...Adrianna Thompson English 111 Essay 3 Thursday, November 20th, 2014 Positive Impact of Smart phones Modern day smartphones have made one of the largest impacts on human lives. There are so many outstanding features that have us wondering what we would do without them. Your whole life is at the touch of your fingertip. Smartphones have made lives of people easier and much more comfortable. Smartphones have everything from texting to checking the weather, reminders, music, surfing the web and, entertainment! It is unbelievable the incredible features you receive from something so small and delicate. Now we can never imagine ourselves without them! Smartphones allow you to do so many thing on them; so lets take some time to talk about a few of them, applications, texting/calling and, photographs. Smartphones have had one of the most positive impacts on everyday human life and allowed the most satisfactory. The applications that smartphones provide us have humans attached and wanting more. Downloading social media allows us to connect with other people from all over the world. Social media also enables us to post pictures of our own lives. There are applications for things like banking, bill reminders, job kiosks; instead of carrying around a load of paper coupons you are able to search and save all of the coupons you want on one app. Applications have the ability to save us from a late bill, allows us to access accounts and check balances. Also if you lose your phone it’s...
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...Impact of smartphones on students’ work habits The modern day student is now equipped with smartphones and it is a rare site to see a student who doesn’t have a smartphone or a computer. As the age limit for owning these things are also being brought down as we now see small kids and primary students having these devices when they were once only bought after a certain age. The age limit for having these devices are going down and therefore the chances are that the modern day high school student has probably grown up being surrounded by smartphones and technology that he/she is proficient in its use by the time they are all grown up. These smartphones, being a major part of the modern teen society, plays major roles in their lives. Teenagers and students use them for entertainment, playing games, watching movies, and texting and calling our friends. As you can see smartphones play a major role in a teenager’s life and the typical teenager is usually inseparable from their mobile companion. Therefore it is only natural to include this device into a school students education, as they can learn of a device that they are so used to living with as well as the potential for learning material to be presented on a much more interesting basis due to the interactive capabilities of a smartphone. The question is, although using smartphones in the education department sounds appealing and intuitive, will it actually aid with education or provide the students with further distractions that’s...
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...has clearly improved our daily lives, it may seem iconoclastic to even pose the question “In what ways has technology made our lives worse?” Irreverence aside, the question opens a door to many interesting avenues of exploration on the topic. Technology pervades nearly every aspect of modern life, and as such it has profound effects, both positive and negative, on us as individuals and as a society. Technology pervades nearly every aspect of modern life, and while we tend to focus on the numerous positive effects of technological advances, there also exist equally profound negative impacts, both to individuals and to society as a whole. Types of negative impacts to investigate: 1. Education a. iLearning: The future of higher education? b. Millenials will benefit and suffer due to their hyperconnected lives 2. Health a. Distracted Driving and Implications for Injury Prevention in Adults b. Distraction: an assessment of smartphone usage in health care work settings c. Technology and Well-being – An Evocative Essay 3. Environmental a. Paradigms to Assess the Environmental Impact of Manufactured Nanomaterials b. TiO2 Nanoparticles are Phototoxic to Marine Phytoplankton c. Management of Electronic Waste by Employing Combined Technological Strategies 4. Security & Privacy a. Mobile Security: Finally a Serious Problem? b. Elementary Information Security 5. Economy a. A “Kill Chain” Analysis of the 2013 Target Data Breach b. The impact of eHealth of the Quality...
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...Position paper Essay Cell Phone Multitasking Versus Loss of Self Being The use of technology nowadays as texting and cell phones have become an important every day tools that many teenagers can’t live without it, to an extent that it controls people lives greatly. There are many needs regarding using cell phone and texting. One of the most important issues is its role in safety as people are not worried when being lost. Moreover it enables users to stay connected with family, colleagues and friends. Email access and surfing internet for educational purposes aids in using cell phones more especially by youth. Cell phones don’t just receive and place calls, but o it is used also in capturing nice moments, saving data, and can even...
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...Computers, video games, mobile phones, appliances seem to manifest throughout society. Technology follows a sovereign development, a progression that we can slow down or accelerate depending on our decisions and efforts. This brings us to the big question: To what extent can electronics be advanced without becoming too inhumane? No doubts that technology advancement has brought numerous profound advantages, for example in economy, trade, and communication. As much as we want technology to operate immaculately, the drawbacks to technology is inevitable. Some argue that the rapid growth of technology may cause destruction upon Earth. This essay will represent my arguments and analyze the merits and demerits of technology before a reasonable conclusion can be drawn. As I was writing this essay, I thought about my own addiction to cyber world. My smartphone is always with me 24/7 and it also sleeps next to my bed. First thing I do when I wake up is to check my phone. It becomes a habit through time, and I tend to get distracted by my iPhone easily. I can’t even last half a day without it. Youngsters these days live by the phrase, as Turkle said it “Alone Together”. However, I’m questioning myself after the research I conducted before beginning this essay. Why do we check our smartphones hundred times a day? Do we even know what the word “social” means in this modernized era? The word Social, according to dictionary.com means seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; this...
