...Toyota and other series such as high low-end models. Toyota has an international presence in over 170 countries worldwide. Toyota Motor Corporation since 2008 and gradually began to replace General Motors as the world ranked number one car manufacturer. However, the company of the Toyota had a bad year in 2010. They had plenty of manufacturing problems in different countries around the world. So the company needs to recall lots of cars. The incident brought to Toyota big losses. Porter’s Five Forces Perspective and PEST analysis are from different area. Porter’s Five Forces Perspective is used for the analysis of competitive strategy, and can effectively analysis customs of the competitive environment. PEST analysis is a macro-environment analysis. Its’ macro-forces is refers to the impact on all industries and enterprises. Its’ macro-environment can be focus on various situations. The first part is focusing on these two theories that using I chosen the company of Toyota as an example to overview and critique these two theories. Then compare and contrast these two theories. At last, conclusion this report and given some advises for these two theories. 2. Overview and Critique of theory 1 2.1 Overview the Porter Five Forces Perspective Porter five forces perspective has also known as Porter’s five competitive model. This model was first used by Michael Porter (Porter) made. This model was published in 1979 on the "Harvard Business Review" entitled "How to build competitive strategy”...
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... 1. Introduction page 2 2. The external environment page 3 3. Three models of relations between the company and the external environment page 7 4. Analysis of internal environment page 8 5. Conclusion page 9 6. References page 9 1. INTRODUCTION From the characteristics of the company as a technological and open economic system, it follows that the relations with the surroundings are basis of its operation and development. Just like the company that is subject to changes, so is the environment, which leads to changes of mutual and dependent direct and indirect relationships. The environment is a factor in the survival and effectiveness of the function and effectiveness of enterprise development. Creating a proper business and social environment in which firms operate normally, grow and develop is the permanent task of any government if it wants to ensure economic growth and prosperity of the country. It is beyond any doubt that the developed market environment is the starting point for the construction of the market system. You need to know that the institutional arrangements and economic and systemic mechanisms in successful economies of most developed countries (Japan, USA, Germany ...) essentially differ with each other. Thus, we conclude that there is no universal model of the economy that can be applied to any other country. Immediate environment consists of internal and external stakeholders. Internal...
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...Rothaermel Exercise 1 Perry Blankenship Liberty University Chapter 1 1. How is strategy different from a business model? A) Rothaermel (2013) defines a strategy as: “The goal-directed actions a firm intends to take in its quest to gain and sustain a competitive advantage,” (p.6). Rothaermel also defined a business model as: “An organizational plan that details the firm’s competitive tactics and initiatives, or how the firm intends to make money,” (p.11). The strategy is the theory the organization plans to utilize in achieving their goals while the model is their actions of implementing their strategy. Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart (2010) explained in their research that the strategy of a business is implemented by the leaders in choosing the business model they will follow. When organizations are looking for what customers they will reach and what the customer values, they are utilizing a business model. When they want to achieve the goal of reaching these customers they must develop a strategy for achieving that goal. B) How is it similar? Both the strategy and the business model strive to achieve the organizational goals and give the organization a competitive advantage. “The business model is the reflections of the realized strategy,” (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2010, p.204). 2. Why do you think Dell is keen on offering this service? A) The new crowdsourcing allows the consumer to have more control of the design and development of their product...
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...Mission statement provides the framework within which strategies are formulated. It is important because the company mission statement describe what the company does. A goal is a precise and measureable desired future state that a company attempts to realize. (2) Analyze the organization’s external competitive environment to identify opportunities and threats. The essential purpose of this is to identify strategic opportunities and threats in the organization operating environment that will affect how it follows its mission. …In addition, step (3) Analyze the organization’s internal operating environment to identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. It focuses on reviewing the resources, capabilities, and competences of a company. (4) Select strategies that build on the organization’s strengths and correct its weaknesses in order to take advantage of external opportunities and counter external threats. Its purpose is to create a company-specific business model that will best match a company’s resources and capabilities to the demands of the environment in which it operates. (5) Implement the strategies. This involves taking actions at the function, business, and corporate levels to execute a strategic plan. Without implementation, management does not know what is involved in implementation, how long it will take to...
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...mission statements saying, “At Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, it is our vision to be the best beverage business in the Americas. Our brands have been synonymous with refreshment, fun and flavor for generations, and our sales are poised to keep growing in the future.” This stamen is straightforward and informatively average. It establishes the company’s goal and core values. Also, it highlights DPS’ interest in future sales growth. The company includes its business strategy stating that it focuses on building and enhancing leading brands, pursuing profitable channels, packages and categories, leveraging an integrated business model, strengthening routes to markets, and improving operating efficiency (Dr. Pepper Snapple Group). External Analysis Government policies and regulations affect business development and growth. Products have to be consistent with the USDA’s dietary guidelines and adhere to the FDA’s standards for health claims. Due to the current post-recession economy, growth is expected to be slow since existing demand patterns are expected to change as consumers become more health conscious. Moreover, global awareness and concern regarding the impact of climate change continues to be a focal point as business seek to achieve better business in terms of reduced cost and risk while achieving positive impact on the world around them. Also, an important trend in the macro environment is globalization. With the growing use of electronic technological innovations, global communication...
