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What Made Me Unique Research Paper

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If there was something that made me unique is my optimism. Whenever something isn’t going my way, for example, a bad day at school, I was tend to keep my head high. I’m prone to a lot of stress due to my major, but my enthusiasm is what's keeping me open minded and it helps me strive to get through it. Another thing I would be my ability to adapt to different situations. For my major I tend to work under pressure. During those times, plans can change or a group member will back out leaving with an immense amount of work, however, I maintain a calm mind and work through it until the very end. Adaptability is a key role in the workplace and I feel confident in my ability to through any situation. One final thing that makes me unique is how open minded about the world around me. In a way it’s the main point that connects the last two together. For an engineer, having an open mind is a main part of the job and it requires a lot of work and will power, which I believe I have. …show more content…
When I was in elementary school, I was a part of a computer club, and our teacher would tell us everything about what was inside the computer and I thought it fascinating. It wasn’t until I was in high school, back in my sophomore year. Back then I went to Cal State Fullerton for a STEM conference, and went to the Electrical Engineering section and I got the chance to connect wires to a breadboard for a burglar alarm. I ended being the second person to complete it and I was on my own, then the rest became history. As well as get a good grasp of what I be learning should I decide to become an Electrical Engineer. When I first applied to Cal Poly Pomona, Electrical Engineering was impacted, and I wasn’t as confident of my chances, so I went to the next best thing. Now I’m studying Electronics and Computer Engineering technology, or the new name Electronic Systems Engineering

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