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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Research Paper

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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was born on July 8th 1926 in Zurich, Switzerland to Emmy Villigen Kübler and Ernest Kübler whom were a strong Christian Swiss German family. She and along with her two sisters were born as a set of triplets – Elisabeth, Erika, and Eva. During Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ childhood, she coped with identity struggles because she was always mistaken for her identical sister Erika. As a result, she attempted to find ways to make herself independent from her sisters (Encyclopedia).

During her education as a child, Kübler-Ross found interest and excelled in mathematics and science, which lead her to her career aspirations. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross witnessed and spoke with people who were dying at a young age and soon after realized that death was a natural stage of life and was not something to fear. The reactions and avoidance people had concerning the topic of death motivated her to be the voice of the dying.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross moved out of her family home at the early age of sixteen, where she began working at a war clinic during World War II. She always had a desire to help others so spending …show more content…
Once the couple moved to Denver, they welcomed a daughter, Barbara. Unfortunately, Emanuel Kübler Ross asked for a divorce in 1979 after twenty-one years of marriage. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was very medically focused throughout her career and educational experiences. In the later years of her career, however, she shifted her focus to the psychological treatment for the terminally ill. Through her involvement, she discovered that many professionals and doctors preferred to shy away from the subject of death or dying. Based on her observations, she concluded that the patients that were experiencing the transition from life to death were left with little guidance or resources to support them through this

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