...ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE Author: Institution: Date of Submission: Introduction During the early days of computing, the new technology simply automated the contemporary manual processes with increased efficiency. As the new technology continued to evolve, new innovations paved the way for introduction of new processes and capabilities that were largely driven by information technology. Over time, information technology altered the business environment though not necessarily in conformation with the conventional business strategies. The resulting lack of alignment precipitated unanticipated loss of resources and missed opportunities, thus placing most organizations in competitively disadvantaged positions within the market. In order to align the business strategies with organizational objectives, a new approach for managing Information technology has been established. This new concept is referred to as Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise architecture refers to ways or means of describing organizational structures and processes that link the individual business structures. It is the practice of applying a rigorous and comprehensive method for illustrating a current or outlook of a business’s information systems, processes, personnel, and the business sub-units so that they can be in conformity with the organization’s key objectives and strategic direction. This means that enterprise architecture is a strategic information asset base that...
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...Article Essential Layers, Artifacts, and Dependencies of Enterprise Architecture By Robert Winter and Ronny Fischer Abstract After a period where implementation speed was more important than integration, consistency and reduction of complexity, architectural considerations have become a key issue of information management in recent years again. Enterprise architecture is widely accepted as an essential mechanism for ensuring agility and consistency, compliance and efficiency. Although standards like TOGAF and FEAF have developed, however, there is no common agreement on which architecture layers, which artifact types and which dependencies constitute the essence of enterprise architecture. This paper contributes to the identification of essential elements of enterprise architecture by (1) specifying enterprise architecture as a hierarchical, multilevel system comprising aggregation hierarchies, architecture layers and views, (2) discussing enterprise architecture frameworks with regard to essential elements, (3) proposing interfacing requirements of enterprise architecture with other architecture models and (4) matching these findings with current enterprise architecture practice in several large companies. Keywords enterprise architecture, architectural components, architectural layers, architectural views, interfaces ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE: DEFINITION According to ANSI/IEEE Std 1471-2000, architecture is defined as the “ fundamental organization of a system, embodied in...
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...Bachelor in Information Technology Program U10a2 Enterprise Architecture Proposal for Ralph’s Ribs For IT3200, Section 05 Rolando Rueda-de-Leon Submitted 9/17/2010 Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 Analysis of the existing foundation for execution 4 Organization Chart 5 Definition of the Operating Model for Ralph’s Ribs 5 Business Process Standardization 6 Recommended Process Standardization 6 Comparison of Operating Model 6 Core Business Applications 7 Proposal for an Enterprise Architecture 11 IT Capability 12 Business Strategic Objectives 12 Funding Priorities 13 Key Management Capability 13 Business Core Applications 13 Key IT Governance Issues 14 Legal Implications 14 Summary of Ralph’s Ribs Architectural Stage 14 Proposed Enterprise Architecture 15 Changes in Business Process 15 Changes in Business Roles 16 Rationale for Changes 16 Changes in Organizational Structure 16 Changes in Business Partner Relationships 17 Setting Core Business Priorities 17 IT Engagement Model Recommendations 18 Companywide IT Governance 18 New Core Business Opportunities 21 Outsourcing Opportunities - Recommendations 21 Size and Scale Considerations 22 Growing the Organization - Recommendations 25 Summary of Enterprise Architecture Proposal for Ralph’s Ribs 29 References 31 Executive Summary In the restaurant business there are between five and seven different BBQ franchise restaurants...
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...FEAF or DoDAF vs TOGAF - Choose whether you want to compare FEAF or DoDAF with TOGAF. This research paper should provide descriptions of the two architecture frameworks, and then do a comparative assessment of them. Please do deep research into both. You may consider topics such history, lineage, structure and process, suitability in companies or industries, etc. Be sure to give both a description of the topic area as it pertains to the two architectural frameworks, and a comparative assessment on similarities and/or differences. RUBRIC below EAF comparisonRubric | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Analysis | The analysis of the framework addresses each of the points requested in a thoughtful manner. Each assertion is backed up directly from the readings or related research. | The analysis of the framework addresses each of the points requested in a thoughtful manner. Most of the assertions are backed up directly from the readings or related research. | The analysis of the framework doesn’t address some of the points requested. Some of the answers are unsubstantiated or yes/no style | The analysis of the framework doesn’t address some or all of the points requested. Answers are unsubstantiated or yes/no style. | Examples | The examples used to justify the main assignment are reliably documented, detailed enough to address the key requirements of the framework. | The examples used to justify the main assignment are reliably documented, mostly detailed enough to address the key...
