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Eng 235


Submitted By bkrdc04
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ENG 235
Final Exam
Paradox of War It is said that men lose their rationale in war. The primitive instincts take over where knowledge and civility once dwelled. It was my understanding that there was never any room for kindness in the chaotic environments of war. The Pianist certainly breaks my pedantic understanding of war. It shows the reader that even in the most dreadful of circumstances, acts of kindness prevail. There are three instances that best categorize these paradoxes of war: the kindness amongst those being oppressed, citizens, those individuals who are not being oppressed, helping the victims and perhaps the most astonishing instance of all – the chivalry of war. These acts of kindness during moments of despair are what truly epitomize the paradox of war. The German invasion of Warsaw, Poland brought about the beginning of one of the worst mass genocides the world has ever seen. Almost immediately, the Jewish people of Warsaw were discriminated and the oppression seemed to literally come overnight. One of the most gut wrenching scenes of the novel has to be that of a young boy being halfway trapped in a wall separating the Ghettos from the rest of society. Wladyslaw Szpilman sees the boy squirming as fast as he can, trying to get through the wall before the German officer’s capture him. After watching the boy struggle and hearing the officers tugging on the boys legs, Mr. Szpilman immediately jumps in to help. The boy is beaten alive and killed with Mr. Szpilman still tugging his arms. Another instance showcasing acts of kindness amongst the oppressed can be seen in the Umschlagplatz. The Umschlagplatz was the loading zone for the Jewish people being shipped to the Treblinka extermination camp. It is here where Mr. Szpilman last saw his family. It is here where Mr. Szpilman should have boarded a tightly packed train and died alongside his family but the act of kindness from a policeman saved him. The paradox of war is not only seen amongst those oppressed, it is also present within the bystanders. Sometimes, it is an inherent nature to group up those bystanders with the oppressors. They are not suffering the same fate as those being persecuted and therefore the rationale is that they are sitting back doing nothing all in fear of being oppressed themselves. This is not the case for Wladyslaw Szpilman as many individuals risk their freedom and put their lives on the line to do what they think is morally right. All of the safe houses, meals and clothing provided for Mr. Szpilman were provided by individuals risking all they had left for a morally just cause. Another similar novel, Night, written by Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survival, has an echoing quote the best fits these actions,” … to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.” Nowhere is the paradox of war more prevalent than with Wilm Hosenfeld’s chivalry towards the end of the novel. Weeks before the end of the war Wladyslaw Szpilman is taking refuge in a beaten building of war torn Warsaw. Upon listening to Mr. Szpilman play the piano, Hosenfeld, who is a German army officer, decides to hide and help him survive the last few weeks of German occupation. Mr. Hosenfeld puts his career on the line to do what is morally right. He succeeds in this venture as Mr. Szpilman does indeed survive this ordeal. Wilm Hosenfelds actions do more than just save a life; they showcase the humanity present within a few of German army officials. In lecture we often used the phrase “chivalry of war” to describe this kind act. Treating your enemy with the respect every human should have the right to. Since the dawn of intellectual civilization history has showcased this chivalry in war. The combat tactics used in the wars prior to the 19th century, including the American Revolution, of lining opposite to your enemy as a form of respect and even the common ceasefire to treat the wounded on either side of the field, at times in the middle, were my interpretations of this chivalry. This chivalry seems nonexistent in the battlefields of World War 2 as well as the conquered lands of the German nation. Wilm Hosenfelds actions can be best seen as a single beacon of light present in the darkest of nights. This novel is difficult to read. Not in the sense of literary difficulty or lack of historical understanding, rather the sheer emotional pain that follows the reader is what makes the journey difficult. The Pianist is able to take the reader in to the darkest recesses of human nature and bring them out with a sense of hope. Wilm Hosenfeld’s chivalry showcases this sense of hope in his chivalry. It is my personal opinion that this novel is a near perfect example of the paradox of war, among its numerous other accolades.

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