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Eisenhower Biography Essay

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Dwight Eisenhower was born October 14, 1890, in a small, two bedroom house by the railroad tracks in Denison, Texas. Eisenhower had gotten his name from his father, whose name is also David Eisenhower. His father worked as a mechanic in a local creamery and his mother, Ida Eisenhower, was a mennonite who opposed war. His family rented a simple framed house near a Texas, Kansas, Railroad. Eisenhower worked as a wiper making around forty dollars a month and he also worked to sell produce for his mother. Eisenhower enjoyed simple things such as fishing, playing baseball and playing football. ( Eisenhower also sold cucumbers and sweet-corn to neighbors to make extra money.

Eisenhower married Mamie Geneva Doud on July 1, 1916.They …show more content…
Doud Eisenhower was born on September 24, 1917 and John Eisenhower was born January 2, 1921.

Eisenhower graduated from Abilene High school in 1909 and later on won an appointment to West point to play football, but later during his football years, he suffered a major knee injury. His average grades, bad habits of smoking, and pranks earned him little respect from his teachers at West Point. Eisenhower had excelled in many sports while attending columbia, sports such as football, baseball and especially boxing. The sports, mainly boxing, had helped him get the skills he needed to become a future military leader. While Eisenhower attended Columbia, he also became the president of the school.

From February of 1915 to 1918 he served with the infantry house in Fort Sam Houston, leon Springs and Camp wilson. He also served with the Tank Corps in Georgia and also Fort Benning, Georgia. Through July and September of 1919, Eisenhower volunteered with the Tank Corps and participated as an observer in the very first Transcontinental Motor Convoy. January 1922 to September 1924, Eisenhower was assigned to be an executive officer to General Fox Conner at Camp Gaillard. Eisenhower served in multiple capacities in Colorado and Maryland in the year of 1925. In August of 1925, Eisenhower Entered General and Command Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. During that same time period, Eisenhower graduated Staff School at the top of his

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