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...I believe the one technology that could have the greatest impact on enterprise architecture in U.S. corporations by 2023 is cloud computing. As indicated on the hype cycle for emerging technologies in 2013, it currently is in the trough of disillusionment; however, I believe that cloud computing will bring about the most change to enterprise architecture by 2023. Cloud computing will have the ability to bring enterprise architecture a step forward and redefine the way businesses will support their architecture. As cloud computing evolves, as will enterprise architecture in the way that advanced concepts and practices will eventually be deemed as government requirements. By 2023, I anticipate that most, if not all, companies will be using a cloud platform where it will be used on multiple devices – this brings attention to EA as it will make it more challenging to standardized personal devices. BYOD will become a more relevant option with increased capabilities, like scalability and using software as a service through the cloud, impacting the way EA is integrated in an organization. The shift in enterprise architecture will also stem from the control needed from cloud computing. Currently, when companies move to cloud computing, they are essentially handing control over the design parameters of the enterprise. As a result, the role of the enterprise architect will become obsolete as the responsibilities were to build and maintain a stable model for the business. The...
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...Enterprise Architecture In this research paper we will be discussing The Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) FEAF is business driven and is the U.S. Federal Government’s answer to enterprise architecture that provides a framework for complex established systems to be able to share information technology across agencies. We will be discussing a case analysis that covers the five interrelated reference models that is used to bring commonality and consistent enterprise architecture for the improvement of the government agencies adopting FEAF. Like the other frameworks FEAF is an abstract view and are covered by the 5 FEAF reference models. These models are designed to facilitate communication, cooperation, and collaboration. (4) The purpose of FEAF is to create a collaboration tool to improve and integrate various Federal Agencies. This also allows for the sharing of efforts and products lessening the cost of cutting edge systems. With the sharing of effort comes a better understanding common processes, lesson learned, and information exposing common needs and capabilities. The framework does not dictate what goes into the architecture but guides how to plan space for future services and where they should fall into. This allows for quick implementations due to a legitimate business need that allows for the growth of an Agency. The FEAF principles are dependent on the Agencies vision for the future, goals, business needs and strategic needs. Once identified...
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...VBZ Intel Agency IT Virtualization (ITV) Enterprise Architecture Framework VBZ IT Virtualization (ITV) Enterprise Architecture Framework (Roadmap to the Cloud) In a world of dynamic requirements and mandates for more IT computing power, less power consumption, reduced budgets, and resources businesses are continuously faced with the challenge to quickly respond to ever changing customer demands, growth opportunities and market changes. VBZ’s Virtualization Framework provides the blueprint for business owners and stakeholders to assess and transform their IT environment to improve their bottom line, to meet fluctuating demands and to comply with mandates through the implementation of an agile and adaptive IT infrastructure powered by “Virtualization”. Overview VBZ’s ITV Framework is a hybrid Enterprise Architecture framework that can be mapped back to Zachman, Spewak, and FEA. The ITV Framework for the purpose of my project provides VBZ the blueprint to virutalize all or parts of its IT environment. This framework provides a holistic view of the IT activities as the virtualization occur and the impacts of those efforts on the current environment. . The ITV framework is the mechanism to facilitate structured communication amongst stakeholders to enable clearly defined measurable success. It allows the stakeholders to assess and implement the virtualization plan that will best meet their immediate business needs, with the end goal of a...
