...6) A group of students have been asked to produce a short film to encourage more school leavers to apply for science degree courses at university instead of art-based course a) Using your knowledge of psychological research into persuasion and attitude change, identify some factors which the film maker may take into account (4 marks) The Elaboration Likelihood model (ELM) shows some of the factors which the filmmaker may take into account. This model suggests that the film maker should either choose to adopt a control route (which includes a high elaboration message) or a peripheral route (includes a low elaboration message). In order for the film maker to decide which route to choose, they should consider the motivation and ability of the audience. This will be because the control group will be most useful when the motivation and ability of the group are high. The motivation of the audience will be higher when the message has the most personal relevance. This route will also be most effective if the ability of the group is higher as they are more likely to have greater understanding of the message. The peripheral message would be more useful if the motivation levels of the audience are low as there are likely to be distractions as the person may have limited personal relevance to the message. In addition this would be useful if the ability of the audience is low as they are likely to not fully comprehend the message and therefore would be more likely to not pay attention to...
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...Attitude models | ABC Approach: approach that suggests that attitudes encompass one’s _______, _____________, and _______________ (or beliefs) toward an object | | | Hierarchy of effect approach: attitude approach that suggests that affect, behavior, and cognition form in a ________________ order | | High Involvement:Low Involvement:Experiential:Behavioral: | | Methods for measuring attitude | Attitude-toward-the-object model: Compensatory attitude model that considers three key elements including ______________ consumers have about salient attributes, the ____________ of the __________ that an object possesses the attribute, and _______________ of the particular ______________.N I=1 Ao=Σ(bi)(ei)bi= ei= N= | | Attitude-Behavior Consistency: extent to which strong relationships exists between ________________ and actual _____________________. | | Behavioral intention model: model developed to improve on the ATO model, that focuses on behavioral ____________, subjective _________, and ______________ toward a particular ______________B≈BI=w1 (Abehavior)+w2(SN)B=BI=Abehavior=SN=w1, w2= empirical weights | | | Attitude change approach | Persuasion: attempt to ___________ _______________ | | Elaboration Likelihood Model | Elaboration likelihood model: _____________ _____________ model that shows...
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...legal obligation to report the situation to the authorities. C. * Effects of Maltreatment on Children's’ Emotional Development. * The medium and long-term consequences of physical and sexual abuse on children. * The Impact of Policy on the Prevention of Child Abuse D. There are no currently available data to verify the claims of increasing child abuse within the country, asides, occasional spurious mentions in the media. The scope of this study is to determine, based on available data from the authorities and findings through surveys / FGDs, * Types of maltreatment * Characteristics of victims * Fatalities * Characteristics of Abuser / Molester * Estimation of non-reported child abuse E. Elaboration Likelihood Model Message elaboration is the central route of persuasion that produces major positive attitude change. It occurs when unbiased listeners are motivated and able to scrutinize arguments that they consider strong. Message-irrelevant factors hold sway on the peripheral path, a more common route that produces fragile shifts in attitude. (Socio-psychological tradition) F. The population of the study are male and female children between the ages 6 and 15. G. We will be using the Stratified Sampling technique to sample the population. The population will be classified according to age, sex and experience of...
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...Bob Dillan Professor John Lennon Speech 100 22 March 2015 Coca-Cola: Sleepwalker Coca-Cola is arguably the biggest name in soft drinks to date. They have been around for over a century and continue to be a strong competitor against companies like Pepsi Co. If you turn on a television and watch it for a couple of hours, it’s almost guaranteed you will find a Coca-Cola commercial. These commercials usually use humor to rope it’s viewers in and want to buy their product. Coca-Cola had an ad which was first shown during 2010’s Superbowl XLIV (44), titled Sleepwalker. The commercial shows a man sleepwalking through the African Savanna with a jungle-like song playing in the background. The man is dressed in boxer-shorts and a white T-shirt, and he has messy hair as if he had just gotten out of bed. He emerges from a tent in the middle of Africa. As the man sleep walks across the African savanna with his eyes closed, he waves to a cheetah who growls. Then, he bumps into an elephant leg, just before he dodges the entire herd of elephants trampling next to him. The frame then turns to him walking alongside a humungous cliff, almost falling to his death. Afterwards, he steps onto a boat to sail across a short river and arrives to the other side, where an alligator comes flying out of the water, smashing his boat as he steps off. He did all of these things with a smile on his face. Finally, he arrives to a hut and walks inside, as if he already knew where he was heading and what was...
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...Ch-2 emotions (pg 21-38) “The success of our strategy depends on knowing the rational and emotional drivers that build customer loyalty for a brand.” Emotions-primary and social – pg 22,23 Mittal affect choice model pg 24 The law of concern pg 25-27 Emotional response events which support or challenge our preferred sense of self The law of apparent reality The importance of seeing and feeling The law of closure Emotions tend to be absolute in their judgements The law of the lightest load The tendency to seek to minimize negative emotion -conceptual model pg 28 Self focus----using own opinion more -pg 32 underlined lines -pg 33 low trust in cases of low-invplvement -pg 35 emotional brand association CH-5 Brand equity -brand equity pg 89 -pg 91 underlined lines -pg 94 underline associations,attitude,awerness Pg 95 the model at the end of page Pg 97 Ch-5 loyalty ,trust,awereness etc Ch-1 Low involvemet pg 10-14 Classic conditioning model The peripheral route to persuasion In our daily lives, we often lack the motivation or ability to carefully consider every piece of persuasive communication in the way characterised by the central route. Attitude (and even behaviour) change can occur nonetheless, as some persuasion processes require little consideration of the arguments contained in a message. In the ELM, such processes are organised under the peripheral route to persuasion...
