Premium Essay

Essay on a Particular Moment in My Life


Submitted By Jerricalefler
Words 584
Pages 3
This week I have to finish my rough draft that I had wrote in week two and turn it in to a final essay. In week two I wrote a rough draft about a particular moment that had a special moaning on my life. A special meaning on my life has been becoming a mother. I was young when I had become a mother for the first time, but even thaw I was young I would not chance it for the world. I was eighteen years old when I become a mother to a healthy, smart and beautiful little girl, her name is Hayley Danielle. Once I had my daughter Hayley she had made me realize that becoming a mother at the age of eighteen was not so bad. Eighteen months later I gave birth to a smart, healthy and handsome baby named Austin Wayne. Having two children by the time I was almost twenty years old, made me realize that they need to grow up and have morals and know that respect, education and that family is everything. When I was twenty-four years old I gave birth to another smart, healthy and beautiful little girl named Kaylan Faith. All three of my children are my world. I teach them all three to not be mean to one another, to respect their elders and to pay attention in school. I tell my children that I want them to grow up and have a great education. I have explained to my children and I will always explain to my children that having a great education will help them be able to take care of them self’s and be able to support their own families when they grow up and have a family. All three of my children are blessings sent from above and I love being their mother. Becoming a mother at a young age has let me enjoy growing up with them and has made me grow up faster than most young people do. My children enjoy playing games with each other and I and they know that I will never turn my back on them. My children are my everything, I have said if I had to do it again I hope that I would still

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