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...Summary of Enterprise Architecture An Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a design or a conceptual blueprint of a business that defines the structure and operation of an organization. The purpose of an enterprise architecture is to depict the interrelationships of all components and the information flow. It shows how each component supports the objectives and strategies of an enterprise. To achieve an overall view and to depict all those components and information flow, it is necessary to apply some architecture principles and practices to guide organization through the business, information, process and technology changes. These practices utilize the various aspects of an enterprise to identify, motivate and achieve these things. The business practice and perspective defines the processes and standards by which the business operates on a day-to-day basis. The information practice and perspective defines and classifies raw data that the organization requires to operate efficiently. Such raw data could be document files, databases, images, diagrams, presentations and spreadsheets among many more things. Another practice and perspective is the process that defines how the processes interact and what standards are used to do so. The last practice and perspective is to look at the technology that defines what kind of hardware, operating systems, programming and networking is used by the organization. By establishing a powerful enterprise architecture there are of purported advantages...
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...Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Enterprise Architecture Justification Paper Case Study Written by: June 14, 2000 IFSM 311 Professor To consider what enterprise architecture means, it is important to understand its origin. All architecture within information technology can track its ancestry back to the lessons learned from building architecture. Enterprise Architecture is the description and visualization of the structure, a blueprint if you will, of a given area of contemplation, its elements and their collaborations and interrelations links vision, strategy and feasibility, focusing on usability durability and effectiveness. Architecture enables construction, defining principles, rules, standards and guidelines, expressing and communicating a vision. This model will help any organization understand a proposed change in services or equipment it be integrated or changed within their environment. Enterprise architecture is designed to determine how an organization can achieve its current and future objectives in an efficient and effective manner. The architecture is separated into the business, application, and information viewpoints. The business viewpoint identifies the processes and standards that the business functions with every day. The application viewpoint describes the collaboration between different processes and standards used by the organization. The information viewpoint describes and assembles the raw data in the organization such as presentations...
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...TOGAF is the open group architecture framework, the framework is itself a well-documented body of knowledge to comprise detailed message and set of supporting tools to developing enterprise architectures. TOGAF is developed and maintained by the members of the Open Group. The original Framework of TOGAF was developed in 1995 and successive version of TOGAF throughout the years have extended and improved this body of knowledge and tools. TOGAF helps by documenting and organizing the enterprise architecture, by using TOGAF organizations can develop architecture that is consistence and reflects the needs of stakeholders, employee’s best practice, and meets current and future organization requirements. TOGAF enterprise architecture is divided into four categories the Business Architecture, Application Architecture, Data Architecture, and Technical Architecture. Business Architecture is design to describe the layouts of which process does business uses to meet its goals. It addresses the need for Users, Planners, and Business Management. For Application Architecture TOGAF illustrates how specific applications are designed and how the applications interact with each other. Also addresses the kind of workforce will be associated with application related tasks such System and Software developers and engineers. The Data Storage Architecture is design to show that how data stores are developed and how they are accessed. It addresses the needs of Database Designers, Database Administrators...
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...Enterprise architecture is an abstract blueprint that is utilized to define the structure and operation of an organization. Enterprise architecture is aimed at determining how an organization can attain its current objectives and future objectives timely, efficiently and effectively. The architecture is divided into business, application and information perspectives. The business perspective identifies the processes and standards by which the business operates on daily basis. The application perspective defines the interaction between different processes and standards used by the organization. The information perspective defines and groups raw data in the organization like document file databases, presentations, spreadsheets that the organization needs to operate well. The technology perspective defines the hardware, OS, programming and networking systems used by the organization. Enterprise architecture has various advantages. It improves decision making and makes it easy for an organization to adapt to changing demands and market conditions. It also helps an organization eliminate inefficient and redundant processes and use its assets to its overall advantage. Enterprise architecture is a strategic planning process that converts a business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change. An enterprise architecture program is important in any organization as it helps the organizations attain their objectives. (Ambler &McGovern, 2004) The enterprise...