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...organization is a conscious effort to influence by appealing to a consumers’ reason. At the base of marketing communications, persuasion serves to advise consumers on the benefits of a product and ultimately lead to acceptance of an attitude, belief or behaviour. A suitable approach in persuasion may be to adopt the consumer processing model (CPM) for appealing to intellectual consumers or the hedonic, experiential model (HEM) for those in pursuit of sensory stimulation or fantasies. Elaborating on the persuasion process, it comprises of four fundamental factors. Aspects of persuasion that are controlled by the marketer consist of peripheral cues and message arguments while characteristics of the person being persuaded are the receiver’s involvement and initial position. Relating to a study by Lakhani (2005) persuasion is considered as "the art of getting what you want," whereas Perloff (2003) defines persuasion as "a symbolic process. This happens when communicators attempt convincing others to change their attitudes or behaviours regarding an issue through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free choice”. Elaboration Likelihood Model...
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...Question 1. What are the category beliefs among non-users of shampoo? Answer These categories can be used to determine the non-user of shampoo. They are associated with their lifestyles, their habits and alternatives. Beliefs also depend on their purchasing power and how significant they perceive affording a bottle or sachet of Shampoo is, the affordability, purchasing power brand, communication, lifestyle and psychographics. Following variables can be used to determine the non-user of shampoo • Affordability • Lifestyles and psychographics • Brand communication • Purchasing power Question 2. What are the cognitive beliefs on the three brands of shampoos? (what are those advertising elements that ,match with the cognitive beliefs?) Answer The cognitive beliefs on the three brands of shampoos and their advertising elements that match with the cognitive beliefs on the three brands of shampoo are: • Clinic plus-Cosmetic shampoo of Unilever with portfolio driven on “family value and health foundation”. it prevents from dirt and split ends. • Head & Shoulders-it’s an anti- dandruff brand of Proctor and gamble which is chemically tested. Approved by Dermatologist. • Chik- it’s a cosmetics shampoo mainly contributes in south at a very cheaper rate .It’s a cosmetic shampoo brand of Cavin kare which promises soft, nourished, beautiful hair. Question 3. What are the affective aspects reflected by advertisements of three brands of shampoo? (What...
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...Consumer Behavior Definition of consumer behavior: it is the study of consumers and the processes they use to choose, use (consume), and dispose of products and services. "All marketing decisions are based on assumptions and knowledge of consumer behavior," (Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, 2007). Quality + Price + Customer Service = Value and Satisfaction | So what is meant by 'Quality?' Quality ― is a product or service's ability to meet the customers' need or want. Products * Performance * Features * Reliability * Serviceability * Aesthetics * Perception Services * Responsiveness * Reliability * Assurance * Empathy * Tangibles Why People Buy Many factors are involved in a customers' buying decision, any one of which can become the deciding factor, such as: * Conspicuous consumption: Lavish spending for the purpose of displaying wealth or social status; preference for buying increases with price. * Snob effect: Desire to buy something nobody else has; preference for buying increases with rarity or scarcity. * Bandwagon effect: Desire to buy something everybody else is buying; preference for buying increases with perceived popularity. * Economic-To enhance their lifestyle or to fulfill two of Maslow's needs: physiological (food, shelter) and Safety and Security. * Psychological-This is the study of how people interact with their environment, products are consumed to enhance their well being, for example...
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...Intro Psych Personal Development Assignment: 18 years old 12 years old 1. I am shy. 1. I am loud 2. I am independent and dependent. 2. I am the class clown 3. I am open-minded and strong minded. 3. I am uncertain 4. I am a hardworking student. 4. I am generous 5. I am outspoken. 5. I am dependent 6. I am focused. 6. I am gullible 7. I am opinionated. 8. I am not that trusting of people. 9. I am outgoing and funny. 10. I am obedient. As I compare my twelve year old self to the person I am now, I have grown physically which is already a given but I have also grown mentally. I am independent and dependent. A contradiction. As a college student this “freedom” is new to me. I get to stay up late without my parents nagging me for staying up, I get to go out without permission and I get to make my own schedule when it comes to college classes and time management but I am dependent because I am not working so my mother pays for tuition. I say I am shy yet I’m outgoing. I’m still outgoing when I meet new people and try new things and I’m still shy when it comes to certain situations for example being the first to raise my hand and fearing I’m wrong...