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...describe strategic management and why is it necessary in today’s business environment? Strategic management analyses the major initiatives taken by a company's top management on behalf of owners, involving resources and performance in internal and external environments.[1] It entails specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs. A balanced scorecard is often used to evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards objectives. Recent studies and leading management theorists have advocated that strategy needs to start with stakeholders expectations and use a modified balanced scorecard which includes all stakeholders. "Strategic management is an on-going process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reassesses each strategy annually or quarterly [i.e. regularly] to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic environment., or a new social, financial, or political environment." Strategic Management can also be defined as "the identification...
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...How do changes in the environment affect the success of a company’s business model? First of all I will like to define business model; the business model describes how an organization creates, delivers, and capture value economic, social, or other forms of value. The Business Model is part of the Business Strategy. To create a successful business model, managers must choose business level strategies, that will give the company a competitive advantage over its rivals. They must decide customer needs, customer groups, and distinctive competencies. Organizations use business models to develop business strategies and earn profits from business operation. Business owners or executive managers may be responsible for creating these business models, and a company’s productivity will be affected by the environment where the business operates. Changes in economic factors can either help or hurt any business chance of success. Any increase in the availability of workers, may allow companies to more hiring, this will help or increase the production output, which can dramatically change a business model. Also, a decrease in the availability of labor may debility companies’ ability to produce goods or services efficiently and effective. Also physical resources allow companies to produce as many goods as possible. When resources begin to diminish, companies may face high production costs for production. Companies with successful business model need to continuously develop...
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...Analyze Cultural and Legal Environments of MNCs Analysis of conducting business in International Business Cross cultural issues can crop up in a number of business environment. Internal companies should have the top leadership, who are from different countries, be conversant with the local staff from host countries that may need different models and processes. In international business operations, getting to be aware of the set structures and processes that include the varied cultures of the company in a balanced manner. Cross cultural interaction in the business world calls for cultural compromise; the aspect of ignoring or favoring one culture over the other one would bring revenue to a decline and general decline of the whole company. For success to be acquired, varied decision making process and organizational models have to be considered with regard to how they change and cultures involved. Culture affect the behavior and preferences of customers and business partners. To be effective in a foreign market, the manager has to adapt their products to acquire the varied needs of a certain group of clients. Any change that has to be made in advertising or features of products among others will to some extend be based on cultural context. The success or inefficiency of a company is reliant upon how well the staff undertake their business and technical skills in a new environment. This capacity is reliant upon the job-based skills and personal sensitivity and how they...
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...Business environment factors – INTERNAL (SWOT) Overview of internal business environment. Identify and describe the internal factors in details. How the environments affect the running of the business The internal and external environment is constantly changing and has significant effects towards the operation and profit level for a company. Therefore, it is important to conduct the situational analysis in order to improve the understanding of the various factors that affecting the company as well as the position and market share. For now as we are researching on this company PROTON which is in the automotive industry and known as the first Malaysian car manufacturer. We are going to use the SWOT analysis to effectively organized information obtained from the market situation assessment. The SWOT analysis organizes the information from the situation assessment into four categories. Strengths and weaknesses represent the internal assessments of the firm’s current capabilities. However, opportunities and threats are external assessments which analyse a firm’s performance. Strengths are the qualities that enable us to accomplish the organization’s mission. These are the basis on which continued success can be made and continued/sustained. Strengths can be either tangible or intangible. Strengths are the beneficial aspects of the organization or the capabilities of an organization, which includes human competencies, process capabilities, financial resources, products and...
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...Mental model/Mindsets Name: Institution: Introduction AAA Transportation has been a well-established company. The firm deals with transporting wholesale produce which are perishable. The firm has been acquired by new owners and they have identified a new business opportunity. The new idea is to transport nonperishable goods together with the perishable good. Two coworkers emerge and are resistant to this venture. They are citing that AAA is not strong enough to compete and it is not a good idea. What are affecting the two coworkers are the mental models/mindsets. The management will work on changing the mental models/mindsets of the two and include them t in the new line of business. The idea is important to all the staffs and the new owners and when exploited it will make a difference in the company. Four steps to changing mental models/mindsets There are four major steps that can be utilized to change the mental models/mindset at an individual who defies change. The first step is to comprehend the power and limits of mental models/mindset. [Crook 2006]. Change is always inevitable. Changing the mindset of a person is not an easy task; it needs time to bring the change. The person naturally recognizes the surrounding of the environment around him. In the scenario of Vernon and Bud, they don’t see the emerging ventures because of the comfort zone in the business. The firm may not have the mighty to compete with other companies...