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...phones have been used for terrorist attacks and also used for donation campaigns. Mobile phones was created for a purpose, but has turned into something entirely different. Though it is a tool, it carries a psychological and sociological impact on society. Mobile phones have changed the meaning of multitasking in our personal and business life. You can conduct a three-way business call while cooking dinner. You can stay in constant contact with all your friends and family no matter where you are or what time it is. You can now monitor your children by use of GPS. These are certainly some positive impacts of the technology. The mobile device soon turned into a multipurpose device with the birth of the smartphones. Adults now even spend more media time on mobile than newspapers and magazines combined (TV, Mobile See Gains in Viewing Time, 2011). But like most technologies, this tool also comes with some drawbacks that may not be immediately obvious….This new enhanced smartphone is an invisible leash maybe even a bind on our personal space. A balance is needed to keep a healthy state of mind from busy human interaction and personal space. Having a mobile phone on you at all times gives away that human space and can very well affect our human psyche. Human interaction has changed as we know it due to mobile phones. For example, people don’t tend to interact with people outside of their circle anymore. "The cell phone directly evokes feelings of connectivity to others...
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...When we think of technology, we see the convince of them and all of the added features that come with it to make our lives easier. The question now is, how much is too much technology? Many families struggle with this on a daily basis, with parents allowing their children to have access to all of this technology so they do not have to be bothered with them and even the parents themselves begin to aielniate from not only their significant other, but also their own children even though they are all in the same room. In Alex Williams’ essay, “Quality Time, Redefined” Williams digs deeper into how much the average American family is actually consumed in technology. In Alex Williams’ essay, “Quality Time, Redefined”. The essay starts off with a...
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...There are certain people within our society who believe that we are losing touch with nature. They’ve made it their duty to inform us about the importance of experiencing nature, the negative implications technology has on our view of nature and the quality of life nature can provide. Two noteworthy advocates for the nature movement are authors Richard Louv and Bill McKibben. Their written works A Life of the Senses and From the End of Nature discuss the impact nature has on our lives. In his essay A Life of the Senses, author Richard Louv discusses the importance of experiencing nature and “what happens to the senses of the young when they lose connection with nature” (664). He believes that “children need nature for the healthy development of their senses, and, therefore, for learning and creativity” (664). The importance of nature is that it stimulates curiosity, creativity and a sense of freedom. In Louv’s opinion, lack of “primary experience – that which we can see, feel, taste, hear or smell for ourselves” (672) has had negative implications on our society. He believes that our primary experience of nature is being replaced by secondary, vicarious, often distorted, dual sensory (vision and sound only), one-way experience of television and other electronic media (672). Unfortunately, adults are guilty of not encouraging children to experience nature. Louv writes, “there is a real world, beyond the glass, for children who look, for those whose parents encourage them...
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...Info325 Imogen Donnelly-Lawrence - 300259652 Friday 2.40-3.30 New Zealand is currently undergoing massive changes as the government and network providers pour hundreds of millions of dollars into the nation's telecommunications and broadband infrastructure. The reason? To stay ahead in today's broadband economy. As a developed country we are heavily reliant on these infrastructures as they have significant impact on our economy. Investing now to provide for present and future generations is essential in making sure New Zealand stays on track economically and socially as the world continues to develop and focuses more on technology. In this essay I will cover a selection of sectors including New Zealand’s major providers of internet and telecommunications network, radio and television broadcast providers and the government's UFB (Ultra Fast Broadband) and RBI (Rural Broadband Initiative) initiatives. An analysis of each sector will be conducted on its potential benefit on businesses and communities, how these technologies are converging and its implications, emerging consumer trends, recommendations and an examination of overseas technologies and its possible implementation in New Zealand. Mobile Market & Infrastructure New Zealand primary telephone system is the mobile network with over 4.7 million connections and counting. The biggest holders of the mobile market shares are Spark and Vodafone with a 33% and 42%. (Commerce Commission, 2014) 2Degrees is their...
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...Educational Reform Essay Lance E. Ebel Grand Canyon University: SEC 501 September 9, 2015 Educational Reform Essay Looking back on education over the years there have been many changes. Some of the significant changes that have taken place, were established to support and help students succeed in school such as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, School Choice, and Technology. Each one has had a significant impact on our educational system today. Each of these changes have been established to support and help all students succeed in school. With the onset of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 standardized testing has become a major instrument for gauging student and teacher performance (Smyth 2011). Based on how students perform, schools performance is measured based upon how they match up with other schools across the country. In some way this is unfair as the demographics of each school are different. When teachers are concerned with how their students are performing on a test it eliminates the opportunity to teach higher level thinking and reduces a teacher’s creativity in the classroom (Smyth 2011). According to Thomas Rabovsky 2011, “School choice refers to a wide variety of policies that allow students to transfer out of an assigned residential public school. These policies range from fairly limited systems of public choice, to more expensive systems of choice that provides tuition vouchers for students to exit the public school system entirely and attend...
