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Electronic Health Record Research Paper

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Current Roles and Applications of Electronic Health Record in the Home Healthcare System
Florence F. Odekunle, MD, MS, PhD (c)
Presentation Outline
Research Methodology

Electronic health record (EHR) has been shown to play major roles in the home healthcare system.
The main drivers for the increasing roles and applications of EHR in the home healthcare include the need to improve efficiency in home care service delivery and patient safety.

Introduction Cont.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has identified the following as EHR functionalities for healthcare settings. 1
Health information and data
Results management
Patient support
Decision support management
Electronic communication …show more content…
Sixty-seven papers were initially retrieved. However, only 13 met the inclusion criteria and were finally reviewed.

Search Strategies and Search Outcomes
Currently, the roles and applications of EHR in the home healthcare system include clinical care application2-5 and administrative function.2-5,6
Many home health care providers have reported using an EHR system to provide clinical care such as documentation of clinical notes (health information and data), 2-5 test results management, 7-8 computerized order entry, 2-5 and decision support systems. 9-13
The second major application of EHRs in the home health care system was for administrative processes (e.g., appointment scheduling, billing and reimbursement).2-5
Results Cont.
In the reviewed articles, there was no mention of the use of EHR in regards to clinical research using the query and surveillance facilities in the EHRs.
The query systems are used to identify patients who meet the eligibility requirements for prospective clinical trials.14, 15
Furthermore, there was no study on disease reporting and population health application of EHR in the home health care

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