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Shale Gas


Submitted By ajaykhap
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Impact of Shale Gas Production on the Market Fundamentals and Energy Security of Certain Countries

ICCG Think Tank Map: a worldwide observatory on climate think tanks

Ekaterina Zelenovskaya, ICCG

Impact of Shale Gas Production on the Market Fundamentals and Energy Security of Certain Countries

Impact of Shale Gas Production on the Market Fundamentals and Energy Security of Certain Countries
Ekaterina Zelenovskaya, ICCG

Abstract The world’s unconventional gas base such as tight gas, coalbed methane (CBM) and shale gas are estimated to be as abundant as conventional gas resources. The recent start of shale gas production in the North America has significantly influenced major regional gas markets around the world. This article intends to examine the impact of shale gas production to the situation with the energy markets and energy security of particular countries, such as United States and countries of Continental Europe.


Overview of Shale Gas Production Activities and their Impact on Regional Energy Security

Shale Gas and Energy Security
Energy production and use have various environmental implications since energy represents about 1 65% of global anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions. The general belief/opinion is that fossil fuels will remain the dominant source of primary energy in the following decades. However, natural gas, having the lowest carbon emissions content per unit of energy relative to coal and oil, is expected to play a key role in the energy policies worldwide. The world’s gas resources are estimated to be immense. Particularly unconventional gas production such as tight gas, coalbed methane (CBM) and shale gas is estimated to be as abundant as conventional gas resources. According to the

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