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...Chapter 1-The problems and its background 1.1Introduction 1.2Background of the study 1.3 Significance of the study CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Social media affects every individual especially for teenagers, whether it might be good or bad. But what does social media mean? It is internet-based software and interfaces that allow individuals to interact with one another, exchanging details about their lives such as biographical data, professional information, personal photos and up-to-the-minute thoughts. Teenagers nowadays are very fond of using social media; they are engage in using different websites like twitter, facebook, youtube,google and many more. Social media has been part of our life for many young people today they use these things for them to communicate with their friends or to their families who are in abroad and to have entertainment. But sometimes they abuse use of social media that they forgot to balance their studies. In seeking this study I would be able to identify the good and bad effects of social media towards the study of the youth today; if this thing really helps to every individual to achieve their goals in life, help them to improve their academic grades and help them to motivate in their studies. Social media has been part of the life of the new generation today sometimes they use it just for fun ,and to escape boredom that they tend to forget the proper use of social media towards their studies. It is a big help to...
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...GAC002 Assessment Event 4: Academic Research Essay Going forward: The innovations of communication technology in China Question: Trace how technology has changed communication in your country over the past 20 years. With the development of technology, the changes in communication have a pivotal impact on various areas. Definitely, advanced technology is the main driver of these changes. Not only the way of communication has changed, but also the content and means of communication have evolved. The aim of this essay is to examine the evolution of communication technology in China and evaluate its impact on individuals and society. Before 1990s, the main technology applied in communication was called 1G, or the first-generation of wireless telephone technology (Rathod 2012). It transferred only voice data without being encrypted. The sound quality and the speed of transfer were in poor conditions as well. However, over the last 20 years, the quality of communication in China has increased significantly with the development of 2G, 3G and 4G communication technologies. In 1990s, the 2G technology was introduced. This abbreviation refers to digital voice systems, i.e. systems that transmit information via voice signals, which replaced early analog phones. 2G may be considered a revolutionary technology as it not only improved communication, but also contributed positively to public health. In terms of communication, 2G devices secured privacy...
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...the modern world, technology is rapidly taking over most aspects of our lives. It has completely revolutionized the way we live. We cannot go a single day without televisions, refrigerators, microwaves, and computers. Some people jokingly say that smartphones are now an integral part of our bodies. Should we question the revolutionary changes that technology is bringing to our world or should we sheepishly accept the impact they have on our lives? This question usually elicits conflicting responses. Many people believe that the ubiquitous presence of technology around us is negatively impacting our lives by making us too dependent on it. Those people are afraid that machines will eventually take over the world,...
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...The Future of Media: A Proposal For Change Tiffin University Michael Granger April 25, 2014 COM241 Intro to Mass Communication As the age of information races on at a dizzying pace, what changes to the various media sources need to take place? In this essay I will attempt to answer that question. Through my research I have identified three areas that could well be addressed. Internet marketing should be strictly permission based, the quality of local cable news programs should be increased dramatically, and an on-line cell phone directory should be developed. These few changes would have a positive effect on the way the public utilizes media sources. I shall begin with Internet marketing. With each keystroke, everything you do on the Internet is tracked. Marketers will then use that information to bombard the Internet user with various advertisements and offers. While customizing the ads to the specific user is a useful tool to marketers, it is much like the “interruption based” advertising used on television programs. There are better ways to reach a potential client. Permission based marketing (Straubhaar, 2014, p. 322) is the answer. Permission marketing is not a new concept. It has been utilized by reputable marketing companies for many years. It is my position however that this type of marketing should be the standard for all Internet marketing. As big data continues growing in scope and size and marketing becomes increasingly targeted, the issue...
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...professional knowledge. By collecting information for this report I also learned something very superfluous in practical. I look forward to make the optimal use of the knowledge that I gained from this course. I would like to gratitude you for giving me such a great opportunity to prove my ability in making a quality report. If any mistakes remain I heartily apologize for those. I hope you will take my mistakes with due consideration. Thanks. Sincerely yours, Kamrujjaman ID: 12304076 BRAC Business School BRAC University Acknowledgement First of all, I am very much grateful to Almighty God who gave blessings, courage, and ability to prepare this Term Paper. I am very much grateful to Mr. Mohammad Rezzaur Razzak for guiding us to complete our Term Paper. I am also highly indebted to him for his scholarly and constructive suggestion which was of great assistance to prepare this Term Paper. While making this term paper I...
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