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Elizabeth Warren Research Paper

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1. What was the social and economic background of warrens family? Elizabeth Herring was born on June 22, 1949 to an Oklahoma City family that struggled to make ends meet. Her father, Donald, had big dreams and always wanted to fly airplanes. He was a military flight instructor in World War II, but his dreams of becoming an airline pilot never came true. He then went on to run a car dealership, and sold carpets at Montgomery Ward. After a heart attack, he was demoted to a commission only job selling lawn mowers. Their station wagon was repossessed, and they were on the verge of losing their home. The family struggled economically, until he eventually got a permanent job as a janitor. Elizabeth, or “Betsy”, had three older brothers, and a mother …show more content…
How did Elizabeth Warren realize opportunities to obtain a University education and a career in the Law profession? Warren attended a local high school, which she “hated”, except for being on the debate team. Warren says, “The way I looked at it, I wasn’t pretty and I didn’t have the highest grades in my school. I didn’t play a sport, couldn’t sing, and didn’t play a musical instrument. But I did have one talent. I could fight—not with my fists, but with my words. I was the anchor on the debate team.” She thrived in competitions, and was named Oklahoma’s top high school debater. Elizabeth planned on living at home and attending a nearby school part-time, until she was offered a debate scholarship at George Washington University. While attending GW, she married Jim Warren, who was also on her high school debate team, just graduated college, and was working for IBM. Elizabeth dropped out of college, moved to Texas with her husband, started attending the University of Houston, and finished her bachelor’s degree. Warren struggled with the concept of being a housewife, and wanted to do something more. She enrolled in law school at Rutgers. In 1978, she got a job teaching contract law and legal writing at the University of

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