energy costs. In order to communicate the impact of her Big Wind project, Urs needs to apply the most effective research approach to sell her idea to these target markets. By using a more qualitative approach, she can gather the data she needs from the farmers. Through focus...
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...the Global and Indian Experience Initiatives 1.3 Central initiatives State Initiatives 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY LITERATURE REVIEW 3. 4. METHODOLOGY & KEY ELEMENTS 5. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SHIFT 5.1 Why Solar makes sense SOLAR RESOURCE AVAILABILITY IN 6. DELHI Delhi’s Geographic Potential for Rooftop 6.1 Installations Methodology for calculating the solar rooftop 6.2 potential for different land areas in Delhi 6.2.1 Residential Buildings 6.2.2 Commercial Buildings 6.2.3 Industrial Buildings 6.2.4 Government Buildings 6.3 Consumer Categories for solar PV Factors that could impact the potential for 6.4 Rooftop Solar 6.4.1 Factors that could increase the potential 6.4.2 Factors that could decrease the potential 6.5 Delhi’s Existing Solar Policies and Incentives INTEGRATION OF SOLAR PV WITH THE 7. GRID (PROPOSAL) Case Study: Gandhinagar solar rooftop program 7.1 (2012 and on-going) 7.2...
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...following chapter shall review the current literature on energy related consumer behavior and attitudes to sustainable consumption. This section of the research also reviews the trends of previous research conducted on domestic energy use. The chapter shall finally delve into some of the instruments used to affect energy efficient consumer behavior, as well as the effectiveness of one or a set of instruments. Related Literature Saving energy is one of the most fundamental things we can do as student of Bicol University to save money and help balance our budget. "This is an opportunity to cut expenses without affecting services; I encourage everyone to make energy conservation part of our daily routine", (President Curt Tompkins), [1]. The energy is conserved by the “law of conservation of energy”. It states that energy can be neither created nor be destroyed. Energy is a finite resource. The materials we derive energy from (oil, coal, electricity, etc.) can also harm the environment. By conserving energy you help to save parts of the environment. There are many ways to conserve energy. The most obvious is to not waste it. This can easily be done by shirring off lights when you leave a room, or turning off the computer or TV when it is not being directly used. Some other ways would be to recycle (it takes more energy to produce new cans, for example, than to re-use recycled ones) or re-use bottles or bags so that energy doesn't need to go into making new ones and...
Words: 1008 - Pages: 5
...of Singapore Introduction Objective This paper will look into the possibility of using algae for energy security in Indonesia. The prospects of algae being advantageous for the economy to undertake will be discussed. This paper will also focus on the development of such energy facilities in Indonesia. Background The consumption for electricity has been increasing in Indonesia (CIA World Factbook, 2013). This was due to the positive growth the economy has been experiencing in recent years (Trading Economics, 2013). In addition, the population is expected to increase from its current 239.9 million to 278.5 million by 2030 (The World Bank Group, 2011). This will lead to a surge in the demand for energy and electricity in the future. In light of today’s depleting fossil sources, there is a need to search for energy alternatives, for energy security. The government has actually implemented policies involving other forms of energy, such as solar, wind and biodiesel. As of 2012, renewable energy accounted for 11.5% of total energy production (Global Energy Statistical Yearbook, 2013). Algae, a 3rd generation biofuel, have not been brought forward by the government due to the lack of research and development capabilities in the country (Winston, 2013). Despite this, there is good reason to believe that algae are ideal for energy production in the future. It yields 7 to 31 times more oil than palm tree (Shay, 1993) and can be cultivated anywhere...
Words: 9151 - Pages: 37
...for 12 Plan th Chapter 5 DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY & ENERGY CONSERVATION 5.0 INTRODUCTION Improving the efficiency with which energy is used to provide economic services meets the dual objectives of promoting sustainable development and of making the economy competitive. Energy Efficiency & Conservation has also assumed enhanced importance with a view to conserve depleting energy resources. Over the past one decade energy efficiency in India has been increasing at a good trot, and energy intensity declined by about 20-25%. Yet there are places where energy efficiency opportunities continue to exist largely because of a range of market failures, information, risks and split incentives. This has led the Government of India through the Energy Conservation Act and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to launch several programs. The Energy Conservation Act (2001) is the most important multi-sectoral legislation in India and is intended to promote efficient use of energy in India. The Act specifies energy consumption standards for equipment and appliances, establishes and prescribes energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers, prescribes energy conservation building code for efficient use of energy in commercial buildings, and establishes a compliance mechanism for energy consumption norms and standards .Large scale energy savings can be realized through strengthening of the existing policies, schemes as well as expanding and reaching out to new...