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...Communication Process and Effects Term Paper Evaluation of a Public Service Announcement in Hong Kong Web Link of Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Bsu_TB0Ug&feature=related Name: Mok Sin Yi, Sindy Student ID: 0045024 Date of Submission: 4th January, 2012 1 This paper discusses about the intended message, and various persuasive strategies being adopted in a public service announcement produced by the Hong Kong SAR Government. This selected public service announcement was produced for the Gambling Counseling Hotline Service (1834-633). It is a hotline service provided by the Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau. The target audience of this PSA video is the problem and pathological gamblers. The PSA is produced in a hope that gamblers will call the hotline to seek for assistance in helping them to quit gambling. The underlying persuasive message of the PSA is that gamblers will disappoint and lose their family if they continue to be obsessed with gambling, they should call this hotline for assistance in quitting gambling. The PSA was creative in using metaphorical comparison to create irony in a gamblers’ confession. The man was portrayed as having more concern over gambling than his family. Different kinds of gambling, such as cards, horse racing, and soccer are used to correlate with his family members. The “Q” in the cards is compared with his wife, the horse is compared with his father, and the soccer player is compared with his son. Although he confessed...
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...The art of persuasion is an essential part of rhetoric and good argument. There are different levels of communication. If you simply want basic information because you are in an unfamiliar location, that is one thing. On the other hand, in communication at higher levels you are often engaged in the process of sharing a point of view and attempting to get others to share your point of view. Imagine how many aspects of modern business and commerce, local, national and international politics, education, the arts and every form of industry are dependent on intelligent people making persuasive arguments literally countless times each day. In in class speaker, Mr. John Divine, provided us with a great example of this. Mr. Divine is honed in the necessary art of persuasion due to his vast personal experience, as he performed the art of persuasion for both a living and profession. For many years Mr. Divine was involved in sales for IBM, a multinational consulting and technology company who designs and sells computers and computer hardware and software in addition to offering consultancy in technology. Furthermore, Mr. Divine was involved in the political realm of persuasion; he acted as mayor for the town of Salina. Through his personal experience Mr. Divine has come to be a prolific reserve in terms of information pertaining to persuasion. He has come to learn in what cases persuasion is more likely to be effective, which he kindly shared with our class. He told us about key steps which...
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...copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact lvey Publishing, lvey Management SeNices, clo Richard lvey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail cases@ivey.uwo.ca. Copyright © 2007, lvey Management Services Version: (A) 2007-08-08 In order to design and implement effective marketing communications, managers must develop a solid understanding of consumer behavior in general, and consumers' interpretation of and response to advertising in particular. Consequently, this note presents a useful perspective on understanding how advertising works from a consumer point of view. The note takes the perspective of the elaborationlikelihood model (ELM) developed by Petty and Cacioppo. 1 Understanding how advertising works is important for students, academics and managers alike. Many marketing and consumer behavior researchers devote substantial research to the study of advertising. Advertising is a huge industry: in the United States alone, $271 billion was invested in (all media) advertising in 2005 2 Therefore, anyone involved in the study or practice of business will benefit from a thorough...
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...Services journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jretconser The effect of involvement on visual attention and product choice Bridget K. Behe a, Mikyeung Bae b,n, Patricia T. Huddleston b, Lynnell Sage a a Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA b art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 28 March 2014 Received in revised form 19 January 2015 Accepted 20 January 2015 Available online 4 February 2015 Our study examined the effect of consumers' level of involvement on visual attention to product, information sign and price sign guided by the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). We also investigated the relationship between visual attention captured by eye fixation on information and price sign and...
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...Learning from Mass Media Campaigns for HIV/AIDS Prevention Reviews of mass media campaigns have a special interest for me. They demonstrate what can be done, and as importantly, what cannot be done, by relying on a 1P approach. I have talked about the 5% Solution before, and noted another review of mass media campaigns for changing health behaviors. This post focuses on the findings from a review of recent campaigns to prevent HIV/AIDS. What is interesting in this report are the comparisons it draws to reviews of earlier campaigns in this area as well as the current state of the art and science. The authors used seven principles to guide their analysis: (1) conducting formative research on and about the target audience; (2) using theory as a conceptual foundation; (3) segmenting one’s audience into meaningful subgroups; (4) using a message design approach that is targeted to the audience segment(s); (5) utilizing effective channels widely viewed by and persuasive with the target audience; (6) conducting process evaluation and ensuring high message exposure; and (7) using a sensitive outcome evaluation design that reduces threats to internal validity and allows causal inferences about campaign impact to be made. The question they explore is: to what extent have recent HIV/AIDS campaigns in the literature adhered to these principles? Noar et al (2009) began with a search of peer-reviewed articles appearing from late 1998 through October 2007. Mass media had to be a central or...
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...Feelbetter senses there is apathy, dispiritedness, heaviness in heart, and unresponsiveness among the membership to each other and the community. To address and hopefully remedy these issues a seminar is in place. To assist the Pastor, this writer will incorporate three psychological case studies that discuss love, helping and persuasion. The three case studies included in the seminar: Sternberg’s Triangular Model, Latané and Darley Decision-Making Model, and Elaboration Likelihood Model. These case studies are of dire consequences to Mars Hill and the worldview that surrounds the church. The first concern of the church is failing marriages and attitudes against marriage. There exist lackluster views of relationships and what...
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