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...Information System Management April 19, 2014 Dr. Jason Andress Instructor By Jacob Washington Enterprise architecture (EA) is "a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation, using a holistic approach at all times, for the successful development and execution of strategy. Enterprise Architecture applies architecture principles and practices to guide organizations through the business, information, process, and technology changes necessary to execute their strategies. These practices utilize the various aspects of an enterprise to identify, motivate, and achieve these changes.” (Wikipedia) “AT&T pioneered enterprise management and, as a global leader, creates new enterprise management technologies, operational processes, and best practices and drives the requirements for industry standards.” (AT&T) AT&T does practice what it preaches. AT&T has a goal of becoming a total wireless company by the year 2020. Four of the priorities that will get AT&T to 2020: Effortless Customer Experience, Extend our Network Leadership, Extend our Ultra-Fast IP Leadership and Accelerate New Businesses. These priorities are set by the CEO & President of AT&T Randall Stephenson. In order to accomplish these priorities will require all department and division of AT&T to work together. AT&T Enterprise Management is utilized throughout the company. This system allows the Officers of AT&T the management...
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...Enterprise Architecture Program Key Initiative Overview ® Enterprise Architecture Program Key Initiative Overview Richard Buchanan Research Managing Vice President This overview provides a high-level description of the Enterprise Architecture Program Key Initiative. IT leaders can use this guide to understand what they need to do to prepare for this initiative. Analysis Enterprise architecture (EA) is a strategic planning process that translates an enterprise’s business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change. The EA program institutes a collaborative, shared planning process. EA teams work with business and IT stakeholders to define a future-state vision in terms of requirements, principles and models. They then compare the future-state vision to the current state, identify gaps and plan investments to fill them. EA is not IT-focused, but business-driven and comprehensive. The future-state vision helps coordinate the analysis of—and develop a plan to harmonize—required changes in business functions and processes, information and data provisioning, technology capabilities and application solutions. An effective EA program will help align IT investments with long-term strategy, reduce risk, deliver higher-quality information and engineer adaptive solutions and technical services. Consider these factors to determine your readiness EA planners must charter the program and ensure that senior leaders support it. They must also establish program...
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...Enterprise Architecture Vol. 11, No. 10 10 Key Skills Architects Must Have to Deliver Value by Michael Rosen, Director, Cutter Consortium Enterprise Architecture Practice As the complexity of IT grows, more and more organizations are realizing the need for architecture. But the definition of what architecture is, the titles that architects have, and the role of an architect vary widely from one organization to another. Business, IT, management, and even architects don’t necessarily know what a good architect does to add value in his or her organization. This Executive Report discusses the role of the architect and describes 10 activities that architects should perform to add value to projects. ABOUT CUTTER CONSORTIUM Access to the Experts Cutter Consortium is a unique IT advisory firm, comprising a group of more than 100 internationally recognized experts who have come together to offer content, consulting, and training to our clients. These experts are committed to delivering top-level, critical, and objective advice. They have done, and are doing, groundbreaking work in organizations worldwide, helping companies deal with issues in the core areas of software development and agile project management, enterprise architecture, business technology trends and strategies, innovation, enterprise risk management, metrics, and sourcing. Cutter offers a different value proposition than other IT research firms: We give you Access to the Experts....
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...Enterprise Architecture Enables Processes Paper Introduction Enterprise Architecture is defined as the representation of all the components, processes and policies of an organization. Architecture is the process of moving a business vision and strategy into effective change, communicating the current capabilities and rethinking the principles and models that describe the future state of the company and facilitate their evolution (Fui-Hoon, Lee-Shang, and Kuang, 2001). Enterprise Architecture is a strategic practice, which connects the relationship between business initiatives that leverage technology, to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies for transformation, from the current architecture to an architectural model that represents a future vision. The enterprise architecture must be aligned with the business model, defining a logical structure for implementing the strategy. The requirements to be met by enterprise architecture model are given by the strategic business objectives. The operational model of Enterprise Architecture should establish baselines model relationship between Business and IT, through the definition and description of business processes of an organization. It will be necessary to create cross-sectional areas as organization, IT Architecture and Quality, among others. Enterprise Architecture Enables SDLC The enterprise architecture complements the phases of system development life...
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