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English Gcse


Submitted By Fkatis
Words 293
Pages 2
How does Sherriff make this conversation between Osborne and Trotter particularly moving and significant?

Sherriff makes this conversation between Osborne and Trotter particularly moving and significant in many different ways. Firstly, the way that Trotter and Osborne converse about home makes this passage very emotional. Trotter says how he “had a decent little grass plot in front, with flower-borders – geraniums, lobelia, and calceolaria – you know, red, white, and blue.” This extract is particularly emotional because it plays a stark contrast to the lives the two of them live now and the surroundings they are in, making them miss home even more. As well as this, the colour’s red, white and blue represent the Union Flag, enforcing the idea of home on to the characters and the reader. Talking about home with each other also offers Trotter and Osborne a form of escapism from the war, which also makes this passage particularly emotional.

Another way that Sherriff makes this passage poignant and key is by touching on how Raleigh is coming to terms with how Stanhope has become a changed man during the war. At home, Raleigh viewed Stanhope as his hero but now he does not feel this way. Sherriff shows this by using the stage directions ‘with lowered head’ when Raleigh answers to Trotters’ question, “uncanny, wasn’t it Raleigh?” with regards to how Stanhope didn’t seem to know who Trotter was. This stage direction clearly suggests that Raleigh is very sad when he hears Trotter say this making us think that he is upset to finally realize and come to terms with the fact that Stanhope has become a completely different man to who he knew at school. This feeling of realisation is a very poignant moment in the play.

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