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Crispin Research Paper

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Crispin essay Crispin is a peasant and lives in a small village called Stromford. He is also known as Asta's Son. When Crispin's mom dies he is left alone because he has no other relatives. After that Crispin turns to the priest because he doesn't have anyone to go too. John made Crispin deliver his ox to the manor house and that means he can't work anymore so he can't live with out money to get food. On top that John aycliffe accused crispin of theft. The priest takes Crispin in because he has no were to go. The priest also tells asta's son his real name Crispin. After Crispin got chased out of town without the priest he didn't know what to do. Out of nowhere "swoop" he is captured by someone. His name is bear. They talk for awhile and

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