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...Brownsburg Going Green The place I call home is Brownsburg, Indiana. I have lived and grown up there my entire life as well have my parents. Brownsburg is located in Hendricks County, which is about 20 minutes west of Indianapolis. It has a growing population of 22,000. Brownsburg has a total of six elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school. In 2009, Brownsburg was ranked number one in the state and number thirty three in the nation for top places to live. This was because Brownsburg’s low crime rate, excellent school system, and strong economy. These are all of the reasons why I love my hometown and why I chose it for this paper. I believe by making simple changes in the community, transitioning to a post-carbon community will be a lot easier. If I had to envision myself living the “good life,” it would have to start with having a family with 3 kids and a wife. We would be living in a two story house in a neighborhood that it close to the schools. My wife and I would both have successful jobs, together making over 125,000 a year. I want to be a nice, well known, sociable guy around the community. I see myself being involved in as many community activities possible and hope that everyone else in Brownsburg will too. In a perfect life, I see Brownsburg as a place where the whole community can be a happy place where everyone has an important purpose. A lofty goal, but a good goal would be to have everyone in the community know each other. Another goal would be...
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...ARTICLE IN PRESS Energy 33 (2008) 1591–1596 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/energy Energy efficiency, security of supply and the environment in South Africa: Moving beyond the strategy documents A.B. Sebitosi à Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa a r t i c l e in fo abstract Article history: Received 18 April 2008 Energy efficiency is one of the most potent and cost effective ways of meeting the demands of sustainable development. It has in fact been referred to as the best energy resource. Way back in 2005 the South African Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) published its Energy Efficiency Strategy in support of some of the objectives enlisted in the 1998 White Paper on Energy Policy. The Strategy set a national target for energy efficiency improvement of 12% by 2015 against the baseline year 2000. The document further predicted that, with a business as usual model of energy usage, at the projected rate of national economic development, there would be a need to invest in new power generating capacity by around 2007. Despite the policy foresight and seemingly enthusiastic efforts, though, the dawn of 2008 saw the country gripped in an electric power crisis, with a capacity shortfall of over 10%. This paper looks at what could have gone wrong, examines energy efficiency policies and measures in other countries and how these lessons...
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...the world largest natural gas and oil exploration and Production Company. The industry was formed in 1959 as a pipeline company and continued to flourish in business until it became an oil production company in 1986. It continuously followed the trend of success up to date. It operates in southern United States, Rocky Mountains region, and Appalachian basin. Further, it is a premier deepwater producer in Mexico, and production in Algeria, Ghana, Alaska, West Africa and some parts of east Africa. According to the 2012 financial report, Anadarko delivered sales of 268 million BOE, which was an increase of 8% from 2011. By the end of 2012, the company had a reserve of 2.56 billion barrels of oil. The company is committed to safe production energy in a way that protects the environment, public health and the communities (Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, 2013). Anadarko was created in 1959 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company after the discovery of large amounts of natural gas in the Anadarko Basin, thus the company's name. Anadarko spun off from Panhandle Eastern as an independent corporation in 1986 and now has activities in more than a dozen countries. Anadarko’s NAICS code is 211111 and SIC code is 131101. Their stock symbol is APC and their stock price as of October 28th, 2013 is $96.58 per share. B) Current organizational challenges and strategies Anadarko operates in a dynamic and highly competitive market...
Words: 1536 - Pages: 7
... “Energy Chain”, A New Concept in Evaluating Future Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Abatement Alternatives and Effectiveness Background The energy demand and supply system consists of many kinds of energy subsystems, for example, grid network, fuel (city gas, LPG, kerosene and so on) networks, prospective fuel (hydrogen) networks and demand-side equipments such as heat pump and cogeneration. In recent years, many evaluation methods and factors have been proposed and discussions of energy policy about innovative technology are becoming more multifaceted. In addition, as a result of specialization and segmentation of engineering science, too much discussion has been centered on particular details of efficiency, rather than on the overall needs of the energy supply and demand system. Integration of these evaluations and discussions is necessary for criteria for judgment. Critical review is always necessary to ensure that prospective technologies are really energy saving and contribute to greenhouse abatement over the whole spectrum from producing energy to end-use. Objectives To introduce a new concept of “Energy Chain” from producing energy through transmission, utilization and end-use, and to propose engineering methodology and evaluation method with examples. Principal Results 1.Proposing a New Concept of Energy Chain and Evaluation Method What the energy end-user needs is “energy benefit”. This include all kinds of benefit 1 that end-users enjoy. The energy chain...
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