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...Journal of Business Research 54 (2001) 89 – 96 Seeking something different? A model of schema typicality, consumer affect, purchase intentions and perceived shopping value Barry J. Babin*, Laurie Babin Department of Marketing, College of Business, The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5091, USA Received 1 May 1999; accepted 1 May 1999 Abstract A study is presented that examines the effect of specific retail elements on deviations from the expected schema, or prototypicality, of a retail store. The results suggest that subtle differences in the store name, the location, and the appearance of its salespeople can evoke contrast in the form of variable typicality scores. A structural model is presented that shows the outcomes of this variance in a retail context involving women’s apparel stores. Low typicality is associated with increased excitement and discomfort, and these emotions affect patronage intentions and perceived shopping value. This finding is counterbalanced by a direct, positive link between typicality and patronage intentions. D 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Schema; Consumer affect; Shopping value Recently, research has demonstrated the key role played by emotional experiences in explaining store choice and consumer– environment interactions and reactions (Bitner, 1992; Baker and Cameron, 1996). Design elements including a store’s employees, prices, lighting, scents, product assortment, background music...
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...(a) Question: Using the Strategic Management model discuss its application in a certain organization in Kenya that deals with projects. Strategic Management Model Definition: Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reassesses each strategy annually or quarterly [i.e. regularly] to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic environment., or a new social, financial, or political environment.” Types of Strategic Management Models • Basic strategic planning model • Alignment strategic planning model • Goal-based or issue-based strategic planning model • Self-organizing or organic strategic planning model • Scenario strategic planning model Organization The organization chosen is Acorn Properties Limited, which is a limited company, incorporated in Kenya with its head office in Nairobi. Acorn is a real estate investment company offering solutions that range from project management to development and acquisition partnership in the Kenyan real estate sector. The company uses a combination of Goal-based or issue-based strategic planning and Alignment Strategic Planning model. Contents of their strategic plan 1. Company’s...
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...include being the first airline to have individual TVs in all classes, to provide child safety seats, to offer a super economy service, to have no smoking flights, to have drive-thru check-in, to have an arrivals lounge, to allow mobile connectivity and SMS texting on board, the first to have at-seat podcasting and, most recently, the first to fly one of its planes using biofuels” (innovationleaders.org PROFILE: VIRGIN ATLANTIC 2007). Micro environment analysis Customer behavior analysis Who are Virgin Atlantic´s customers? Virgin Atlantic attracts customers who appreciate and value customer care in terms of a combination of service elements and attributes. Virgin Atlantic operates a two class system: Upper Class and Economy class which is segmented into Premium Economy a full fare separate economy cabin and Economy covering all other coach/economy fares. The percentage of UK originating passengers varies from route to route, but on average there's a 60/40 bias to the UK. Upper Class passengers are predominately travelling on business and are male, 35 to 45 years old, earning £50K plus per annum. Passengers...
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...1. Introduction : No Business can run in vacant place so they need environment to operate the business. Environment may be the internal or external. Internal environment means the inside the organization with employees, management, organizational culture etc. on the other hand external environment is beyond the internal environment. It is consist micro and macro environment where, marketing environment is composed all the outside factor which directly or indirectly affects in our organization. It is difficult to control, unpredictable and hard to prepare. This report is highly based on external environment of Hungry Jacks Pvt.Ltd in Australia and find out the different opportunities and threat by implementing the SWOT analysis. 2.Case...
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...is an island', does not only apply to humans but can also be attributed to the business world. In order to remain active and competitive, an organisation needs to take into account, not only internal processes but also look into consideration its external environment. Factors such as competitors,new rules and regulations,changing marketplace, changing workforce and other related factors that have direct impact on the existence of the business must be seen as a crucial factor to the organisation. A business environment encompasses those factors outside the normal business activities of an organisation but directly affects its decisions and is uncontrollable by the organisation. A change in consumer's taste will likely result in a shift in demand of a product such as fashion. IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT The importance of analysing an organisation's business environment cannot be more emphasized. Most businesses operate in an environment and whatever occurs in that environment also affect the business. The major importance can be seen in the following : 1. Detection of opportunities and threats: A business that is able to identify potential opportunities will normally have the upper hand as being the first mover and early detection of threats will act as a warning signal of dangers ahead. 2. Coping with changes: With huge changes occurring in the society, there is need for business managers to be aware of these changes and develop the best strategies with which...
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