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Essay On Lgbtq On Older Adults

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older members gravitate towards moving into living in gay districts. One rationale for this is because they are able to have a better support system.
A difference between LGBTQ older adults and straight older adults is that they tend to have fewer children and as a result they often lack caregivers. Like the younger group of LGBTQ members older members also have the fear of being discriminated against especially in the healthcare settings. For the current older LGBTQ, they are an important unique group compared to other older LGBT members that will come after them. The current older LBGTQ members are considered to be the baby boomers and silent generations of LGBTQ. They grew up in an area that was considered prelibation which was before the Stonewall riots. Therefore, they may need health service much more than any other LBGTQ populations, but they are hesitant to pursue the healthcare due to the stigma. However, unlike the younger group, older LBGTQ members report having a better mental health. People who know about their own sexual orientation tend to have less mental health problems, older members usually already address their sexual orientation in their youth and as a result are comfortable with who they are. This is consistent with prior research that indicated that older gay men were just as likely to be in a relationship …show more content…
Interestedly males reported being physically assaulted more than females, but females that did report being physically attacked reported the poorest mental health. Similar to the younger generation of LGBTQ members older members have obstacles to over some. For example, some nursing homes have been reported as not being LGBTQ friendly, older members feels as though they have to hide their sexual orientation and are at risk to experience loneliness more than their straight

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