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Essay On General Government

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Final Exam TO THE READERS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE: I am a rural small planter in Pennsylvania and I am OPPOSED to the ratification of the constitution and you should be as well. The broad taxing power granted to the general government as a concurrent power to the taxation done by the states will be too great a burden for the people of this STATE to handle. It is of my suspicion that the intentions of men in support of the general government is to utterly ANNIHILATE the states and coalesce them to nothing more than the general government’s personal bankroll. The opposition claims that a strong standing army is necessary to protect citizens from threats domestic and abroad. To that I point to the Swiss who are at current surrounded by European military powers and yet are able to hold their own with just militias. Furthermore, a standing army in a time of peace is a sure signpost of tyranny if I have ever seen one. Militias are virtuous and righteous in their cause. A standing army is to act on the will of a president not elected by the people. This certainly will lead to conflict in any state that opposes any action carried out by the general government. …show more content…
The bicameral legislature is terrible for the states if we value our representation. Our representation, while improved by the house of representatives, is watered down by the appointive powers given to the executive branch. The powers vested by the congress to appoint senators and by the president to appoint judges is undermining our representation and bringing us closer to the government we just left. Federalists might argue that unity is more important than to have states automatously make decisions, which again sounds to me a lot like what a monarch would

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