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Essay On Middle School Bullying

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Have you ever wondered why that kid sits alone on the benches at commons or why he/she gets picked last in a game and everybody laughs at them? Let me explain. Overall, Bullying can affect a middle schooler emotionally, socially, and may cause them to fall behind in school academically. First of all, Bullying can affect a middle schooler emotionally. Bullies make victims hopeless and make them feel like they don’t belong. Bullies also make victims change themselves into something they're not. Victims who can’t stand bullying may turn into aggressive parents and adults themselves and go through emotional problems. Furthermore, Bullying can negatively impact everyone involved including the bully, the victim, and the bystander. From …show more content…
Middle schoolers feel left out and depressed when they are bullied. For example, if a student got bullied, friends of that person wouldn’t want to hang out with that student anymore in fear of them getting bullied and being seen with a victim. According to, by age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying. As kids age, they are less and less likely to feel sympathy for victims of bullying. In fact, they are more likely to add to the problem than solve it. According to, a person who is bullied may become an adult who finds it hard to trust others. A person who is bullied may have a hard time finding friends and an easy time losing them. Also, they may lack self-confidence or self-worth and may even end up in arguments trying to defend themselves. Adding to this, they may lose touch with friends and drop out of group activities and clubs and not do activities they usually enjoy. Not only will victims skip school because of bullying, but they might even skip school in fear of losing their friends. Being part of a group that influences you to do good is good but when you are in a group of bullies or people who influence you to do bad, you could end up going down the wrong path to success. According to, followers may put peer pressure on a victim because they were told to by the “ringleader”, or the bully. For these reasons, bullying

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