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Energy Drink Research Paper

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The Promoted Health Benefits of Energy Drinks/Pills
Energy drinks have a lot of promoted benefits but are they all true and do they pose a threat to your health? In our lives most of us will either drink and energy drink or take an energy pill, and if not us it is likely one of our friends will, so it is important to understand them to keep ourselves safe and healthy. Through my research I have found some interesting things regarding energy drinks and I think it’s important that we understand these things so what can have a better idea of what happens when we take an energy drink. By understanding how energy drinks increase energy, mental performance, and retention (as well as concentration), one will see how energy drinks truly affect our bodies.
One of the primary ways energy drinks increase energy is through sugar. One can of Monster Energy contains 27 grams of sugar (Mega Monster). Another way energy drink increase energy is through caffeine. One can of 5-Hour Energy contains 200 mg of caffeine per bottle, which is essential equivalent to the …show more content…
Generally this is done through caffeine. Caffeine is similar to adenosine which is a compound that is responsible for the feeling of tiredness. When caffeine is taken into the body it binds to receptors that otherwise would have bonded to adenosine and made the person behind it all more tired. Caffeine actually does allow for one’s brain to work more quickly though not necessarily better. Caffeine is also likely to make the user feel jittery which may make it even more difficult to function efficiently (Helmenstine). Some energy drinks and pills use vitamins to achieve this affect. Unfortunately taken them often results in our bodies having too much of the vitamin which can be unhealthy at even toxic at certain levels (Tremblay). Certain drinks and pills may use alternative means but this often have the same or at lease similar side effects

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